EDITORIAL Marcos presidency absolute mockery )ust when you think the world > annul get any more foolish, something conies along to sink politics to an all-new moronic level. Itnehia Marcos, the woman who single-handedly kept shoe manufacturers in the black foe years, an nount.ed Monday she wants to run for president of the Philippines. You gotta be kidding. The word uudat ity comes to mind So does idiocy A Marcos candidacy is a perverse example-of. Andress Jackson's "anybody c an la* president’ ideal. Since- she and her husband Ferdinand were ousted from posver in HiBfi Man.os ha-- dyed in exile She re turned to the- Philippines to fac e c harges that she* helped inlk the country for billions' I'he 21 year Marcos legacy bankr jpted the country In her speech, Marcos said she was running because Corazon Aquinos an ministration had ig nored lilt* suffering of thr i ourtry's clowntrod den. What she convr nientlv ignored is that her husband's regime i fritted the suffering ol the pour And unlreiievabh. ns );as suppoi! III fir! homeland Nohodv is dei luring her a tin K fur the president \ nr even tile front-runner. Simply put, if Marcos wins, the United Nations should erect a naval blockade around the islands until the country comes to its collective senses. but m the sordid world or I ilipino j»o1111f:s. when* vot mg blocks an* bough! and sold as on a stock market, am thing ( an happen. .SimpU put. it Marios wins the I anted Nations should erect a naval blockade around the islands until the country comes to its collective senses I'erdtnand and Imelda were eerily similar to Louis XI\ and Marie Antoinette Revolution felled both regimes in part caused b\ Imelda's and Marie's 'let them eat ( ake ' at titudes Just like l.mosiana shunned {eventually) David Duke, the Philippines needs to send Imelda and her 1.Atro pairs of shoes packing, again (Jri'xtHi I >,lil\ Emerald P.a BOX HW. KUO CMC. OftCOON C \ ' • , . lit.! if- If.lii Vl! I' ! y "w 1 it ' i fe •»«•-' * ' 4*J . I I U 41 ! 'iw t ■ •- -if .Hi ' <* *V>»,i4t «■«> . f • Ml. I • .i f „ \ ?-« f ' . v«. , .MV", !* .. I clrtoi tn Ch»#f ■ f «1« I Jrtof » Urn** l Jilor l ditof i«l > ditof I dllOf Ht(jN I dil Of | S. ■ «U»" H>gh«f l duc«tK>rv Admtrwttr *!«'n «, , fcatur** U M»|»o«!vr« ’ s • » »M «<» ! .x «• * ¥ i <■ i «■, r, ' , -* Copy t ditor » * "A ■ (-’,>» ► 1 •• ■ U' ■ ■' ■ ! M ' I ► I ' | < • *«►.»'> '*<»* «| PfK’fogr aph«r« .**,» * A . • <• Hit *r Aj***ti*ir>g hit P'vi'tt, i. .. * •• M ... •-» 4# r ► • I .tv- t •»** ' Kif V ' .»" »■ «i M. i n ■•'.***,< I <# .1 .1 § h. i ' a»* f! m*d 1 • - , , • 1A . K4.tr »..v ►*». A •«» Bon'im * ft • ■ , . Production »! A a f o '»> .%• • r v% ■ *• * « t ■ *»■ ► ♦» , ,• . M o, ; i»«. *.i • . . M *.t * «» 1 (.• r»• f• I M«n*g«r »• A S S 11 Offu 0 Ut> SSI? C)tt>pJ4> Advertising Clmi* ain't Mimin' Nn i t hi-n Nut rum Probably not ever Mario (aiouio till fivt’ year (h.dot of till' 1 )i'iti. m rat k party, imi t going to show up for t!n> 'll* rat run' He wouldn't join tla rrowd in 1UHM Don't look for him m l'fiti But no maltiT liovs many turn's Mario suvs no, proplu lion ! in'Iii'Vr him I'm not running Mario says Yrah. sun- bahi what' vi-t,' ays lonstitui'iit wi .iruu; ( no iti. iiit 'i.1 '«• i atii{ia.gn liuttiin Nn rrally, Mario .ays W i- In' I ii'Vf you. < i iistthl ' :it .i'aiii rs .si hr tort: tun iiirig oil to a Draft < iioinu tally ii.iwiil on! ,,o.t Wok. bait !«• i111w Democrats still won't Irayr llitii alone C uiinu) had to tjuash a favoriii siin movement Mt 1■. : : mnilyt.ihi'his t! N• w '> i i s ■ primary ballot I.Hough alrraiiy Forget i! lb s history S.: ■ r.. : iin | sjn"- ti thr Driinn ratic national convun Sion, Cuomo has fiiH’n thr par ty's hrir apparrnt His personal charm, politically txirrei 1 sik ial ii a s i .. * s j aak i tip ab. 1 it y had party regulars frothing at the mouth and rival prrsidrntial hopefuls si lift'd as hull \ mody an h- P V t " i debate (nnvention.il thinking hiid Cuomo entering the ruce HH , a w hatevr!) .Hl(i I!) !i:■ i• tir^f 11■ iov i•»< <1 debate, m.ik ■ ' 'in- Six ihvaris look like (■re pubescent moron* with xjieei h impediments 111 i t it was. .liter .ill, just one speci h I i IX i he< kerell J il >I it l( ill i ..trix-r has been largely Ignored, ' Ii tie sax lie llki gh >w (if his magnetron Ihe infatuation with ( uoitio is not without historical prei e .lent In iten, Willum lean:tigs Nobody can beat Mario in a debate. Conventional thinking had Cuomo entering the race (’88 or *92 — whateverf and in the first televised debate, making the Six Dwarfs look like pre-pubescent morons with speech impediments. Bryan titillated tie i.rmwl with his "irnss .1 gold sje el h The Dnnoc rat*, hist in the euphoria of the moment. proceeded to nominate him for president three . ait el the next lour t ier - turns Ih bombed every tune, tall .: . b not,il.ii W .idams as V k ::lex twee and '1 alt a losing streak since m.ili died ,»nIv In the Denver Broncos Bryan's only other historical contribution is getting clubbed bv Clarence Darrow in (in Si i >pes NB ill ki■ \ i r..11 Mario know s Ins history ()nc speech hoes not a career make i a entuuli v. tiie politic a 1 sut i ess of the candidate enters the !ra\ \mi there. Mario falls short Tti i' ecnnom v or !r»i k thereof, is going to tie the major issue of the ' ' lull It. i key ! u sigh it strikes ,is a lull, tut ul arrogance tiorn Irom irise ■ . 's Bssh i ampaign w. u k.-rs SS saliv sorry In sen Ma rio go (leorge s economic prioress is sure to be thrown in lus face and (ammo is the only candidate whose fiscal impair merit is even worse than Bushs Si, end the Mario Watch (ammo am t cornin' Demo . nits, sui k it up and nominate somebody yvtio really wants tfie jot)