Henline Mountain Trail hidden heaven for hikers J INTO THE lOOTDOORS BY JAYSON JACOBY The vat!<'V of the l.ittle North S.mu.mi Kivcr east of Salem In .1 remote area lii.it recently has luiumi' inure popular will) every das iiei ause of tiie proves of old growth Dougins I'tr and red re d.ir trees along ()jml < reek 1. in iron men i ,i I groups .ire conc erned uhoul plans in har y.est some ol lliis timle r and have aggrnssis el s public i/.ed the area, n-sulting in a large in crease ill visitcie. ill r > eiil years Another attr.u lion is th re,-, in little mining tosvn at Jaw hone Nats, which e- the gale SS as to ()j l! t ris k ‘eels t on ..trill ted trails lias e made ai c ess eV.cn easier It is rather ircillii tie n. I hat mu- of il)c most interesting and worthwhile Inking Ir.uis in th> v.»11«*v still receives Istti■ - it!• •:i lion 1 iii- Ht• n11m* Mountain t ran (liH sii t pass mam old growth tries, awl it doesn't follow urn sparkling mountain streams ei ilit-r. hut tt (Ira’s offer ii lot miss ing from the Juwhnni Ha' (ij.iil (ireek region namely' li i hi-n ami mossencrusleil rt* k pillil.i' lrs, slopes of In .ir grass .mil other alpine flowers .mil most imptessiir s u'Ws from If;*' h inner 11r<■ .lookout .it tin* ei ! 1 ii.i '-ill i'vii'ii.11ng 11'..’ii VV •, .. i* ► M if.’ C - 1'.! K..oi',' *.;• !■ It. tsi ■ " ; 1 i < .nil's In soiiu' n -.pi'i ts though,, it isn't itiffu nil to fig:.;* nut w hy !his I i i-llont !t,i! i ig!ion ■ I t’roli.ihly tho biggestn r. .n ih.it tin' Ir.rilhiiui is m li.iril : i flint It's right lx .. 1 tin: i.m i h'.uitlij’ to Jaw lit a ie i I .it s .lint ( i O I ... h i! till' ill- , pokes out f if ,1 :, * s :I is ftlutust impossible to m i v eo k n n’.\ v. ! < ■ * '. .k Also. the trail ran lx- i!im uur ,1.; '■ ■ s ane. • it t limbs It'. ,t se ’. ■ t ■■ ;!i hi n ks vs hit h sei m let j>« ! progressively t-r. guining MM) (i i : m only about three jiiii*■ k to the iiiiiis n! u olti Hr e i.. ikttut Still, the tr.iil is hurti !f I he.it h >r .1 g' totj w Iirkuu!. ami .e. I men!:,the hiker is reward < i with r\i I'llent \ lews most i I t he w a \ up i . :. . '. the Mi'! V .: t.i i is I r-i i! foil.»w I tie s igiis nil Htglivv .1 i .’ e.ist Ilf S .1 loin ;1 ' " . ; . > ' : S : e , ! .1 : ,; A re.i Ahiillt two miles .liter this feu i turns tu giiivi 1 : in mil. s !; i III lie h ighvv a\ junction ) lie hit up!. .. link at i ’t !U1I< lltll) VV.iti h vour oiii.meter < ate ! i. :(imi th. p.-itit At 1 1 si.it! looking ctoselv at HOW TO BUY TEXTBOOKS AND S/VE MONEY COME TO THE SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE FIRST. Chances are you will find most ot your books at halt price BRING THE TITLE AND AUTHOR’S NAME. It might take some time to tind your books, but we will be glad to help you look, and the savings are wortti the wail RETURN BOOKS YOU DO NOT NEED. It you buy the wrong books or drop a class, you can return the books lor a lull refund SELL YOUR OLD TEXTBOOKS. After you buy your textbooks, bring in your old books and The Smith Family Bookstore will buy them tor a very lair price SMITH FAMILY bookstore 768 East 13th • 345-1651 1 Block from Campus IN nn tin* left side of the :1 ! \ i j :; i jrl v< s low 1 v you si.i . ! *-■1 li.' trailhead sign ! tt.ul heads up the slope .1! .i! angle .0 tin- dim lion you ■ . ’ inn* i.li ill' ru.itf After • ■ ■■ I ill mile iif moderately • ’ i i .rs i!( I.Imi k ing tile !r.H I ... > i ■; 11 for ,i short distance vs : i r. ssing. an : mpressi ve i i ■. !' The ir.nl then begins climb ing eg.on. tins lime w mding lib .in i! lor I li up u si cep smith f.a. mg slope, whit h is ac tu.illy tin easterly ridge of I i.■ n i mi■ Mm.:.f un A! about two liilles tile Iruif i ..nlours re rth .it the crest of 11:e ridge passing a short' spur trail If: if le , is jus! .1 f- VS feet !l> m. kv pro'ii'flit<.ir\ with vi«‘ws \ • : ► 1 A I};'. \ . I ■ V ! t ■ t 1! t ’ ; k :. 1 • • ( : Mi : ^ f n de< ent i .imping spot along the Ira 1! a small, relatively Hal I’r.e.sy sp.a at.mil 10(1 feel to tin: right o’ the Hail iust at tfie point where tie* ridge begins to jh-mge steeply down!:il I 1 he trail !hen flattens out for a ipiartel mile ei! so as it clings to a sleep i h!i |),.,| teat ores a ynw o I 1 he r on .i past the tr.nihe.id arid of Mt Jefferson ! It:!';. As. M .i,n ti tin east A! the end at ilia, flat Siren h the, ': , e -.’.s i te lies !..i. k an >■ tie lore , iimhing throng!) a large p •!. ,)! r , ks whit Is h a in the base of Her,in,.- Mountain's summit j.mnai h to You i .m see the top from this p :; n t. hut tin' Ira 11 wi nil s .iriiiiiiil to thi' oilier side before gaining the summit i tom the top the view is most impressive To the north i s the iso l.i ted Bull of t he U noils Wilderness, also railed the Hidden Wilderness" he i ause it is visited so infre quently There are also several roi ls pinnacles visible.mi hiding the \\ i stern summits of Henline V ..'.tun as wel I as Mas tv Hark which is the most promi n tit ol the outcroppings to tile l sualh by jaiiuats at least :; per I. 11 ol the trail is . : ;dw,!ti sinu\ But as of e : week, the trip w as virtually w Iree i’l i ause ol low snow i i’editions so lar this winter, el t' : eii then w ere a few drills near the : p However, with the re; rii cooler weather there's P" ! .! Iv some new snow along the trail But that's Oh. too, because . n in thi snow this is an on , .ih ■ trip It is easy to follow , ■ i the mountain shrouded in w and a e looks ghost IV Bei ause o! the steepness and tt. switchbacks, this trad isn't satiable for cross-country ski trig An important item to remem her There is no water available along the Henline Mountain Trail, so make sure you carry plunls (GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 TODAY! CRAFT CEN1 ER worKSi UONkMH >l’> Ml < -1 N soov located lower EMU information: 346-4361 k NGHIONTAtGEV v Emerald CALL OUR AD DEPT: 346 3712