Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Israel again stymies peace talks
li negotiators arrived Monday
for a new round of Mid east
peace talks, but the Arabs de
layed nailing to protest thr
planned expulsion of I* 1’ales
llnian Arabs from Israeli held
At the United Nations, the
l Initial Slates joined the other
M Set untv t ounnl members
on Monday in strongly ton
downing Israel s planned do
portatlon of Ibe l’aleslinians
I rani e s U N ambassador,
lean Hernard Merimee. sail) the
I ri (I vote may entourage the
I’alestlnt.ins to return to the tie
goliating table
Arab .mil Western iftplomals
had said the expulsion orders
•a err undermining the peat e
pna 1 • ant! tainting the alums
pliere of the talks, yvhit ll are
iheiluletl 1(1 resume Tuesday
i, W ashing!on
! b ikini Kubtnsluin. a senior
t.i ni got I a lor. e X p ressed
• tb.,' the Arab negotiators
,y . , t arrive on time fnr talks
Agfe! :. rills ll.1V e to be boll
aed Kubinslein said
Helm.- tile negotiations re
.1 !I ii i vs eeks agii Israeli.
I’.ib •■liman and jofdant.ni nego
II iii a mi, am.ills agreed to re
same on Tuesday
! bev are dtsi ussing an Israeli
(a ; i i to gist limited self
government to Palestinians
whii live on ihr West Bunk and
in the (.u/u Strip
Israeli is holding separatene
gnthitions with Svria imil l.elva
nun In .i show of solidarity, the
two Ar.ib governments also de
I,mi! sending llietr negotiators
Israel s.iiil Iasi Thursday it
would expel lh«* Id I’.ili'Ntmi
.iiin who are .ice.used of me it
mg terrorism on the West Hunk
,111(1 111 ( ol/.U Four Isr.tells hlive
I MS' f l killed 111 the territories in
the lust It) weeks
(iii Monday fin Israeli mill
tars appeals hoard hearing the
appeals ol the 1/ Palestinians
ria■ ted a request to postpone
deliberations, the army, said
No re,is, ,ri w as giveli
I he State !iepurtinent said
ist week it si rongl s (Oil
detuned the expulsions as in
v udiitlOM id tile ('.eneva ( (ill
\ t hhori • prov imuMs oil lr<*al
in* nl i i inhabitants of o« i upini
! hi Stsiii" Urp.irlnirni 4*.mi
f \ « I.r>’*; s o f r origcloi n g
sliou!*f ]»«• brought.In a ( i tirt for
.» f.nr ir i.iI Imm-cI on r\ ich*m ••
Mioin hilt’ K 11 ha r H Hnu
( h or .t S t.»i r i )<• j) ,j r l m r n l
s| n rMinif i i unhrmtoj an a* I
viM*r lo Pl.O (hairman Viissrr
\r.i!-i 1 ma\ f«- jH-rrmUi ti lo ui
Irf thi- t fnti ii SI.sirs
; hr .nfv ini■ f \abil Sha.il, i
ineligible for a v isa under a hi vs
barring admission of memtiers
of groups llutl promote terror
Hut the hivv also provides for
waivers, and Hoik tier said
Miaul had requested one Me Is
si liedviled to speak to an Arab
group Hoik her said waivers
sometimes are granted for
Speer lies
James J Zoghy. exec ullvc di
ret lor of the Arab American In
stitute saltj Mia.it was invited
to the group's polios confer
nine toll held here Ian 111 1*1.
some three months ago
It had nothing to do with
the htlateruls. /.cigbv said
In the last round of talks two
other Palestinians with c lose
III s la the* I’Ll) were granted
waivers bv tile Hush udminis
tratlon and |olned the drdega
Ilona* adv . set s 11 vs as not c lear
i! Shunt w ill pl.iv a similar .rule
Assistant Sc*c retary of State
i.dward I1 Djert iian scheduled
separate meetings with Israeli
>e collate:* and With Haidar
Main I Shall, tie senior Pales
liman delegate
Ihere was no sign of urgen
, ! .wi vel to get the talks go
mg again Hour her said onh
tfi.it lac illtic * will lie available
for tbe negotiations beginning
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crisis letters released
BOSTON (AP) The gov
emmcnt on Monday allowed
(he release of letters ox
(hanged by President Ken
nedy and Soviet leader Nikita
Khrushchov in the aftermath
of the Cuban missile crisis in
The John F. Kennedy Li
brary released the 10 letters
and transcripts of two verbal
messages after the State De
partment declassified them,
said library spokesman Frank
Library Director Charles
Daly said he was pleased at
"the long overdue release of
these materials and the loos
ening of the overly restrit live
polu v on declassification ol
historical materials
The missile < risis flared in
October. 1 *r>2 when an Amor
lean t ’ spy plane spotted
construction of Soviet med
ium range ballistii missile
siles in Cuba
Alter Kenrtedv responded
with a naval bits kude of the
Island. Khrushchev agreed to
remove the missiles in ex
change for t: S guarantees
that it wouldn't invade Cuba
In an ()< t to, 1<M>2 letter in
which Khrushchev urged
Kennedy to lilt the him kudo,
the Soviet louder said the con
frontation brought tin- super
powers to the brink ol dines
W ho needs it' he w rote
"It serves only the aggressive
forces to strain nerves and
thus to roach their goal which
is to push the world into the
abyss of thermonuclear war "
In his response, Kennedy
said he was hopeful the Unit'
ed Nations could help remove
the blockade But he warned
"very serious problems"
could arise if Cuban leader I’i
del ('.astro continued to op
pose on site checks of the
missile sites
"There have lieen no Unit
ed Nations verification that
other missiles were not loft
behind," Kennedy wrote on
Nov 11 "In fuel, there have
been many reports of their be
mg com ealed in r aves and
Khrushchov dismissed that
claim, saving in Ins response
that all nuclear warheads had
been removed from Uubn.
"One r an sa\ thui we do
not live m the i ave-man age
to attar h great significance to
liie rumours of this sort." he
Sixteen letters between the
two leaders in which they dis
cussed tile crisis were re
leaser) previously.
The Kennedy Library holds
more than J00 letters ex
changed between Khrushchev
and Kennedy and more than
:tti million pages documenting
the Kennedy administration.
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