Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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Don't be look'd It you »”.<■' trike the Dm veuve gc; ndmg on our ante
multiple choice number Bt iause t s timn ‘c ./• t: ..ate and redesign,
our routes and schedules
And n orde' iQ' us In -’"prove Se% . e we. "red, Vcm .WO Suggestions
So. pleast mplete thi irvey bt i* < ayquesttor ptiona a/
• Drop t n surves i ' ve opt1 .1 , bus
• Bring it to the LTD k k and 13th & k aid i Jan 61 •••■ be then
■ Take 1 to the LTl .'.■■■.■ enter, or
• Mail it to us'
1 Do you currently ride the bus7
It yes skip question 82 of the survey
If no skip question 83 ot the survey
2 Please indicate w”v you CO no! ode the Dus ■. c"ec* so fat app-v
Need to "'.ike other stops In or from work sr'W
The bus takes too long
The bus stop is too far Iron■ ' onu
It is difficult to make connections
Don ! want to transfer downtown
Evening bus service ends too eary
Mornmg U of 0 direct bus service ends too earv
Morn mg bus service starts too rate
Not enough service on weekends
Do not fee secure waitmg at bus stop Which one >
How many one way bus tops do you tone <n a !yp*ca: ween '
Which routes do you ode most frequently7
Do you use a Park A Ride lot7 yes no
If yes which onets ?
4 What improvements to bus service would you most like to see 1
i Please rank your response fit being the improvement you would
most like to see #'2 being your second choice etc
More direct routes
More frequent sen ice or weekdays
Extended hours of service on weekdays
Extended hours of service on morning U of 0 direct buses
More frequent service on weekends
Extended hours of sen/ice on weekends
Different Park & Ride locations Where7
What time do you usually arrive at work school7
What time do you usually leave work school7
What are the nearest cross streets to your home 7
Please use the space below for any additional comments
FOR MORE INFORMATION: 687 5555 ( TDD 687.5552)
Sporcich out for 2-6 weeks
By Jake Berg
Eff t¥ ,1 <1 Snorts * Otoe
Strange tilings .in- happening
;u the Oregon ss omen's Isisket
ball team
I ir-i. take for example the
team's last ^aiiic an ID HO win
wr MniOana Si.i!i at Mi At
ihtif (.iiufl Dei JH During this
(imUisi. which improved the
Due ks n i orii to T 1!. the < be
gun tieni h scored SI points
1 more points than the live
starters combi nerd (or in the
Along with the Dnr ks pie
i i. us garni a 70 70 is in at Lou
-villi . tile I>ench has poured in
a total of S' pun enl ol the
pi -ill! for tile IS' o is ins
And the high scorers during
those tss i) games '
Keserve guard Jessica Si hull
! ,ni .'0 against Montana State,
and reserve forward Kells Blair
ed the team W ith IB at Louis
S li le
Winning seven games has
■naie a lot lor our i onfident e
with the schedule that sou
i s i d and consider mg ss a
were oi, tile road as much as
ssi were, Oregon couch l.lwtn
Hems said
Olid. loo. is the fact Oregon
ss those two games without
od performances from star
forward Debbie Sport u h I.sen
w thi Du ks will have to
mlniMt’ without the sopho
more on the i olltl at all. as she
-odi lined for two to s;v
w I S', w ;il. i Ir.u lure ill her lell
Again, tin unusual stepped
forward when another injurs
W as I oih *-riled
Sport it h i turn identally left
with an injurs in the same
game that heralded the return
ol Sara Wilson, the Ducks
starting i enter lor mm li id last
season Wilson fiist saw action
against Montana State giving
Hems the first I ompletels
healths bull dull he has had
lilts season at least until
Spore n It's injury
W i might i hangt our ol
Debbie Sport it li
Ii-iim some to got S.ir.t tho ball
lllliri' t iosrr to too bit skirt.
Hr.tn " to! U r (list w ant to i'l
in a position when I iebbtn re
turns tor ttir second round (ol
I’,it tin 1()( .onleroiu e games) to
inis' 11,, i min i' m !hr Put 1 ()
r a I r vv it r n vv e rr a I lull
rill! r\ i'll wit in ml Dehble, I
still frrl were strong enough to
t hallenge anv tram vsr play
Oregon will get its first tom
plrtr test tonight when the
l)i:t is host Portland at 7 to in
Mat Court lor thrir final non
tonirirm r matt hup before Us
Pat 10 opener a! 0( 11.A Pridav
Sporttitth. vs ho vsas scoreless
it; i t tumult's ol plav against
Mi Manta State vs'111 not start
tonight for the first time in her
tw 11seasons
i he t H Pilots have dropped
six o! their last seven games,
if eir las! win a fit' t)! home Iri
umph over Montana State the
night In tore Oregon narrowly
defeated the school
Senior Martha Sheldon, who
has scored over (0 three times
this s. .ISO!!, set the West Coast
( ordered! e single game scoring
record with 17 igainst Wake
forest, hut Portland as a whole
seems to tie lai king offensively
The Pilots' f>7 7 points a game
is 1 1 points less than what thev
allow their opponents to si ore
Seaver’s in the Hall for sure
\i:U YORK. (AIM Ions
Si’iiirl s election lo ills' H.ill ill
I ami is certain What s in
ilnulit is how mum soli’s list
Pole Kom' ta< lor ss ill cost him
Whi n list's retired following
lhe lIMils season, si promised lo
hr onr ol Ihr biggest days al
( oopi'rslosvn. wills Seuver and
Kom- walking in together They
rsi-n lalkrd alsout Ihr prospect
as Irammalrs with Ills- I ins in
nail Krsis
Hut all that w as dashed svhrn
Rose was banned horn baseball
by then-commissioner Bari (da
multi on Aug 24, 1UH9 (or gam
hling Thr fxiard of siirrs tors ol
Ihr H.ill til Fame thru drs idrd
lo rrasr Kos.' s nanii' from (htiir
hallol rvrn though his uniform
and Kits siill hang in their hall
When Ihr of fit nil rrsults of
thr l‘)U2 h.dloling are rrlrusrd
tonight al 111 i;S I . il doesn't
mean that Rose won't get some
voles, though
Ihr Hall of Fame voting is
((inducted b\ ID scar members
of Ihr Hasrhall Writers Assist 1.1
lion ol America, and several
members were upset that Rose’s
name was taken off the hallol
without their consent I’hcy
w.inlrd the choice of whether
he deserved lo he in Campers
town or mil.
\s .i result of Rose's name
being taken oil the ballot by tlic
board. some yvriteis -.aid they
would make him .1 write in
\o!r or send m .1 blank ballot
According to Hull ol lame
rules, however. write in votes
don't count His vote total will
be announced, however
Last year. Kosc asked the vot
er* not to attempt iinv kind of
plotest bec ause he didn't want
to hurt the c huiH.es of the other
c andidates Rose s plan is to
eventually ask commissioner
lav Vincent to be reinstated
and he would then be eligible
to be placed buc k on the Hall ot
l ame ballot
It Is not e\|H'C ted there will
he an abundance ol blank hal
lots or write-ins SO It's likely
that Seaver. .111-205 lifetime
will c ciiiii- c lose to a rec ord per
1 entage of the vote The all
time leader is ]y Oohb with
OH 2 pen ent, followed by Hank
Aaron (07 Hi and lohnnv bench
(*M> -H
At one tune. Hose was con
Mitered to he the first player
who would gel 100 percent ol
the vole He is the career leader
111 hits i-1.250) singles (3.215).
at hats (14.053) and games
played (3.51.2)
[Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD
fOUMD in the classified section