COMMUNITY Clear cuts price of BLM demands By Gem! Koepp' q A load led hi a wooded bill that separatt d two valtnvH To the right was .1 valley mentlv Ih i n 1 tear Who! uni. w.e- .1 stt;a!i. • ■ * .r !;nw d«r.: rd- W .th in f limbs .mil silt tltiii bud crnili"} down ■■ t In- hillside ! hi- hillside inn! .in almost mar 1 r• ■ -i 1 1 >• In I, ' ii tin' saplings ili.ih had I" i ts f> I ii.iiili'd cvi-rv levs 11 is •! !i id ri th'T In-on gnawed down to .1 ! 1 .s tin in ' hv ills 1 1 if '.s ' i" mi sin.ill the', i cm Id have la-on harvest' I with .1 l.iwnmnwcr 11) tin1 iflt stood |mrt uf .1 pan id thn i is itli vegetation M hold a sin.ill 1 foi ». 1 less vc« tn-i s and suittr itiitssis 1 ■ old growth tii i’s I.a tie faninlV < aimmtwdmt nr |err\ Rust on Iridity gav. a tour nl I he ar i'.i, lot a tod ..mlhi ast ol hugrtlr to mum brls id tin- i.ui-ene lii iv. roc 1)1.1. as a agent \ is ill I igin dci id mg the fate ol the \s -1. nl(’d pan f I i a! - dues day i his is a dramatic illustra tion id what wi re giving up a ‘ 11; ■ -. * ■ tins :t.ifiiS-1 t;i old growth 111 a -a a ol idear i tils Rust said I’.iii cl :t.t and ire a I .wo County Commissioner Jerry Must points to old growth toresl that may soon be cut down it the Bl Ms request to exempt the land from the l ndangcred Species Act is met .i: i«*ii is i r a ■ ! it: • i i I tin hr! s,ilrs lilt- iitlttau of Land iii.iii.igi'mr'nl is rt'ijvnr't (Hg in- cxciii|)l 'fiiin Iiii l.h li.ltigt'f I ii Sprl |I'S A i I i ill' ; :: ; - ol ihl il( I it if) Pro let I (lie ol endangered ■•jilt its . til 1 VS . Sit I ill' .1 ( I t tlllUtilix .1 ! i.lliSI .illltSSs .i li' eoniniitlee to in nit wlil-lhr! pfillCC.Ultg .1 sji.'i li-H Is loo t ttslls i-t iimim iutljy <» sin tails i lit >o t .lilt'd ' i.oti s<|utiii will lii'gih liijiirings mi \\ ■ :; . sii : , t, ! i I ‘ ■ ii. i A ■■ has air fails t nine out against the s«ilii of list st lots for III lief httfVtSitlljg f )ur i s us\ -ticms .irr* t ol ijisllig til's .ii.M- W<* Vf (*«•.•!> *n< remenhii! v over h.n>, est ni>; Ru*t • -ill : hi HI M insists fh. :li-s insiiti' |utis iur limher ••• -f k■ r s in : r • v • • .1. Is : i u'.intv iit’.ii M.i!e )’uirinrnrnt Hus! Iliilltitiims ihu! H is • i (iiinmii iillv shofisighti’d to ■sf! :i ' < u1: i i - s ' ■ . :• 1 [1 V I'lltlC. ,ll till- I'xpimMt Ilf ..jug icon i. .iliumm gnus t.h Dm hi tiii r vis! ! is i s mini, that s is for a hundred i 'Mrs fisheries value tour ism viil.ii all gum (m i-.iiri fill 1 Veals in- x.s GET ACTIVE! Schedule of Classes Winter 1992 •?« •! A: - 4 * ■ ■ ( * 5 * ;r . C *» r » 'V- ix i ■ 4 * A '«* \ A* «;* * »V v .* f / ’• *«Vi“ A *' K */" A 1(0 ' A#.' <« S ■ . *4 V 'V i ‘ ' i‘r ?|W AtV C . J A,v J,s '.’A MW U»i MW UH MW ■ M lf< MW UH ‘/A UH u ■ •<*• •'• V*ri 4 A1**" : '*<<• 4 JSpfTi ! ixm ' 36«jm 8 J8pm 8 14 tr” * M»' 8 JOpm SXlini T. ■ 4 I(r 4 I tipi -• 3&?< A«> •J Av«. /.< am •■I i -X *xl /.*. Am Vs? t it tsi 4 ' ! Si 4’ is r.; i 1 "•' - H ■ * . * ■ . "l . Jig $18 $58 $19 S! 8 $18 518 SB $18 $18 S 8 $18 $19 SB SB •» f'x! ■* ! •»!"«! *X>1 111 H 4 .if 5 * XT’ "is, "is! $18 $18 .»i >: i . . i ■> • 1 ... seofi! *.;iiri• n !< ■ v ■> dfi mier wilb 4history of harassing Wf>n 4 ■: in iiugeoe and a! (he : ■ i yi rs' | ' t n. or i ; hi !iv ■ with in- parent* irs I-.ugei.e and stavawav from women !' teissler. •»:. appeared Dei tfl before Linn (bounty dtr i oil Ju<4■ James ('.code who presides} at dossier\ trial m ()( is ii<• r dossier was convicted d first degree burglary and at templed rape in an Incident in ii\ tafter lie broke into a woman's apartment ns Alban) and ti it'd to rape her \\ lines,ses saui (dossier stalked till woman, lollnwmg }:• ■ r hum Kugene to Alban) to !*,,:!lanii tor more than two years Hie woman, who now lives sin the Last (Inst, left (Ire 1‘iai 'because of dossiers ai .!(■.! - prosecutor Heed Dins more said (.ussier banned from the ! wersiK impus m lOHli al ■ ■ ii ,i in than 00 Wi sin- II (dent I - fled turn is a peeping torn He tn-g.iri following the Afhanv victim m I'litli, when she lived in 1 .agent Kots-rt (.use m olficer with (I,, t rmersiiv s (itfii e of I’tib i ,1 Safety, said dossier ha* fieen given a letter of trespass stating Paul Gossler 'In: is not allowed on can): pus II llns individual is seen on campus, bothering or not both ering anybody he is ’r<-spa•. nig (. isc said U'e ri- not lr\ ing to harass the guy, but he , proven to us in tin’ past that In is not able to cuhabittile with others " If (tossler is seen on campus, (,use said, ()l's oi the l-aigem police should he contacted (,ussier's trial had been post pi a led hei anise he vv as u mi treatment lor schi/.ophren a lie: 'o GOSSLER Is it time to do your laundry"? 10% STUDENT DRY CLEANING DISCOUNT EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT & DRY CLEANERS 1430 Orchard St • 345-6133 COUPO/V i ■photo finishing SALE * ' I YOUR CHOICI Of I COIOO PMNIINC big savings SUPl « PHIN I $299 $3" [ SHUTTERBUG COUPON | SUPER PRINTS f»om yM!;| ‘.lymilf* ’« ' • v7i» tepnnis frntn yoat IavouIp ISmcn • { / !»’ • J.* SUPER PRINT 890 t 13lh EUGENF Fmrru.Tiniff upon ACROSS FROM ^^K^AMPUS the .WE PRINT BETTER PICTURES