Owl proposal trimmed to save Northwest jobs WW ASHING rON (AIM The guv _ eminent is further l.r.lHMkUl st aling fiat k its proposal to protect the threat cried northern spotted owl in an effort to save Northwest tint tier jobs, congressional and oth er sources said The Fish and Wildlife Ser vice proposed in April that 1 1 It million Ur res of Northwest forest he designated as habitat entu al to ttie survival of the lord 111 August, the servit e rev ised the proposal to about H 1! mil lion acres Three sources, al! of whom spoke on the condition of anonvnvitv. said the area w ill fie r ut In less than 7 million acres in its final proposal this week David klinger, a !• ish and Wildlife Service spokesman it: Portland, confirmed the final designation would be si grub cant I v sc .iled hue k and have less economic impact than ear her proposals But lie dc t lined to disc uss spec itic s l think once the final plan is announced vou will sec some luirly significant changes in re spouse to what we heard in the public: hearings and in response to the economic: arguments that have fieen made.” Klinger said The agones' will present the final plan Wednesduv to i ! S Distnc t Judge Thomas Zillv m Seattle. Interior Department spokesman Stove Goldstein said (.ongressioo.il briefings on the habitat boundaries are scheduled Thursday, he suit! Thu three sources, including one Senate aide, said in inter views with d iie Associated Press that .ill state lands would he removed from within the proiec ted boundaries Graphics • T T PI St T T INC • PAST! UP • • UTOUT • Df SIGN • • CONSULTATION • CAMfRA • oft. •; 38! T h e v said I nd ■ m i is u t o changes could possibly be made, but that the dr.itt showed ii!k)i11 0 h million to ti •• million at res id national forests und other feder.d hinds would tie af fe< ted more than l million acres jn Oregon, about .! J mil lion m Washing! on and more than 1 -i million ni northern ( aldornia It was not clear how many fewer jotis wool I lx' lost under the limit' designation compared with the earlier pro|iosal's but sources said the age:. y was m diCiiling at least 1 tl()U jobs w on Id be sal ed ■ : \ ice declared the not!IterM spot 'led owbii threatened species in lull. | u ill a ini • lid 1 dure . i Lirii years id extensile logging 'i ould make It rxlim ! Id lor ts to save the uw bare ex p. • ted i require i lilting b.ii l logging to iIkiii) halt the re gion's tiad itiona I lei els ruder a leiieral i ourt order tin' agent V proposed last April tb.it logging be restrii ted across 1 I l> million at res ol so-called i ritiCal habitat" an area i.irger than Massai busetts and New Hampshire Hut the agent i revised Ms proposal in August to about H l million at res. largely by remov ing all the t million acres of private land in the original pro posal Agency officials estimated the region would lose about J.fdlH jobs directly as a result ol designating ti million a< res as critical habitat t'rider the final I. u million ai o- plan, the agetl 1 estimates job loss Would to tal uImhiI 1 A20 (ote. tlie sunn es sail! ***************** 5 ,0vrac game: sttirmcrr fra PUBUC MAIUCET^ M344M - - , VIDEO ADVENTURE I <§ vmrrnvnpuuk ▼otruuur iTfin ONE TOPPING - MEDIUM PIZZA Get a medium 12" one Ingredient 1*1 zza for ONLY >ir> Additional Ingredient 75* Why settle for less, than the BEST!?! 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