GOSSLER Continued from Page 4 (iml found mr.ipitbiu of iismsi mH tns lawyer in his defonse I luil niluu: i Imnnnd .ifli’f hi! .trri'sii -! in. Kugnni' lot a I .i j-t11 v fol:'jvv111.1 wMiiin, nr.iiihing .tie! forull nn her ilirn exposing himself m publii V • .1 r Si-yi :.Ii Myers \s till dossier s niiinc and photograph appeared around the University campus warning mkihwi to tie ware of him Dinsmoro said (hissler should In’ in prison, Imi he probably wouldn't get help there because treatment for sex offenders i*> limited to -people \n lir> admit they have a prob lem (.ussier denies having a problem, saving only that worn i'n don't like him and he doesn't know why. Dinsmore wild I didn't vc this woman, 1 don't remember ever having any contact with her." Gossler told (.node I'm not guilts of this ( rime or the situation in huge no " Defense uttornev Robert Aik ernian said Dossier is I letter off at home, where sum mine i an watch him Gossler has lived with im father in Lugo no sime In- was released from I he stale hospital in July Kit hard Sherman, a mental health specialist for the Lane ( ounty Sheriff's Office, said (.ussier is dangerous and vtr lufilly untreatahle Goode said he chose to sen tern e (,ussier to strn I probation he< ause of-limited resoun es in the state prisons Goode also imposed a series of conditions on the probation, including not following women and no uns-.i porvised contact with women dossier must live with his parents and one of them must accompany him .it .ill times ev t ept during sessions with a mental health counselor lie must have three visits with a probation ofliner each week Mucwl'^h i Liw'h ' V \Uanh<\h/( t !,u intoJ) list Astern V.s s the right tin it ! bu\ .in Aj'plt ’ M.kiiitt>s!: computers\M< ii: lv<\ ativ right mm '. HI t ill si\< big 01! \p|>lr s most |H.jl!llir I IMil [niters .tml qualifying prmtt r\ \iui M.icintosh is the right computer to help uui achieve vnur U-st. throughout college .uui lv\ond What s more. vuu ma\ even qualify for tin* in'.', typie i omputer U);m, which nukes buying ;i Macintosh now e\en easier Socome in ngfii now .md check out tliebig savings on Macintosh Hut hum these special vivings List only tlmnigli January 5, luji Not interested in a primer' Then vne $600 on a Macintosh IN S cO, or $H00 on a Macintosh INi $ 80 or any Macintosh IKi! Ask tor details! Microcomputer Support Center ^ ► 202 Computing Center vH'-i »()2 • Mon-Fri 9am-5pm A>k about the Apple Computer Loan! ' - • v * * ' -• " *'*" W •' S<*r--r.v- .» - .jeu* s i T*sHrm: tnrtr: *1 ;Wtwd i If* CCvioeo W GAMES i ttttmrr fra PUWC MARKET^ nPtO ADVWTURt I i VAUlYMVtRPUU TOuC’lSurr ^AIDSa SEND FOR RESEARCH/TREATMENT INFO SEND $5.00 TO TINKUSI-SAPORI Research Co. P.O. Box 3191 Youngstown, OH 44513 New Hours We're often EVENINGS 62 Swtday, too! Monday-Friday 7:30 ant - 9 fmt Saturday 8 ant-6 fmt Sunday 9 ant - 3 fmt IAU. CREEK BAKERY ( lussii lltlkillfl I \ a hi I toffee • Espresso Sandwiches • tolenng ♦ Etc. 88 I E. 13th Avenue Next to the UO Bookstore Bakery 484-10(>2 Cafe 484-b443