UNIVERSITY Carter’s labor secretary to talk about recession tonight In the fm i' nf Ifif current ret cssion. the United States is going In have to make soitii* tough i hotel's along the wav lo recovery Uni' of the leaders in the national movement for broader work forte development policies has a few ideas of his own Kav Marshall, economist, author, teat her and former set ret.irv of labor under President jimmy < arter will ills cuss W S et.onomii development strate gies in .1 free spent h tonight at 7 in the Wilder Ktxim of the lingerie Conlereiit e Center .1! the Hilton. 66 !•. nth Ave Marshall s talk. A High \V.iu' Strutr gs for Lconomir. Development. will h ( us on the need for the Untied states to adopt a 'high quality, high wage high skills" approach similar to the ones Is ing used in japan and 1 urupe Marshall is c t> author ■» of 1 h - Anirru.m Work lorn whi< h marshall i ■> < haired In loan 'Hi Marshall iv I- US seiretarv of labor from I**'.'" S' 15MU Hi- holds lln- Audre .iiiil Bernard Uapnport ( '-ninnnial Uhair in 1 vi unnniK s find Public affairs .«I the I nfverslU of Texas’ -it Austin Hr is < o authorof 2r> books and numerous w hoi arlv art it Ins Marshall is the lOlh of the University's Wayne Morse (’hair of• Law and I’olilli s, and will toleat h a l’diver si t \ class in l.ilmr and ocntuimii policy during w inter term In VV.tvnc Morse Chair was t reated in I'lTH is ,i living memorial lo the late Oregon senator tint! former dean of the i mversity School of Law I he 0< i u pant is selected by the l niversilv |>r«'si (ient on the basis of qualities and .u hievemenls exemplified in the life of Wiivne 1. Morse courage. integrity, in dependence. htng abililv. statesman ship, scholarship anti contributions to the enhancement of law . represenlative government ami world peace Psychology prof dies 1*ri'd Allnciivn .1 I ,‘mversKy jirulr-.'.or ' iiii'nlus uf jimi holo I4\ (in'll at iif>i' 72 on I)•« -4 If* a sjii'i ulisl in pun '-ji lion .mil ii iming, «nd vsns .1 ! ru vnrs 11 v (nr u il v mi'mlifr from \ mimioriiil si-rv ii v is sihisl uli-ii from 2 r> p m |.m iiiv I hr I .rrlinpiT A him n I Lounge Sur HillliilUin. itsMsldllt to llir hmd of thr psytJlolonv ‘J*‘ jnirtmi til s.itd liointltons mi Attiu'iivi s mi’iuurv mn !»■ niiiili' to I’l.iniii il I'.iri iithooi! oi the the University l-oundution. it r s i g It <1 I !• <1 tor the Ill'll Ijuinwmcii! I und Mu fund supports .in ;.s tun- s.-ru-s sponsori'd f>\ lint I >.-p irlmi-nt of l’svi hoit^v iind in. .111u'- of CogniUvt- und L)i i iviiin Si win es Collaboration planned ■■ . “ si! v I’fi's'llt Mylrs compare 3.79 : x: --C1 '3.99 i koC'Ak 7^fe. i:. x *2.89 1 KODAK Thfci i:; 3t *3.99 f> w.b.rx:t M.99 ;« ’17.99 49c each x-;e *28.49 hOOAc 'MAX40C*o: '29.99 KODAK Bcacfrome 5 *M8 ,v >6.49 k a> >: x ’7.99 * OCA*. E.-x'ircre AX > *8.99 ►.XAK t''xr;Tt >’ ‘7.99 quart ‘2.49 i * •XV*:?teOV5j',.’X *49.99 tKxdMjcfakv RC ii*14 50 *39.99 J ] • XV. :.S • vi •: *14.99 »tord Mjtgade AC 16x20O'- ‘22.99 J I c:v:;v^.-v 3i;x ‘13.99 -.u • ‘14.99 ■ ■ KOOV 5ffyCcrrr Sx‘0{110- ‘42.99 $P0"0NE ‘2.99 g ■ vXV tyOras: Him 'Cl ‘11.99 000Spa Snores ‘1-75 f We ve Got What You Need; If not, WE LL GET IT!* We will gladly special order or locate any item not in stock for your special requirements, with deposit. We aim to please! Save Time AND Money! See US!! prlccs Good Through January'" Across from U of 0 Bookstore 890 E. 13th St. 342-3456 Brand md Iht- president of Portland Stall- are planning an ia i milled professional eduta lion program lor arohilia Is in Portland I he plannrfd program could plat i' Portland on ihi- 11si of major i nils nationwide whom II is possible to obtain an a< i milled art hilet lure etftlt ation It also represents a major re sponse lu needs identified last year by the Governor's Com mission on Higher hdut.ation lor the i'uitiand Metiopolitan Area Detailed planning lor the or.v program. in< hiding a pro post'd opening date, will begin soon, -.aid Brand and Portland State President Judith Ramaley I his splendid initiative mat.- s good sense lor a variety ;-! Brand said It ere ate-, a imu h-needed new pm • ITPl SITTING • P»STi UP • • UTOUT • DtSIGM • • consul t*non • • Ii'ssional program fur the Port land area And bet ausr we .nr draw ing un thr existing strengths of two great universities, we are ensuring wise and efficient Use of Oregon's w an e public high er education resouri es " |err\ f inrovv, dean of tile t 'nivorsilv s School of An In tei Iure and A1 lied Ails, said vve n an int. . tiire ******* MMcrund ****** f\0vtoc W GAMES .Mnusn jtnmurr ^ ^ video pubuc market oowirwwi hjouh VIDEO ADVENTURE ®ULLR MUPU&A ’*« W *•»•>** liU TWtfT ▼ov\xuurr STUDENTS I tic I rt' Memorial l mon 111 be holding an open house lor e.u h of the 5 tin.(lists for t Ml Director You are lordialh m\ ited to attend IIMl : 1130am 12:30pm 1*1 AC I: CeilarD DAI I S: January 7 1492, January Hi. 1497 lanuarv 14, 1497; January 17,1442; januarv 21, 1442 DELTA ZETA NATIONAL RUSH JANUARY 13-17,1992 What: Informational Party When: January 13, 1992 7:00 pm Where: Faculty Club Comer of University & 13th For more information please contact: Robin DeArmond 485-3552 Shelley Sutherland 346-1151