STERINGER Co' ’ • ..'*d Page ' Debra lihrmun, file ward \ city tnumilv* oman tor seven vi‘*if'*, ill?* iiii il nni !ii run Im ,niiithi'r term whu Is m.nil his ilii isinn 1 u juusp In fin•« 1, Slefmi;er ■ ..ini Katinnul Kikov • r\ dim 1 i .iiid i mnrn nii'y m Itvi'.t K i . in Hnrribn k!• has ai‘.ii decdiin ! his i iintlnliii v I im < 11 v i on ns i! M-'-m'. re.j m.-ii .fill i un-.ideririp, im >iK‘‘• Mi'rinj;i'f ssiitl II i li-t !* i Sfi fiii^i't s.iid two ■ if ins in.iin goals will in- in solve the .him s lunneiie.s pfnti ii• 11. tinii I keep rliivvnlnwn's I’.llgetie Mil 1 : i <»*•■-! I ll I null IS In addition to providing housing for people,, he would .tisci set up iob-iriiimng .ifTil iiiii pi.ii i (m*n! programs, to said No.leoV IT. til 'iii ill he r Ipf II ,-.i reopening the mull streets I* cause ii will not tiring ! ■ to downtown he ,iv !.. rev it.ii./e down town, he ‘..iid, is to eliminate tile validated parking program and possibly install sortie tetri piu.rrv < overs for the mail to keep people protected from the i i ,M and iither had w rather \nd some kind of plan o. needed to ileal with the pel reption problem " or the fear others hi)VC of !h(! (Mali that k< <•{»•. •i t it, ■■ ng there, he said Stennger hel icvcs he ,m pro* . ;■ ' | . in; : 'i!> to jii ; -it- ! - : ■ ■ their wants are for the i it v H)V IV !<) no! spur ! inure thin 55.out) on his (iimp.ngh and to go door Indoor to find lint what ion; I'ti)'. vutt rs h.ivc f < mild spend tens of thou sand's of dollars if f wanted to and probably win However, tor l.n k o! :'-..our) es it ni ,i t, „ , okt U. he ! spend that amount, he said Hut I wouId r.11her meet tv ar » ith the people of tin om-on-om- and let the . ! ■ . Str r ' ;! > r ■ :, d :. for ht< future plan's.- si ted hi’ said hr plans to get. another 10b as a legislative as sistant for inf orm*, because be -,ng. a (its i ( is a non paving ),ol> . to!! ! thinl. I’ll ever be able ' . • ' ;v u! of politii s in gener Us m m\ blood.' he said Hot ! in not going to lie a (a: rei r politician to am sense Having started his career in p ..t.i s at this voting age. does be havi bus eye on the Oregon governorship? I've always St ■ ed with tile idea but It's mix h loo earlv. he said SCHOOL SUPPLIES I’m Art NEWSPRINT PAD .9 lxt ml h.iik f! PASTELS ^ :«)% OFF k sit.iihmoM L PREMIUM RECYCLED \ SKETCH PADS » ' 2 \ I $' - \ r* / \ z.MJ 4.50 ‘t\ 11 {-RING BINDERS I .(>7 I M7 \.Vi SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS ’IH'i Mi' 'n-ilta i-<*( , . k'i , 1 r-i! i dill . i lull i Re to ‘Mc\ ‘I u- \ FILLER COMPUTER PAPER PAPER 87c 4.99 Y\ IIN )| \ \i '\\ 1( Ml VINE CHARCOAL % V V KS kVi; Mi ' M , H( >\ l\( 20°u OFF 25°,, OFF l Ipl flit.lit < 'ItU I' I’lDliui I s 11( K |*| N 4IC>\. IVilli! t ,>t J ii ki I ( I it kl I \UC HANK Al I’l NC I'll*>1 1'it‘i isc V ) ,iikI \ KOI UNO WRITER 1.29 Kit x ins niski in Mt ii r>i ks ! ( < ) Mti in.iiui". usii i ,i,a 30% OFF ii >,»[i|" imlmt-nl Bi«>ks 25% OFF l ,inih(-i!iv t., MS) ss \\ \ \fi I’Kl )i H ( 1 S I »ri .; V-,., \ INN I HOAKI) ( ()\ I K :*()% OFF iiru* i sir : 1 '■ ; H • i; j n K11I11 • f ■ PICK UP OUR IN-STORE ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY HOT SHEETS FOR HUNDREDS OF GREAT VALUES! I’rurs / //(■< //vt* through I J> 0 tn.v •'» f •*•«>• i.1 Wtf)ix>;.d.iv . i i'y 8. 199? 13th and IQncaid Open Mon. • Sat. Ph. 3464331 TRAVEL Cor*./ued from Page ‘ ih ( t'n11*r nursing dint tor M.I-.; jn ■ ip!.- don't inrai' in .is early -is thev should,' Moffett s.i I i hr. '1 in four inonlhs ahead of departure is good preparation limn bui don ! wiiii longer Ilian si\ to . :ghl weeks bidore leaving The lengthy preparation lime is ■idviM'd hit .mse main shots cannot he given together and others require a specific amount of time Iwfore the tray e!er . an enter the country 8th annual January SALE ()pus e ^' on 8/' \* Mi?y between Oak & Pearl New Hours Ofvti EVENINGS! !\ lotubi) '-FriiUt) • 7:30 am - 9 pnt Saturday 8 am - 6 ptti Sunday 9 am - 3 /mt Classifieds 346-4343 —.... -. i