SPORTS There’s more to a Duck than football and basketball FROM THE SIDELINES BV JAKE BERG B
  • rgel. who won tie (dvd W.r n.lini' H i ha-ha-ha luslitallv. of rourw’ ‘ :' ( -'ll! s ' 1 ■ ' I ; •..!r ill ill I V : Vi lilt b.lskt ibili t ‘-1111 looked prell v >;iii H! iif (tit* I .il \\ i s! 1 lassil (itvcn, ! iijiiii' Itom ii small ii,.isi,il iiixs', lhal naturally lias Invr! Dm k finis lit.m !'i-,i\ft f.m- I'fiiij! 40 rnili-s , loser lo Oregon Si.lit lull if I have In taki i ri ifit for lilt- f t orris of Ihi’ football anti mens lieskrt li.ili trams ilit ii I'll !»■ H;»|jji\ lo .lit rpt I fit • 0-1 pills of ,t|| the other l)oi k loams Tlit't old fai I ol lift- lor these sports (hough, is tIn-v iiruri ! .is Visihlt' iirounii thr? slate .is ihi \ mu\ hr in hugene, no miilli-r Inns linn h niori suiiessful they turn out lo Ixt So far ibis Winter season. tin1 I vs.. non revenue siblings lo int'ii s basketball art showing thi s art’ national < ontenders, uni s’ llo’ no’n s basketball Oregon wrestling is off in a i ii siari and ix’i-i; .i (up ,:o it .mi .i!i MMMin and tie mm; i n s in mps li'iim is having its t>es! beginning in years i In ~ women Dtuks m«\ have al ready grabbed more vs ins than ilieir male t imnlerparls may see a! season's end Mure has U-en wntlen m said at«iu! 1 he men s learn si, far ihis year than vs ill tie said the entire year for Ihe women's team nr wrestling sijiiad, although their rei urds will likely he better than that of the men s basket hall team It has always been vs ay and profniblv always will until interest goes up in these non ri yenue sports ^ ttentlon and interest from the publl! often refill Is the at lenlion given to a < urtuin sport by the rnedia. and vice versa U s a completely t yclir al pro less (ells one only Whilt and wlmt l! is on<-1' .mis lo hear . obligated to. l or a hypothetiral example, i! is i guarantee that a Duck fan ir Portland vs iiI heat see and riaii mort* about a men's has ketlmli team Ihat finishes -I ,' t than a J-t -i women \ team On the ether hand, a -1 .M women's team would probublV not be heard from again until the next season prev levs the media has its wavs of burying stories about a hapless non-revenue sport The one exception to unpop ular non revenue sports is Ore gon s track and Held program, vs hu h makes no money hut garners a good hit ol attention when tin- season rolls around Duck trai k has .traditionally been one of the stronger pro grains m the ( ountrv and it !»■ mg tf-.e major spring spoil ai a 1 Diversity that is in one of the trai k hotbeds mitionallv givi s it d« cm v isil)iht\ Strangely. though cross i ountrv .i program similar to trui k ill mtmv wavs, nuv bo the biggest victim oi the public s oversight of Oregon's non-rev 0(1111’ sport Mil < OSS K«.*a11 >. how mum Oregon t •ms realize tfio women's team W,|S one of the top five 111 the ion if u r i ng tfie lust two veers' If happened to the foothill! te.mi or men s basket bull team. .i statewide holidu\ would be declared So before some Beaver fail dei ides to start feeling a little good about the one game the Oregon Stale football team won all season, remember, there are more successful sports besides Oregon football and men's bas ketball. 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