Bonin'in the New Year with Very Special Guests 95.3 "KAYE Monday, Jan. 13th, 1992 TICKETS ON SALE NOW af 8:00 D.m. Hi 00 U o«0 SlixlanO III 00 A3, Kramer's images de pit i 11h- right on his door step neighbors, family ,iriti friends, and the Oregon scencr v and I i lest v ! e There's little in Kramer's work that is disconnected from Ins (iwn vs ,iy of Hie On this level. Kramer lie lieves it's a lot easier to com mit to working on something one's comfortable with or feels strongly about and this, is wflV he made the switch Irom more than .Ml years of painting in an abstract, non objective style to a more conscious style just two and hall years ago I guess I became more awaft • t t epre-e itat .(srvii images and Its emotional in stead of decorative t input t said Kramer who graduated in fine art from Cal State in lu Her ton Rustic and meditative, the allure of Kramer s paintings is not how tlu-v jump out, bright a mi active, ini t i n their muted moodiness His use of light and darkness is purln u la11 v t harai 'tensile He sees his suliject lor Its ob vious qualities at the same time .is lie interprets the im age as it kuk-. around in Ills head K! v pit lures have a large chunk til what I at tuullv see and I at-, inject light and ’ urn to ARTIST Page 7