Albany high school safely detains armed, troubled student ALBANY (AI *) A high school senior vs ho anno to s< hool urnmd with two ri flos under his overcoat hud written letters saying he wanted police to kill him be* uuse he feared going to (nil on burglary charges, authorities sev "I'm toast, wrote Thomas A ( aid well 'All rnv hopes and dreams are gone " Caldwell, 17, came to st hool Mondav morning carrying one unloaded, sawed off 22 1 allber rifle and a loaded, sawed off <()(> < aliher Savage rifle, unordmg loan Albany police report Caldwell also was tarrying u 1 r> iw h bayonet and ti't rounds of ammunition for the guns, the polit e report said But nobody was hurt after .in anotn minis caller tipped st hool officials .that Caldwell was armed Print i 1 John Do Holt; said Tuesday (aldweil was standing outside his first -period classroom a short wav from lh A**I '= - ' imi *> • i *4> | l.t’ 1 l • ' A I *>< «• »OUNO U o' u ... 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