Indian pencil drawings on display at museum By Karen Engels : • /Ter I’uper, paints and | • m li ro place traditional buffalo hide* ami dyes in .1 unup. :.\ .a Arnpaho lntiian art .it tin- l'm vcrsilv Museum id Natural Ho lory A rap.1 h.n Warrior' .*• *i^■ r Drawings lUthOnlun Native Arni'rit:;m Art.1 traveling hi bit of II Native American drawings, opened Mu: lav 1' thi Museum The drawings, done before 11170, depict Arapuho warriors with names such as -Heap of Hears and Iwo Arrows m, arts of'bravery and combat with white soldiers or I'iiwnn cat ura! enemies of the Arapahos Tho Arapahos. a I’l.nns Indian tribe, roamed m Colorado. W\ oming and present da\ t iklluho ma The art is in traditional fndt an pictograph tradition, hut ma lerials were provided in white men during the 'early reserva lion period when the Indians were prisoners ot war o to speak, said Allison Dave. White lives (Cheyenne ( reek) a eon sultant for the exhibit V\ hite Lives, o! the l amersjtv ()ll"u e of Multicultural Allairs said tin Arapahos were literal1, told b\ their w hite captors to draw, hut not given any gutd lines The results, active drawings with intricate detail, vvte used to maintain tribal communica tions and cultural id- ntils In I'lairis Indians un reservations and b<»ardiiig scIhmiK twgmnu g in the IfiStK 1 .11 h uf the brighiU i ifored • i l-l itu dies iM.i ti.s.cs injort’il pent il and graphite '>n lined rdger paper {'hr drawings when .u piih .1 tor exhibition, w ri• s!;; ]origin ii !> it '! : rile \ w r; e p r ■■ sc r v e i a n .1 Ir lined a prnli < Ilia! from ui ir.u inlet (jght I Hi! di'sprlptiiins. wn'ini Ic, : . . ! : Plains Indian pu tngrapfn and anthrnpoiogx . ai t ninp an .ear h drawing Ills: i (> 111 . Ill 1! 1. I.i ■■ i ;! w ards Irdg Ih'au Viag-.p W n lined !■ ir the original owner Pete! \\ j lie. ird l a,,dt v. p I ! r ,1 \ i v. ' ■ •: , : Yr a j lilt it 'll fit l ( ailuraii.i ( r preset.!.: ! n t it! i. h ■ im i : i'lii; d't a vx migv. w <-■ r ■: eil dtiwn His drsi.endadl*. bfdnfe berAt siirrend. red tor exhibit I he museum will extend up eraling lumrs for ihe ,iv vvei ^ V ' 1 lie- e X h i : e V . hours an- noun to r> pi m seven la',- WI k i. !. ' 1 il- in ends i et) in Ai! niis'ai :. . fret:, hut donations are era our a.sal ! In- !: n lids : 'I. Mia um ol Natural llisioiy is spun soring the exhibition \ set ies uf exhibit- and • ■; • iml programs is ... hedu'e d in < unjtmt-lii-ai vx itli draw in,; exhibition ARTIST Cor' n;Jod horn Pa 6 color to it in >i way that en ham t;s it's dtaniatu appeal said! . vs h; •■- = ■ ■ dels Will til- le 111jr• ! 1 111 a natlon.ll art magazine Inform Art, tins spring Ai i ni.liiig to tie ,f ' \\ hat |.s .■•It iniiii d.1 ! shadow and negative spat r Is |Ust as important as tile primary Mibjeet. and lends drama to set apart an ordi nary image and make it ox traordinarv Alii \lllllilHHI • iS f. ! -.11 ■ 1 i1 ■ a - . ■ ■ : i putnltm'A. on display a! ihi; Huh (..•isN't *. l !> l 1 hi- ti.i11*1 v i-i ii ' .j.i \ : t: i. Fi .d.iv H 111 .1 m In I ill |I II! S-it or ifovi from 1 i .i ns to * 11 i» iind .iufii!.: ii• M ..• f-• • r>t,• r pi-rforrn ini i". I tu- jmltln !•* also inviii-i! lo i Hitisi lhi arils! fm option u!'. 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