TT^ Llll. Tom and Jerry reach prime time THE FINE PRINT BY PAT MALACH In Knglish vocabulary brown doesn't exactly denote great ness In lac l. It is a (Hellv mundane word Dirt and its cousin mini arc usually brown And of course. feres is brown \nvone who has drank, a lair share of green Ix'cr on St Put r ii k s Da v roll Id argue this point bins ever) \s a whole, (or hole! most id us would' agree that brow ii is not a word we assm tale with power or wisdom Ninels nine peri out of the time myalls will garner itself in rich i olors like green purple, gold, sliver or red dolors with i liarac ter are tbi' key Hrown just doesn't i ut it. Hut the mui b maligned anil taken lor granted brown got a boost in tin- arm rei nulls on network television No longer will brown be dismissed as a simple eartbtone Hrown, or more specifically jerry Hrown, was the most col o r f u I f e .11 u r e o I a recent Democratic debate on one ol our fine television networks IJi spiti being warned along w itli tin' rest ot the p.irtii iparits at the Democratic candidate debate, riot to solicit funds for bis campaign, former ( a 11 for nia go s e r nor |e r r s Hrown had the nerve to repeat edlv give out Ills toll free cam jiaign contribution number While pundits and punks alike characterized Brown's ai turns as turning the deflate into a version of tin1 Home- Shop |img Netw ork. there < ou Id pos siblv be more to the stors In start vs itii. it is necessary to ask it a forum where candi dates are allowed one minute to respond to cjuestions about the ic-vtim of ,j country i\ rvt-fi.r»* • niotoly an snicilfctuai rmic-ivor tn lh»* UxM place How mmId one < .»n*iuiatc hir n’.ish t fir ! rn.!ge of ** uc:h .in i-or ;» UnU: perspev Uve \V is : 'Vug ' ■ ■ ■!.lv\ V k (*i,i*c inijsh ai jotting !iini' lor :i Ii IS 00 ii i ill 11 !■' •’ !' i' ■' ill’ 1 lilt’s . Ill' il.ill Ilnur ev I'll nigh I . ! thi; vs i* is :*.t vvei ►. ■ > s» . r ’ i ■ u.s;. i' ■ ■ ■ IV/iee: i ! ! . >r turn Hu t I digress U hy : si .in Ii !■ >r I In' lugger jin lull’ vv In'll. :! s nif.i h i -..i• r i .1 isuiiss Hr; ivs u s .ii 11, .ns ii nr lilg the (irli.iir us lluisr ill u s I ightiy '■ r.ui i< ,i 1 [’i i! iIn ini vs tin It .is I,i r ii ill I In’ link n .i ill e M ■ iiilii'.i i ii 111r Ii ini si' IT' V\ hy I link .it till' 11 v nr .i I ii message liriiw u m.iv li.iv n In mi trying to get at and pass up tin' i Irani n In mill vile .1 ni.ltl who sets': himself up tor uii tin- ( hintj> shots nn mindless 11 mi I iiili grasp' lor those id you who tout better things to do than vs.itih the 1 )e mui rat i < m nd id ate s deflate’' let tile summarize the ill a i ii. and only point ol itrovs n s platlorin I In poiitii al system in \mertl a has been stolen It has been eonupted by influence in the form ol money and t arnpatgn finanie Ayeruge tav (lay ing i itl/ens are no long er the constituents ol our lead ers :u Washington Npei lal 111 ten st grou|is with the money to hac k up their fieliefs are Brtavii meandered hac k t< this point every opportunity he had to speak And then, finally lie did It he gave out ills toll free i ampuign nutniier saying in was trying to give the aver age American a ( fiance to get ha( k into politics Alter all, 1.001) people giving SJ aptei ■■ are t vv h . us powerful as ea pelson paving $1,000 a plate to eat lunch vv ith the t urrent (ires ident B.:.k!' thr mini '. f thr mights hr .iv m hr. . tii ::: vr i 'it: U •. k .1 w t■ hi , . : s' . ! > - v. ■■ ■: : v to . i • , K A : '.I k I : i'n ,i I. ■ : iitrgritV of mu li an hunor.iblr • . • nt R:own . *1 . . mis. ! it! U'.r I'.rij. Dili his i .HI-' His , , i: . k j .. i!:. r 11 ol !■■: r.t ■ trvs . .. U fit itivi s io the t orrupi st stern siitin-: his 1 tiiMi number) ileep ill thru hr.irts must Vitu rii.ihs know tlir immtrv\ (10lit!( s htisr .ilhindoiird thrill thr'i .irr lixiking fur is the mess'.igr provides ,i vs .iv .lit Brown s niiiilistii expo ■ u! thr jiruiilrm Bui not of i|-r tiny solutions. vs hi. h only srrvrif to jiut him .ni thr;,. irv r! is tin* iv rr.ige v 1. vs hi! sui '.li' r in j iti uvs is .'ini m f mi til v more mi por in n l hr. 11!»' s s.i n, un iilir 1(1 Its. ilfsivr till' llhlssi s (inti .irill llliltr .1 V I suit: ul tiir hrru tills i uuntrv so lirsjicr.ili lv .iliirit ijiilrlh i tijvrs. will hr iMsily tiisiniss, ,i hv I smirking Hii.k.ivv .till) I Irw !.i/il\ i iiik ns nl one-lmer in thr mrtlm \ 111 i I, N o V1' 111 b i • r r • .utrv vviii faithfuItv tutu out to v site the Uli.ige of thr [ hopeful is most SI., 1 rs.sfullv Slllli III lllill in11uitr si ,und bitrs tjv dr i .in d id.llr s S! ,111 Isol; A V rnilr id vefilstng firm In dir ,ihsnu r ot ,i iitiro, or rvt-n .1 hrroit llirsv.igi', less ‘in pun rut ol \mi«rii .Ills vviii show up to .is (.rorgr Hush told .S ills St.IV ' Hi'lf i !i ,i i : i m o r1 i n u r s r through i world ,! Irssrr rvtls s Ihr juke I' ll \i n h ;s man.iX'DR rr/f for of f/ir Kmiiruid HAVE FUN IN THE DARK. Full line of darkroom supplies AOFA • ORIENTAL SEACil’LL • KODAK PHOTOGRAPHER'S FORMULARY • FORTE and more! BUY • TRADE • SELL France Photo LOO Willamette Open Mon-Sal 9:30-6:00 THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON Thai night, their revenge was meted out on both Farmer MacDougal and his wife The next day. police investigators found a scene that they could describe only as grisly, yet strangely hilarious BRIAN RANSOM ViMtmp ceramist and musician wInisc work iik Itulcs handluiildiiij: ceramic instruments, musical composition aiul ivrlormances w ill conduct a Icdure. evlii hilimi ami workshop at I lie l ot() 0 SI 11)1 I.KC'I l R1 Tluirsdav Jan D 7pm 115 1 aw rence I lall KXIIIBII ION Moiulas Salurdav Jan I I I All Ballroom (lallerv WORKSHOP I rula\ A Salurilav Jan ID A I 1 IDIHIam 4:00pm l ol () \ on h side Ceramic Studu> ( unit I < i 0 s i 'N -• i -> • • • \.< I OK MOKh INK). 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