Trrrrr xh±i± GORfiMcHi: '( A ,\J!K'^V f ! i. IP pl ; 1 /ioORAy f oR ' f ym-.v./vj/ f LETTERS Camping out I wonder it 1 ’.11 Malneli at tended th«‘ same Constitution Court hearing I did {OlH Dot U. 1‘1'tl) Malm h asserts Saferide and the ASt'O reacted to Al>t■ Hopner s i hallenge of its women-only drurr and rider polu.v with "hvstertu and pow er politics Yet Hepner appeared to tie the only person in the room who was allowed to interrupt other people's testimony or statements tins from a man who was attempting to elimi nate one ill the lew islands o! safety that t ampus women have m a dangerous environment, and who. with his cohorts spent a good fraction of his fall term camped out in front of Saferide S of!it e. engaged In lx havior that could he construed as an attempt to harass or in thnidate Saferide stall I do not mean to say Hepner w i-. nni i nlitled In In'- d.iv in i ouri. .uni I would to think ho is not fully con si imts ot how ilri ph hurtful lus it turns haw been Hut respot ting Mupnrr's right to fit* In*.ini should not oh m tin- .in .tpprn i.ition for tin* re in ,i r k a I) 11- for r h r ,i r .i n i <* S.ilcriifr s st,ill .iriil supporters have exliihiltid under vert trs mg c ircumstiitu es ul Pt’tci son llistlll \ (.11 JED 2673 Willamall# 4*4 0996 UU F n THE FAR SIDE By GARY t ARSON 1 I_— Darren was unaware that, under the table, his wife and Raymond were playing tentaclies T TRADITION ★ Delta Zeta is the largest National Sorority with 171 chapters. ★ Delta Zeta gave over $41,0(X).(X) to lot al philanthropies in 1990. ★ Delta Zeta gave over K) graduate and undergraduate scholarships tins past academic year. ★ Delta Zeta sets the pace tor leadership and academic development across the country. DELTA ZETA NATIONAL RUSH January 13-17, 1992 What: Informational Party When: 7:00 p.m. January 13, 1992 Where: Fac ulty C'lub ( iirncr ol lJniversily A I ilh for more inform,ition ple.ise < I: Ki)l)in I )eArmond 18 > \ •> >2 Shelly SutherKind Mh-1 IS I i Delta Zeta provides the o|)[)ortunity tor many strong and lasting trit'ndships.