COME USE THE CRAFT CENTER (iF.NF.RAI, ISFORMA MON I hr I-Ml ’ ('raft Center is a comprcherMso Arts Program * >1 frr ;n>- »r; ri, i ! .>. - lit and workshops in most areas of the Visual Am ! )k program > Hoth cdus ational and res. rcaiiona! am! encourages all levels of interest, from beginning hobbyist in scrums ai'.*.( I! siw have an interest in art or a favorite Hobbs . the I:Ml (raft ('enter al the I r.iscrvts Oregon is-lor you' Vnu‘11 find us in the I rh Memorial l nlon ( I Mh and I nisi-rsltv l on the lower level, east »ing MFMBFRSHII* INFORM ATION ( rail ( enter membership entitles you to use the !a> .nos ami m ttie ( rail ( color any l imr were ojx-n Mctnlx-r ship is al w ay s as ail aha ■ So: Ku ere ’el (), - immunity .-and.I () alumni The general public may pure haw a < 'rail < enter meml* ■ ‘up witherin' ment. in a (rail (enter work shop costing SlOor more Das use passes are available ior i urrent I <1 community ami I'O alumm ID is required Memberships ate vaud be tie t'ctm :n wh eh they arc purchased, and arc not refundable Membership Pres iper term) V*> IK) students, (acuity, slafl, and spouses SI2 UO alumni VI 2 General public w nh enrollment in ( raft ('enter workshop i ostmg SHI or name ••Discounts: Memt«er ships arc Vs ior 1 () alumni and pi :.r pub enrollnx-nl in a workshopfs) cosiing S2<) or more Day I se fees: Vl I O students, faculty am) staff (no spouses) V2 I t) alumni Membership i' required lor workshops that use ( raft ( enter laedihcs ami equipment Workshops requiring membership* arc starred i*i s u mo KAMI I I IKS I Ml {'nit C'enter facilities ailabie for use >m iude 4 ceramics area with high tire capabilities, darkrimms equipped lor txuh biask. am) white ami color-printing, a icwclrv lab w uh s asting and soldering equipment., a wood shop, and las (lilies for silk screen lutik stained am! fused glass lapidary. bike repair, sewing and numerous ! ihcr let hnitjues fhc < raft < ’enter has hand tm »is, Ixx-ks and peruxlic ais lor mender use within the ('enter Various •. ipp ;es are available for sate . s kers are as arlable to member*, lor SI 1 small 1 or SI ’’*■ ' large 1 per term WORKSHOP KK.IS I RA I ION Registration is on a first come first serve basis continuing throughout the term until classes begin or arc filled (‘reregistration is strongly recommended to ensure y 1 mr plate in a slass Workshop-registration can lx- dt>ne in person or by mail, and must tv accompanied with full payment Members of tlx- I niversity community purchasing ( rail 1 enter memberships will tv required to present I niversity I I) KKKl M) POLICY Workshops will N refunded HXfv. '2 hours prior to the first, meeting, O', thereafter "Intro Special" workshops arc- not refundable. Il a workshop is t am t iled, a full refund w ill be given \k orkshops whith do not meet the minimum requirements will lv t.mti'!iod on nr be lore the first class riveting Memberships are not refundable. II a membership was purchased at .1 discount with a workshop. the lull membership fee will be charged in the event the student withdraws from the class SPECIALS HIM !)()( IOK h rank St hwab }u*.! the prvM rtptton ti> |>erk up \ * nir hike and help you avoid wear tear and repair bill* Instruction will utwr lubn» attnn, tire trouble, brake and pear service and trouble shiH*ting 1 earning the .■ v an* and nuim.-iMtue ski!K will help keep your bike rolling smoothlv ami safely Bring your bike to », lass i h« »urs of mstnn twin Tvv«» vt'ssions offered I Monday, January 1T n 00 9 pm • •*<* S3 ? Wednesday. January ! V n 00 9 **’ pm • S^ 35MM ( AMI* R A l SI N akr ir Ngu>rn l earn the s«s ret n*-a n i ng of all those numbers and letter*’ Short Us tun- irn hidinghovv vour«.amera works Iru hides discussion of film selection and composition for K-tier piv turvs Bring empty ir'mm camera to class \ hour* of instni< lion Monday. Januarv I V n (Mi liin pm S^ I II DVI INI; Kuth) Kale Turn your fee sfurts shorts, and mk l.*. into \s lid and bright tie dyed items l earn hoys to *, reate a variety of patterns using different tying and dvewg ttvhniques firing up to three prew ashed 100 votton Items to dye i hours of instnu turn I W o sessions offensi 1 Wednesday. January * n 00 w on pm • 2 I hursviav. January MJO^iMipm » M S * HI \I)I1) HR ACM.F IS Kim Balsam i earn to nuke v olorful beadevi bracelets using l.n e and fkiwer stitvfu s Bracelets are fun to wear and nuke great gifts’ This is a g. *>d introdui lion to bead w ork for beginners and a chance to ask questions about bead* and beading techniques i hours of instnKtion f hursda v January n W ^ i4) pm * SUPPLIES FOR SALE The! Center has miscellaneous supplies tor sale lor Bikes. Ceramics, Fibers. Glass, Jewelry, Pliolography and Woodworking Call or stop by for information on stock and prices Ml <;s A BONUS I rank (.mar Tired of tup: or ’ I hink you d rather stars c ('< (. >r>* rating dimmer meal off of 'Ivmluiim' You can artistic ally handbuild your own mup tumblers ami •.mall howls in tho- workshop ( lay and glares provided ' Hours of instruction Thursday,January l' 2<)0 SflOpm » **> S' PORCH. AIN VAI.KN I IM S Frank (invar It s a gif! from the heart to your heart s desire a [xirvelain valentine, handmade by you for that sfxsul vonyeone T.mboss it with late, paint it with brightly colored clays. nuke if unique ongtnal, special fust like the one you lose All materials provided 'hours of instruction Saturday, February 1,2 00 r> («'pm »•'*’ $10 H INT KNAPPINO Scott 11 1 ram An introduction to stone tool working techniques 1’artu ipanfs will learn how lo make obsidian and flint tools, such as knives, aces and am* [snnts using aniler and stone hammers and flakers Raw materials and knapping tools will be provided, but bring a pair of leather gloves S hours ol instruction Thursdays n id s ki pm Fcbruaryb 27 »'«* S2r> HOI KS Monday Thursday 10 00 am 9 30 pm 1 nday & Saturday 10 00 am 5 30 pm Sunday 12 30 530pm Note Studios are dosed during workshops Chock tor special hours during finals week and vacations WOODSHOP HOURS: Schedules will be available after the first week of the term Registration Form: WORKSHOP NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE jctiy nnd owning) class # % thcireftex "Intro Spec Ur' wurkebupe •re m>4 refundable. ('em died wnrtihuoe will h* fully refunded MrmtxnKlpa art IK* refundable. 1! member •hif • ei purchased tt • di*i«*jnt. full membership fee wall he vherged m nent the! etudani withdrew fr\m clui CLASS f (PLU)_ TUITION FEE_ MEMBERSHIP FEE (or •)_ TOTAL FEES_ VISITING ARTISTS _ BRIAN RANSOM \ m»u-d ur.imi'-i iomjx>vt*r ami y\// miMiun, Brian Kji'voni ha** K\ n t h** ns lpient of I ulbn>;h; ami Nl AC mints I ir fH-rtorrns hi*' composition * with an assomblv of his own i rrjmk tiwfmnM*nts } iw works hjvrhvn shs»w n nationally ami haw Kvn fmiturvd in ( **run u s Monthly I re*- Slide l ecturr Thursday, lamirarv ^ 7 ■'’ pm I 1 5 l.*i wrvno* Workshop 1 rui.iv A Saturday lanuarv 10 Si 1 1 10 00 am 1 00 prn l! of (> Northsidi- k rrjmu Studio (unit 13) l of () students * $10 All others • $1 ^ MARILYN I I N INK Kiiiowmil Bay Atea ceramist Marilyn I evine will present .i work*h<>p anil a fnv slide lecture 14'vino I* most known lot Her sculpture* of leather boot*. jat ki't*. *uik ase* ft golf hag*, in which tho resemblance <>t i lav to other material* ha- bevn jnished to the limit She ha* taught at theUmversity ot t aljforma/Berkeley, and the University of l 'tah Her work 1* exhibited at Oh. Mams in New York and Kona Branston In ‘■sin I ram mi i nrc Slide lecture: 'hursday, January II, 7 hi pm II * I a wrenev Workshop; I ndav ft Saturday lanuarv 71 ft • It) (X) am- -1 30 pm l of O North*ide C eramic Studio (unit It) l of O students - Sis All others SIS l*AL LI S BLRLNSOHN A dancer visual artisi, potter and divp isrologtst. I’aulu* Beronsohn ha* (aught workshop* all over the country and wa* the founding director of the Wallingsford Pottery t *viiid m Penn** Ivania 1 li* book, i indu g( >m- * Wax With C lay ha* Kvn a continuing revocation to student* of the ceramic art* since it* publication in llBcS He live* In Pen land. North Carolina and 1* iu*l returning ln«rn an •sillogical pilgnminage in Australia Workshop and I ree Slide l rcture I >a!e* to he announced Visiting Artist event* are co *pon sored hv the I Ml l ratt t enter and l ’ ot O Art IVpartment For mote information 1 all Mte-tVd U of OSTUDENTS FACULTY STAFF REGISTER BY JANUARY 8 FOR ANY WORKSHOP OVER $20 AND RECEIVE A $2.00 DISCOUNT ON WINTER TERM MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION BEGINS DECEMBER 10 Send mall-In registration to. EMU Craft Canter, University ol Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 Universrty ID required tor purchase ot ‘student rate' membership Mail-in registrations are confirmed by mail it sell addressed stamped envelope is provided All other mail-in registrations are confirmed by phone Please include daytime phone number. For more Information, cell 346-4361.