Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Feudal colony days
for Japan are over
When (a-orge Hush moots today in Tokyo ssith Jap
anese trade representatives, it will he interesting to see
what angle he takes supplicating whiner or nuke-in
the pocket gunslinger.
At the end of World War II. Japan was turned into
little more than a protectorate of the United .States,
stripped of all military power and forced to suffer the
indignity of an occupation force There was nothing
harsh or unusual in that — such things happen to the
defeated in war. Hut the lessons of Versailles weighed
heavy on the Allies' minds Both (icrmany and Japan
were to be treated with strong measures, hut not c rip
filing edicts.
it was hoped the two conquered countries would
develop into future friends of the United States To
some extent, that has happened Newly reunified t.er
many is our strongest ally in liurope. but the Japan 1 S
alliance is suffering through growing pains
Through heavy industrialization, strit t trading
pr.u tires and simpler, old fashioned hard work, lapan
inis become a world economii power At the same
time, the I mted States has slipped in the rankings An
enormous trade deficit (advantage lapan) exists, and
the national debt is im reasinglv foreign ow ned
The IS. the dominant member of the allium e for
4I> years, is having .1 tough time watching the emer
genre of Japan as a world power
There are high hopes ior this trade summit. Ini! the
big question is how mui h will Bush push the Japanese
on trade policies'1 Ixperts and pundits agree Japan will
probably make some concessions, but in the main will
pay only lip servii e to the lofty ideal of "free trade
It Bush chooses to play hard liner, his hole card
will be American military power Japan still has only a
cursors military, which frees up large amounts of capi
tal for investment and infrastructure support Pacifists
and smart economists in lapan oppose remilitarization
after all. ss hs pay tor something (protei non) the l N
supplies tor treef
Will Hush tie the trade dove or li.isxk:1 Best guess a
mix of both, but leaning toward pandering
But no matter which was the trade summit goes,
one thing is perfet tls clear No longer is Japan a simple
extension of I N foreign potir s And that mas he the
hardest thing for Bush and (.0 to at < ept
(irri^on Oath
——in mi 111 i ii hit
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How long?
Him long will supposedly in
telligent adults si! Isu k and .11
lim tho media. thi’ Oregon
\H)S curriculum. and tin- k at
si!r Permanent!* pl.i\ Secrets,'
1», pn-.u h lh' In- ol s.ili si x
In mir children and teens
( olidullis have ,m 1H percent
(allure rate fur teens for preg
n.mi y , ss Ini li can 01 1 ur unlv
.luring tie 10 davs a year when
i la lemale is tertlll 1 he tiny
AIDS virus is transmissible tt.'>
liuss per year I-urthennore. the
( enters fur Disease ( unlrol can
not even lei! the Atnefli an pub
III how many 1 iti/ens are in
let ted ()bv iinisly .110 empll 11 al
Studs lias heen done 1 ii a t
proves ( oniioim prinlui e sale
Must smeruans have passed
fourth grade sentenie
deigr ui.milig \V'lii-n SM itiw-i I
til-- sentelu e Havi sale sex
!n ( e i s sv iiat We il mi ruu
implied subject), have the
verb sale tire adpstlxe. and
• x !!;■ ibii 1 I What I ippe.us
w fieri we remove tin iiheilise'
W . .in ,." wllh Has 1 si x
• list ss hat the mass is e Siei us
Plant'd Parenthood network
has been pre.n lling for Z S s ears
111 teal til l is!illation programs
and sex ed materials \nd noss
I lie AIDS i r is is presents a per
leit platform to step up the
have sex and heir's boss
W t should ill til a little
If .gh'.rnrd ss till the fill I Intel! 1
gent tail unthinking \nieriiatis
so readily grab a tssu syord slo
gall and nil svith II. before
counting the 1 ust to our chil
dren and soi irty
According to Kush Lim•
f > a ugh Mjgit lotinson lias
! flanged fns message from safe
SI x lo abstineni e 1 hope
this funds true Its high lime for
m11 s ■■ i > i i: i t h»■
I*.i tr it 1.1 Smith
()( A Resenrc h Direr tor
()|m■ n letter to Abe Hepnur
it is truly unfortunate your
example h>is inspired sut h i on
Iruxersx it is unfortunate poo
pif consider you wrong” ior
Ming vour grievance I lor one
would prefer to give you tho
tmnelil ol the doubt I'd r.ithor
behese tuur corn plaint slums
from deep sealed convictions
on tin' issuo of equality Ho
i .liiso it thill Is tho lUSO. I 0,111
■ iisii boiiovo you might eventu
.illy see tilings from ,i difTorunt
porspoctiv o
You m.i\ even ho inspired to
investigate tins m.ittot lurthor.
to prose to unit own s.dlsfot
lion win th• ■ r tho ooruiltion o!
women 111 six lets justifies the
disi Mmtmitton you observed
Itos .ios mlorm.ition in the li
t.r.irs : to i Diversity niters
111,ms i hisses dealing spot llu-ul
X Willi issues , it gender 111 soi l
e!y Whether SOU fin.ills del ide
. win t igtii or sou ss ere
vs f ng i d like to believe you
would a! least i onto to under
■-.!an,i mote clearly the many
tensions at play in this complex
Hut most important Is . I’d like
to believe sou can learn not to
see all this as a defeat lo do so
,\ uld mils reinforce, and exas
perate the opposition which
has arisen between you and
Suferide supporters Until we
i an all learn In conceive ol is
sues and positions thereupon
nun op pos 11 lonu 11 v we will
continue to reinforce trie j>.it
ters of oppression whi< h lead
to such chums ,is "discrimina
tion. re verse if isi r tmtna
tion. 'reverse-reverse disc rim
ination el<
Matt Ramsc)
iluring 1‘i‘iJ then- will lie .1
divisive human rights issue on
the h.illot in our communities
1 he Oregon (uti/ens Alliance
campaign to legitimize discrim
Illation against guys ami leshl
.ms has alreadv stimulated con
Hut Windows were broken .it
four businesses and in one au
tomuhth belonging to Of A
S. On Mate a political a<
tion group opposing the Of A
initiative has reported several
incidents of harassment, as
well .is three broken windows
and windshields on automo
biles of their supporters In gen
era!, reports of threats or Intim
idation related to these elet tion
measures are increasing
The Eugene Human Rights
1 ommissiun deplores threats,
intimidation, and violent e
Questions of human rights can
only la resolved hv treating all
other people with respec t and
dignity Harassment, threats,
and violence simply deny otll
ers their human rights, encour
aging a downward spiral of is
huv ior
instead of living down to the
standard of conduct exempli
fied hy these ucts, we 1 hullenge
all involved in these i ampaigns
to live ii(i to their own
Eugene Human
Rights (Commission