UNIVERSITY Commission says Brand broke law By Carne Dennett t '• i-'.vci Av- ate (a' * While students witi' caught up m finuls week, the state C.overnment bthics (lommis sum ruled University Pres ident Mvlrs Brand broke state law when he offered tree (rips to the IndepelidetK e Bowl to the wives of lingerie s and Springfield's mayors The Dei 10 derision came with .1 4-1! vote that could i .irrv •is much as a S2.000 fine, but commission members said that it is unlikely Brand will he fined that amount Brand expressed his disap pointment with the de< ision in a written statement, accusing the commission of focusing on "overlv literal and technical in terpretations of a vague law State ethics--'laws prohibit a person with legislative or ecu ndiiiu interest in the interests o! a public official's dec isions from offering gilts worth mon Slot) a year to anv mem tier of the official's family. The commission had already concluded that Brand ar ted jin>pi*rl\ when hr offered the villi! trips In l.ugrnr Mn\or 'ell N *:'.: r and Springfield Maser Hi!! Mrirrtsrttr \s w ith their wives Brand said, 'non taxpayer fundswere Used to pay lor the mayor s tr.nrl nuuiev given In the i niversitv In tile Indepen deiu e How | nrgani/.itinn to i m it how! related expenses And in nut view in- said; the uffi.t ml presence on this in i .isinn of both tlie mayors and their wives w,is integral in helping the t ’niversitv .of (lo gon advance the ei oriomir de velopment of the slate and our local region Hrand said he w ill i nn.sUJer requesting a contested i ase. hearing before the commission to develop a record -places Ins action in the appropriate i on lex I .hollowing investigations ul the two mayor's roles in at t rpl trig the gifts (III behalf of their wives, the commission ill ()( to her found probable cause tliat Myles Brand Brand might have also Broken the lavs hv offering ttn- trips 1 he i (isi*s against Miller iiml Morriseite ended in Novemfrrr he< ause the i umimsMiiii nil kmnsitiglv missed .1 ILBtduv deadline for prosecuting ethli s 1 .ives uhuh was passed Bv ihe HM1 si,in Legislature Brand s rase was ri’filed Before the deadline Senate to discuss undergraduate reforms By Carrie Dennett Emerald Associate Editor The University Senate passed two motions in volving educational reform .it its t)ei t I meeting The senate passed a motion to form a commit tee to identify and refer questions to the Task l ore e on Undergraduate Education Frank Anderson. Chairman of the Ad Hoi Edu cational Folic v Committee, said the* motion was aimed at getting detinue disc ussion started to ward resolving difficulties with general education requirements I'he motion e ante in reaction to a rec enl pro posal from the task force* which called lor the University to emphasi/e m depth study, personal interaction between students and faculty, adc ciuate course ac c ess and regular progress toward a degree m undergraduate education University Senator John Nichols said the senate i oininiltee should c onsider the curric ular aspec ts of till' task turn- proposal, mi lulling tin- advan tages .mil d is,id vantages n( separating i unl.ii I hours .ind i redits. .mil of reulai mg tin three course t luster requirement with an right credit requirement The Senate also approved tile annual report from the ( ommlttee on the ( umi ulum vvfilch m (.lulled several amendments addressing the merg trig ol the I rlri iimiminu ation and I dm program with the School ol journalism It was amended Ilia! the 1 ■ *"IJ ‘it I /nvers/tv Hullolin not mi hide ltd i nurses not adopted !>v the journalism school or l.uglish department kite Itullrtin will also .tali that no new idents will he admitted to the lt d program, and that ■ urreoi l td majors niav In- aide on a case hv i ase basis to substitute journalism or Ivnghsh inurses to min plete degree requirements The senate tabled two motions i ncermng 1 >i parlmetil of Defense policies and University scheduling; during dead weid PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? Hu' Offkr of Siudt'nf Advot ii \iiti!.-nt> who h.nv proM»*mv with uim. u!tv. . pplu u's ot pro* *’duri's includtivii ■ SH'DI Nl ( UNIMH I ( 01)1 l HAKGI S ■ SI XUAI MAHASSMl NT ■ DISCRIMINATION ■ lINIVI KsirV HOUSING ■ AC ADI MIC DISPUTI S ■ I INANC IA1 AID ■ I Al III I 1 MINt ONIHK I ■ PI I HI 1C SAI » TV ■ BUNIN! NS Al I MBS ■ ATHl I TIC S ■ IJNIVI UNITY HI ( <)HI)N ■ UNIVI KNITY I MPl.OYMI NT Wr .11 >■ .1 fuv A SI )() prinji ,»m providing pi of* Aston i>l si'mu for stuili-nts in i.impus it’lnh'il mntU'is Call 346-3722 or stop by 334 I Ml) to s«»t up ii ■ HUl [VII»’I III.Ilk Will 11 Hkllli I .1 k\ I 111 . i \ 111 Ih 11« >ii .iiul v. i •! I- 'll. >p il Ilk-1 I'll) 0 SI 11)1 I I I I l Kl I Imi'ii.i\ l) 7 pi n II > I .hi ifill i1 I kill KXIIIBI I ION Mmukii S.iliiiil.ii J.m ti I I I Ml Ikil I r« k mi (i.i I lei i WORKSHOP I rul.ii \ S.iluui.ii J.m 10 \ II I (I (X kim 4 (K )pii i l ul () Nunli'ulc ('iT.imii Simiiu i unit I 11 0 I OK MOKI IMO. 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