Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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Continued from Page 8
Some University students .ire
aware of and have tried the cig
arelics, which .ire made m Hol
land from a blond of tobacco
from Turkov, Italy. Zimbabwe
and Greece Southwood said he
contacted a manufacturer in
Holland when no tobacco com
panics would make them
They tasted stale, like dirt,
like being buried alive," I'm
versity junior Adam Wendt
said, describing the experience
id smoking Death i igaretles
Senior Stuart Kunkle said he
tried them when a friend
bought him a pack and he ran
out of his own brand
" They were really bad the
worst, ” Kunkle said They
were harsh and gross with no
flavor 1 will not be buying
them anytimeTn the Inline
Kunkle along with many
others, sees them as a passing
tad I di n t think it'll i ati h on
as a novelty ill a mass Way." he
7 know that
everyone won't
stop smoking but
we will eventually
dissuade many
Charles Soutnwixxl
killing s.ml stir also mvs it
us .1 laii !’<•<ip!«• bus it tx*« .iust:
it s i,imps trendy .1 noyeltv
Hut (Death cigarettes ) lift; i vi le
will Is- alwmt si\ months, she
tail rrsitv ) u hi or Hr van
(iujiitaiiii s.i.ii In Unight them
!or their novelty y .title
, hey s 'emeil kind ol tike .1
t w isteil and i mil novelty
(t.ipit.mo s oil I Uiught .i |ini k
lor tin brother be! ansi' he s It.
anil hi smokes Ifni IS rebel
lious I think that til him sinok
mg them will make .t big state
men'. '
U t :.t. n I. ■ i i si I’.ingh:
them lor novelty appeal said.
Most college students already
know how horrible cigarette
smoking .mil the lobatto rum
punn-s arc. hut it's an addn
SoUthwnod. it former smoker
■..ml he started smoking a year
ago to i test till- blend but he
plans to ((ult agtilt bn uusc he
kuuii. tli.it tl is debilitating
As hr expands ami makes
money. Suuthworxi is planning
an advertising campaign that
will blow peoples sinks oft
He s.itil the ails will be against
smoking m general ami hts own
brand in purlieulur
However, he said he does.not
believe tdbai i ti i ompunles
sio at Id in' allowed do advertise
in am way I beliesc that any
line legally ot age has tiie right
to smoke cigarettes.''' tie sard
[tut It I’ll reds tile 11 rinds o!
tree speech to say that smile
tiling is life entijm mg when in
realltv It IS debilitating and
It a 11 ( Igaret tv ad s ertlsing
lets illegal and die ( outd not
mention his own hrand South
wood says in- w uld still con
tmile ti do ads ig it nst Mliok
M!-;i; i ini ,s
I lu1 KM I < Ira It < t-nli-r r amt i--, ■•<!:;.!
uics lor wintar trrm ire ium availuhlt; anil work
shops .no uniit-r u.iv i or moo- mlonn.iUun anil
registration. slop by tin- l-.'Ml’ l rat! ( enter on (lit!
ground floor of tin- l.rb Memorial I 'niofi or call
111) KKil
AIKSKC vs ill have .1 general meeting tonight .il
■’ HO m Room t IJ Gilbert Gall l-H> 1 MU lor morn
inliirm.i! ton
Dviiillirif tor •iutunUhtii' Kt Us h th,
trnni Jrsk KMl So v mi is coon ;/)<■
publication it \is nin f/ie </.n <>/ //,•«•
/css thf in ml hikrs pi, 1 t f hfh<rr no, ,
Xt 1 th cs 11/ ci ell.'s ;s / ,'/; .1 . /> ■ if . >i or
1 luirfif nil: not In- .111 .'<•■/ 1 ,1 :nj
f/jiisc s( InMuItul nr,ires/ iln- put,,1, .it n
hr finrll priority I hr Knwt,ihl irsr-y cs
/11 ci/j/ tiolii cs lor fft.tnwi.ir iiul s/ i /c
• Kmerahl
i.i\ Itrfnrt'
ci mi an
writs .in,I
il.tlr is 1/)
'/m npht
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Pass it on.
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by ; !h«* • • ■ \;» vi i hi. \ t ftwtsiwi t i h >' * . ' i
1 » a* <■' , v«* h«*0 !iM J'.ftg -? • *. Ail: t 'A -I •’* *•’
, ' • I 5 •' r ! >f r*- *• » , ( '>••■} -,S ' .»» ,
For the sixth year this spring, the University otOregon will offer its comprehensive review workshop for the
Medical College Admission lest. This program, developed by the University to assure that students have
access to the very best materials and instruction at the most reasonable cost, will reflect the latest revisions to
the exam.
Before registering for any MCA T Preparation program, consider the
University's. Inquire about our...
FACULTY: University faculty from biology, physics, ami chemistry as well as test preparation experts from Academic
learning Services.
MATERIALS: Official practice exams and manuals from the American Association ol Medical Colleges and review
materials from the highly respected Harvard Health Sciences Summer Program. These materials are authored by
medical educators and physicians from some of America’s best universities and medical ('olleges. Over KOO pages ot
review materials with guidance for preliminary study are provided to each participant pnoi to the workshop; thus,
review can begin in mid-January.
VIDEOTAPED SESSIONS FOR REVIEW: All instructional sessions are videotaped to allow workshop participants to
review sections or to make up sessions that they might miss.
FEES: The low $200 fee for University students ($225 tor non-U() students) reflects the service motivation behind this
workshop. Unlike the private companies that provide workshops, the University is not seeking to make a profit; it is
providing this top quality program as a complement to its educational mission.
SCHEDULE: Seven Saturday sessions: February 1, X. 15. 22, 29; March 7. 14
9:00 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm_
For more Information or to register, contact Academic Learning Services
346-3226 • 68 Prince Lucien Campbell Hall