Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 08, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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    Pilots never get off ground,
Oregon wins and goes 8-2
By Jake Borg
{touch l.lu n Heihv knows
Ins Orison vuimur. s' basketball
team is good The learn knows
: I s good Kv i'pt tin* t riivvil u it i
mutely gives t(it? Dili ks .1 little
tiH> much (risi it
Wimn forward Ki ll\ Blair
found herself all ulont* .it Ore
j>on's end of the court in l ues
dav night's ti:i r 1 vvin over
Portland it Mi \rthur ( our!
the sophomore (lulled iiji her
dribble and jirepared to lav the
trail in
A young fail's voire Irotu the
stands won! uji W ith Blair
Dunk it' the \ oungstei
Sum. kid, the Ducks are
good, not gods
But what Oregon has over
cornu to finish its pre season
ii makes tin- Dm ks look like
they have been blessed w ith the:
grat 0s of those ahove
I t hought we d id a *. ery
good job Considering we (dined
so many players said Hinny,
who let his entire rosier see ai
lion in the game We had a
number id players who played
very well I felt we really didn't
lose that mut h with the bench
I think we may have even
gained some
The reserves, who amounted
lor M of Hi (mints during a win
over Montana State in the
Due ks last game, again shined
on the court, scoring dH to the
starters' 4 7 1'he Oregon buru.h
more than doubled the output
ol the Pilots reserves, who to
taled |list 1 M
1- res h in an guard Jessica
St butt again made an Impres
sion off the her.: h (souring in
; i [mints im Iudtng t ol t>
three-point shooting Sr butt
stored JO oil tile bench against
Montana State
( liter Safa Wilson, starting
in her first game ol the season,
bad the t ot band lot the Dm ks
km* kind <lo» n H ' .12 shots,
tor a train-high -0 point'
\\ imsN.'ii : " • i ■> k •
opening nine garnrs becausr of
mohomiclrosls anti a fool so
•in and despite her iniprt
si’vi' stiilistis s which siisis in
i iudi'd gume'ihlgh i :
hounds, tin' sophomore said
shr still was not 100 pen ent
I su's I was at ill of i'U per
s rnt. V\ dson •..ini
Not tint till running mi !>••-'
tii<m full steam and an imprrs
sivr performance. Iicing it lief
first stir! suit <■ .1 month long
t .11 it ion with 1 • .1 st Ansi
U . is sii tv 1!. In- pressured t 1
prrlufni .is .veil with tin- iebut
nt the I 'tii 1 In HI (ion fere nr e
season."waiting .it I (LA Frid.n
irui with slur. forward Hobbit'
Spui.i is h out I. •: tour to sj\
weeks w ith .1 foot inpi.r.v
S.n 1 .mil Driilur vv.iuid .nisi
,1 iirw dimms. in. Helm said
I Ills! ■■hope-DebbieV hi'Ii lor
till' sot wnd hull ot the I’.n It)
SI’.l Si ill
I‘hr Dinks (lid tihe without
Wilson for nr.irlv thr rntiri;
pre season, and I ursd.it thrv
looks'll rijuullt ul rase without
Sport it h who did not start tor
thr lust time m her collegiate
Oregon missed its tjrsi six
shots ot thr game and found it
Mill down 2 1 tor thr unit lime
ill thr gaintt be lure the offrn.sr
turnrd up thr iirat Hir Ducks
look ol! from liir Pilots on a
2! 7 tear that gate Oregon a
ilM2 cushion tiiat was nrur
Portland. which saw a deficit
.1'. large as 2 1 points 111 thr
game closed to w ithin I t in
tilr half and even rut the lead
to Li again Inter, hut thr game
w.1 nut ui rrach
The Pilots Martha Shrldoa
led tia' game w ah i-1 points
ttir fourth 01 1 asiiiii thr senior
lias 1 !,u krd thr .10 point liar
Y\ hit fH'vrr is l t~s\
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Sjra Wilton (above) and lesha
Smith iright> helped load the
Duckt over the University ot
Portland 88-71 Tuesday night at
Mac Court The 8-2 Ducks will
lace UCL A Friday in California
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