DAILY DINNERsunderls$5 Your choice: • Seafood • Chicken • Beef Includes soup, rice and tea Dinner Hours: 5pm- 10pm Mon-Sun r) Tom’s Tea House /AUTHENTIC CHINESE CUISINE 788 W. 7th Eugene 343 7658 . typesetting • TYPESETTING • . TYPESETTING • • TYPESETTING • • TYPESETTING - • TYPESETTING • • TYPESETTING LETTER PERFECT Graphics PASTE UP • IAYOUT • DESIGN - C0N5UITATCN • CAMLRA PASTE UP - IAYOUT • DESIGN - CONSULTATION- CAMERA PASTE UP ■ IAYOUT - DESIGN - CONSULTATION - CAMERA. PASTEUP - LAYOUT - DESIGN - CONSULTATION ■ CAMERA PASTE UP - LAYOUT - DESIGN - CONSULTATION • CAMERA - PASTEUP - LAYOUT - DESIGN - CONSUL TATICN - CAMERA PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN - CONSULTATION - CAMERA sum mo I HH Ml MO/IIAl UNION 46 4381 Ml Classifieds 346-4343 ( Death cigarettes alight in Oregon j Company president says he uses truthful advertising to show smoking as deadly and debilitating By Li$a BeHsS ' •■»d'con»it>uty • ' 1 ;... i , : > : W !il! skull .in■-i < rossU.m-s . ! Mi brand ii.ir;.s sinipir Itealh In addition tn tin mtjuin-d '■ S Surgi'on t a-rn't al -. warning, th<- pa. kagi- 'ha' M.inuf.fi tur**r.> \iivit.' ( .gun m \ .<:• .nlil'ii Hv ami ill bshtating ' , . ! ' ■ » .t• ; slat! ' • *■ si : j U »t I hi i igamtins am i.i) sain in hugim Salem ami i' ■ ■ .!■ :! . : ■ I - . : .' h. rn 1 ■ ' Mi.i i !• •! hv ■’-! .• : : ■ \ | hl>\ I • ■• •• s' Itl i' k* ! ibni of liptith i'olwtrt*. < bar loti South* «j ... I :i ' r ini! ii ..Si i' -:n kill.; if is.tili'i who said In’ ' n l;i-\ if, that ti ib.ii i u f.nin ; jiri)imi!i i| iri'iii «n'u>»lift ■ '' rnliam ing whm In reality i! is diuidly ami dehiJilaling Hu'im!', wav !n iunnti'f !hr falsi advf’rtislng i;! ibn Amorican Inbar.ito uinipanltis is to advur ::-..• iruihfnliv. suiiihwiini s.uil Anti tin- only -,s ,ss iu g,t tlii' money in 1111 that is |o still ■ mill's ' 1 ,, j Sinta In all Si .I; 1 tiw i " s! VS. w . • a ! !11 v H si I ■. s! .ih nl hum l'l ■ »» <•-' studying s la- sal !, a iittIt- hit of evnrvthtng Hi owns .1 ranch near < .taiits buss ,md was in M.inii with i .isi atli' Sulfur. a mining company in St ii!fi> rn Oregon Snuthwood san! In was an ai : in li In?Os making spagh'dti Wi struts ami , the i H men ins in ! rum ■ anil llah *! • Will At: • k IS a graduate trai ! i 111 >; ieiiow at tin- t nm isitv S ui’hw..i i s sun t'hnslopher, is a Hnivir site graduate in i harge n! Oregon distribution of itruth i tgali'tli's i ln consuming puhlu is rei civing tin i tga mill's wi ll am! salrs art eypuniling mti other ;:,aikias Siuitliwiui.i said I k:...w dial i -very one vnmi stu| : . s ng in' ■..in! But wi vs ill eventually ilissiiaiir many pm pir De.ith cigarettes, a brand promoted by a former University student and anti-smoking crusader, are now sold m Eugene i iim\ Jhgian. a' lot ai fesran It scientist, said la ,i ii■( « :lii St a. !h wood l it' say - tk.it lilt w hole thing is a loud of t rap Hr is just another merchant of death, Biglan salt) l ist-'' cigarettes .ire not necessarily going to appeal to tilt? 20 )0 ago group (the group with wfist h Soutlnvood says they .ire most popular) I'liey art going to appeal to rebellious teun igiTs \nd most people st.irt smoking vvlmn they are teenagers. fir said If Soutlnvood took a sal.try of 5 .'10.000 a scar and turned all the rust of the profits over to smok :!:a, prevention mayhe then I would believe him Biglan s.uti Advt-rtising professor Ann Keding agrees He has a nut- rationale lor becoming rich.'' she said I! his principles and values truly went against it, he wouldn't he able to do it Keding believes Suuthwood is using a sort o! reverse psychology It's the iifea of the forbidden fruit. " she said Turn to DEATH Page 9 UNIVERSITY COUNSELING CENTER 1992 WINTER GROUPS & WORKSHOPS AC'OA llirsr f1ui Ul\ !> *J Htutlrfit.H vkin' ►trr-vA uj■ in .» Munrtioiuil LuiuK to r\ plntr .inul W'l k t)ui>ti£h is** urn irkjinlui*; Intiiikwv .u»l tntn|«rr**Mill rrlitk>iisluj*s I’Urstl.lV fiUMi .li) Wfcslnrstiav r> 1 r> < > 45 Iliuf'Nii.iy 2t*>:i:u> ANGER CONTROL GROUP Kot pmplr wtm fiuvr ttlffk ulfy t'ontnIUntf .iml rxgwmM!!^ llrtt an*jrr W n*lav 1 W > .'i 11) DEVELOPLNG INTIMATE LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS lltlH ^pnup will explore w, in n to form .tin! nurture :rl»fmuslup* tfkit .ur mutually *a Untying Kot sin*iir Irsl*tui,*» or il*«sr in tl»r firM vc.li ‘*1 .» irltlk'H-Hliin WmmLiy 2 (■> :\ *> DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES A £UUp lor tlnw* wt*> #rw up in tainiltr* with tmilttpk* |in4)lnm which allnl nurmt rrlutmii\hl|>e* .w*l iLiv to iliv hint tfcittfng Wmm1.iv 2 :*> 4 U) EATING DISORDERS For vwiinrn wt»> Him! tliniutchT* tumpuLsivrly i.illicit up in tlir »\t k* of rxtirmr ovnr.itli.tixl tliril pur>jm*l •wvnr ilirttn^, or OurviNr rxrn t.'tr kn tlir pui|*v*r of k■sin*’ weight Wr* i; »*«Lin I M> S(I) GAY MEN: KKtATIONSHlPS A INTIMACY Hus in .in Ullri]^-|N.MLil fltrr.tp) jgoup V t £iy 11ar it wish t-> kam mult* .lU'iit tlinitwK'rs in tin ura <*! irLifk*'iL*»)uj‘s -uni tnUm.n's W’lki.tv \ V > *; m GOOD GRIEF! SujKmtl .u»i iJirr.ij N *jn»iii> tin IthFlui .uni hiarxu.il utHim wt*> Imvr ivt ruth im>krn up with .» lovrt niA LOSS SUPPORT GROUP A tf'Hip hu lln »v- w in > .1 i.uiuh mnniri wln> luia tomnunrti nun nic I nnvluv L’ ll> I i*) MENS SEXUAL IDENTITY GROUP Kof urn win .ur oUiNklrnn*’.'i irxrnfh rxp‘k*tli4J.» >£i\ *'! Fiarxuul life stlylr 1 \*r*wl.iy 1 <* V f> k ) OLDER THAN AVERAGE Koi tlm^r wtm tlini livrti Ulr r.\|«rnrf*r> .uni t urrrnt (tunmin |>Lut- tlariu in .t itttlrrrn! umrralkui from n**st i»l 11 *r*u i Livinsitn* Fixity .1 vu r> tK) PERSONAL ISSUES GROUP Group to l»rlp mniiiri's dr.tl with |irrwHV.il Lvmn» whk ii .tir Ultrrirrtll*; with rrlttn>i-.ships 't irraon.il HiuiniL.iv 2 i*> *TU) RAPE SURVIVORS GROUP A group k>r Mirvtvors o! r,*jr- ,uk1 nt-xv^U .cH%.uilt rxjiTlmir)» \V >i*l.i> t (1)4 .40 RECOVERY A group b i shkJrntH vUk> VO nikt Ukr u > fliru rllorts to ir train from SUI rtl.Uk r* YVHtur^Liv 4 (MV *S .40 SEXUAL ABUSE SURVIVORS An * j j«>rtviiUt> lor survivor* to rxpkwr krilngs lr.iin .uni iittltudrH UK'iucillifl tvHur* i‘l srU rstmn. UUtlli.u'y «»W!>rn»hjp n! srll .uwl trlilriliirss to otlrri's Hum* toy .4 .40 S(M) UNHAPPY RELATIONSHIPS For tl»>*r |ictt)>lr wlm air timl «»l rrLiUMLsliips tint Ir.ivr ttanu trrhng empty itHUunrtl inarrurr. ovn rr»p*ni lMI >lr l**t Mipjmrt k>r puig trw jMttrri»?i m rrLiUoiLstiijw \N*rx11r-N*Ltv .4 'My f) {X) WOMEN S SUPPORT GROUP For wtnim wanting to rxpkvrr a vsirirty of lssura in a su|>|tortta* .ml taring n i\tn nuiml Ilium lav 44t>S()i) DROP IN SERIES LESBIAN LIFE DROP IN SERIES An tnfc»mwtl tfioup «k-si*»nol to pmvtdr an - pj-ortuiufv fo sIuiit romnmn rxjjrilrin’T?* ami Irani tnwn onr anotlirr l»>w ii» pn»spr*i ,lh k**iI>Lin vw»nrn Kornktt will tnriudr pfrsmtatknis iiiM'ua.MniiH m lilt/nm a 1*1 otlirr Urals' No srnrnum or oofnmitinrn! ls rrquirrd. tfjnup will run .Ul yr.ir and .ill k**bLin vM^tnrn air wrk'omr. IV k up a sc Ijrduk* ol tnph n at fIk* ( ounsrUn# Center front drsk oi tir- Win urn's Ontrr. Wrv11****tty .'i 5 >'k) WORKSHOPS EATING AWARENESS WORKSHOP Hus will tr ,ui M week nluiatktnal group to lirlp |euplr tlrvrlop lir.UtfUrr attttmlex ami Irellng;! toward lood amt VM-44IH. Tonk-x iwrml will Im lmlr Uxly lin-igr xr If olmti. angrr ami assertion, prrtretkmism. ami xlrategirx lor toping wttli xtrrxs. MoinLiv 4 OO 5 30 LiFESKILLS WORKSHOP Oils xrrk-x will .kldrrsx xeli esteem ami stress min.igrinrnt topks tmludlng .ut ovrrvk-w of x tie vs imiiLigrinrnt .tlxI sell ntprin, exploring your Sell .uul your rrLukuixfitpx romniunkatkjn. assertion ami negotiation. togjutlvr Uxty .wurtirM. sensual and xrxu.il sell .iKunra. ami rni|towering tlx- Sell Drop ins wlomr1 Momlay 3 OO 5.Cl) Stop by the Center or call 346-3227. Groups and workshops are available only to University students and are provided at no charge. All Groups and Workshops meet at the Counseling Center, located on the second floor of Student Health Building, unless noted otherwise.