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PARKING Continued from F’age 1 ( iiimsii The construction has i r. .is d .i loi of noise and has caused some ut lti( houses to ln-< mm' dirts 1 tie nr\s residential parking program is .i plan arrived a! unity b\ the University and 'tie ( itv ot Hugene. said ( lares Dr avion, director of'the ■ Office of Public Safety Drayton sail) there was a great deal of com ern by ri'si dents of t riin erslt\ owned fain \ housing in the east campus areaabout the amount of traffii and the danger that it poses for small a hildren living there As a w.i\ to deter students and staff from taking advantage ol fre< parking so close to cam pus Drayton s.iui the i it\ en ■ ouraged the University to im plement a residential parking program similar to programs in the south and west ! am ersits it roas Residents who rent from Uni vt rsily owned housing in the i'.is! campus area will rni'iu' We are relieved the lot is almost done. The construction has created a lot of noise and has caused some of the houses to become dirty.’ Mary Tegel / ,is:. vr’v /.s' resiOpni free (inrking permits I'hosc who ilo not live in I’niversiU housing will havi in pas SIf* (irr vehit Ir per \ isir lor extend ini parking beyond the permit leii two hours ACTIVISM Continued bom Page 1 I i»>te •Mild in addition Ui time another utisi.ii.lf in i-nvironmt'nl.il activism is lintl 'students .in really recognizing the interconnectedness ol ill these (sot ml) issues together." Hoop s.ini example. students m.iv on ,isi- ill\ !•-«'! guilty for working in \ .in saving old-growth fort-sis inti in.; putting energy into corn batting racism i'll.- growing complexity of studi'til environmentalism is lining . ; .! !!\ n-.ilt/.iiions that protest is m Finger the ff!■ i live tool lor i;,gf it was m the 1 >*itOs i: tin I'tHOs student .11 Uvistn shifted aw.tv from ptolest in the streets to dmloguc and more mainstream politii s. Hoop s.ml I • *,I ; st.m.i .: e\ I'll d m im i ' .IT' i w e-h students spoke II,,! more tests aw r re,tied to educate. but instead ihrv'rt scaring pis. pie id! Foote said V i.'iv ''mversit', students agret Him tmomental protesters' :ses at'' good hut the wav they go alstut it isn't, said Alex.in d; . / ipp a s, .pine: mre pohtu al si a" 111 1)01 '.! ‘lends and puts tillin' people oil than it recruits Hi t tuse I'tn l!ti!il!it!|li,iilslli is at: .sstie whose till " has come, vs e ii s< t :.,e. •• ■ stage protests ! , :■ \Y, , an :.uk to people fhotiiu said In- s ii.i'ii trying to t teak town the oust tint options tod stereotypes to ens .' ■ a: u u' a; i sts ,e ,udv i.tditai beaks" hv I s ,: a; !•. ! d ifltT> ■ r ' t \ ; a -. . ! ji- • ;,, i .u I: lay i. ' i.ke t g i .'a nut vi i si ie.nn, I’ooti .aid. vvh in tie; freshman and sojihornore seats at the Uaivets ly was instru ■ in t’ong ;• -*>it m gs ; ' i: : ! ••, ► •• I'm not lining anything Other students pert ewe protesters to be meltei live for tins ma son It «. td.it.mils , ibs u jus ’.o tin wii-i|e vs or Id how you feel aitou! hut v "ire not i- ’ .ids doing • duett , onstrui live said Charles Uetsler. a senior history huh nr • • ,n:td OtaU Twin Head 386SX 16 Note book Leading Edge 386SX Note book mm ar End Sale C OM|H It It PlKxll ( IS & Si |)|)lit sIm. ' SA ’.y to* VvrV.*mi OH 9’20!» P^cn# ?.'3 *491 * a» 2001 Frsnkim Bivti lujar.# 0« 97*03 P*ona MV 3314 Fa« MV3376 gl^'Tirr Mon K ri 10 t> Sal 11 4