ET ALS MHhTINOS Student Srnalr will meet to m^li! .il ii in KM I' Centu r \ Room 1) Call l it. i 7 j-4 for more information l nwanted Sexual Hphnvinr Task i on r will imrt Wednes das from 12 10 to 2 |i m m I.MK Cedar Rooms A and B Call iil> 1 1 t-V for more in for mation OI’I'OKHM TV 1 rep t holpsterol sc reentng.x will take place todav from 0 to 1 1 (0 a in in the Health Kdm a lion Office' located in the Stu dent Health do n ter < a 11 t in 4-4 :»»> for more informal ;, ifi Sl'KAKKR Kav Marshall . . aiom;■-! an Iluir if.u her and funner Sinn «if Labor under l’rtrsldenl mins (farter will disi im i S eitinulliu development strati BIOS m a free speeeh tonight at in the Wilder Room of the hu Heiie < .onferem e ( enter at the Hilton, t.ii I. I>th As e Headline tor submitting it ,\ls 11 thr l.rneraltl IrnlU desk ! \tt Suite .101). is mu >n the d.n bellin' jHlbihtiliun it \is run the duy ill the eyeni unless the e\ ent lakes belore mum XntU es III e\ents with .1 1 In. liiijltin iir .idmissiun 1 h,m;e is in nut be ,1 i t ep ted t \i in pus eienl.s and these si heduleti ne.iresl the puhlit at inn date will be pirn pnt n/i I he Inn 'era'll I reserves the rii;ht te edit niilii es ter ghiuim it iml style A sti:r\ m Monii.iv s !'ma .ihl .11nint the Lou ln< i■mi- l-.h rrgs Assist,mi <• I’ i on t.)inuti the wrong phonemini bur lor information I bo i:or m t nuHibrr is t>H ' lHtri Ihn I'mvrahl.i|k)|ogi/i's lur this <"■ n: r, :,fful rcgrfts ,im < tinfusiuji ii t;>.1 \ li.ui- i .nisi*.; Engine Service 1000 S Berlelscn Rd »l 1 ugrne OH 9/*0? One Block Worth ol \N llfh Nolan Ind PI a/a „\'Y ■.) :: ' >■ ■ ; \ • 342-395 CO Student and Faculty Discounts TODAY! emu CRAFT CENij EK i c'-aot F'/'.r’f:v ‘..‘A- i C A. . C ,l'A: craw v • SAr • RAR U W: . ;- r •AL •• ■ ■ ElAiN PHOTOGRAPHY WOODWORKING WATERCOLOR GLASS & MUCH MORE: WORKSHOPS KKt.lN SOON! located lower EMU information: 346-4361 Advertise in the Emerald LETTER PERFECT Graphics • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT . DESIGN • CONSULTATION • CAMERA • • TYPESETTING • PASTEUP - LAYOUT - DESIGN- CONSULTATION. CAMERA • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT . DESIGN ■ CONSULTATION - CAMERA • - TYPESETTING. PASTEUP - LAYOUT - DESIGN - CONSULTATION - CAMERA - TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT - DESIGN - CONSULTATION - CAMERA • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN - CONSULTATION • CAMERA - • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN - CONSULTATION - CAMERA • SUITE 300 CUB Ml MOKIAl UNION 346-4 38 1 9 00 r* 00 M / ran? IRS begins assistance programs horror. the horror' ll s lux time again Well almost l!nl soon enough for fht' IKS lo 'ii-pn il' federal tux return assistance program Kugenr taxpayers i .ill t 800 I A.V(HU*0 1 o-io Monday through tridav from * ,i m to ( in ;i m up until the \pri! 15 filing deadline Thu IKS encourages people to call ■ orix in the morning .uni later in the week to avoid a long wall Moreover, mam other .iwi't.ini e program' are available intituling walk in issistunie. mall assistant e and tele tax IVle tax is an automated information system that plays, prefix ortlet) messages on specific subjects t allers tan tall .’I hours a day to 1 800'87 0 147 " Mao assistant e w ill lie available t-eti 1 f> at Valiev River ( enter in huge no or people t an ret five personal walk in assistant e at the lilt g, n. IMS id in e lot ateii at 7’> ! 7 O.lkmi'Mt U iv tj: :: U a II: lo 1 to p m M Xiduv liuough ! ri day Literacy program seeks help \ • ii:r.t!:; v-.n hir.,: t . to m.mi! ■. s> • ■ ,• vwhinttH-r* to Iutor an awra#? of tw» hni wcrk !.>r three months rhi w.>rkplu<*■111«■ r»ii \ program Kl AI) KK .H i" is .1 pilot program sponsorni In Simp miii Investment t ompanv I II*- program is set In begin m lanuarv ami volunteers niusl lirsl * ompiete .in eight hour (Mining session Registration deadline is |iin I I l or more m tormution i I Marion*- Sinilh .il 111*- In gene Public>r*ir \ at *>n ' * -I ‘>U or Hon Itiirl/ or (ill 1- unit's at ' lt> '•» I ft Women s shelter needs volunteers W r. .1 shelter tor 1 »*» I l*-t i*t I women .tin I l ho i r t 111 ill roil will hfgin Us winter x ohm it t Mr.lining session |.in IH .mil I'f Openings exist for t risis intervention \xoik ■ rs In it Inn workers so* l.i I sit vires ml x ill dies till.liens workers, program work eis .11iij I r.iiisi111in House volunteers U e. whh h is sl.ifleil mainly In volunteers is ,i community program pro x lit- ii1111■ s111 vrolel11 e sii r vt vorsxv i: It a plate to slity hehire they return to ihe community year VV provided r anti emergen. \ si mg s t over 00 women atul children Student volunteers can receive class credit ihr .ugh l.i!.' i oriimunCv i ollege n tin I'm v e r s 11 \ ioi more mjonnatlon call I it. H.- I welcome Back Students We Buy and Sell Quality Used Books1 hr torv f f i:ish , - mthf p \v music j( urnnlism SUCK I, ^ (Iransi ' am : • ‘ U us ■{} .? ■ j :i(-, 1)11 lfs)\ \y ’1 u ■ i-nc ( ■ t isini >■> t ;> •mist ry pC • 11 , education Im* lur.t ics law f iM'icjn language ^ lit history ^ r* -licjion r - ■ i eat ion ph\M! s omputer science - e onomics ipi aphy speech ^ literature ^ geology The smith Family Bookstore 768 East 13th • 345-1651 ] Block from Campus