Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1992, Page 2B and 3B, Image 22

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Frank (•twar/Peter Meter
I hi' workshop is everything you nm! lor a thorough
grttunding in ceramics Wheel throwing handbuiiding, and
gla/ing techniques will be ohitisI, a iih indivtdualt/cM
instruction for beginners and those with some previous
i,ip rii'n(i' fila/e* and 2* lb» of day included. IShours of
I hive sessions offensd
1 Fuesdnys 100-6 00 pm
January 14 I ebnury Ih
2 I hursciaV' 6 40*4 M) pm
January in February 20
> Sund.iys S 00 N 00 pm
January 2b March I
Met er
• ri! *i-|0
( aisjr
. I . *M0
• n *V4o
(OMIM INC; (IK \Mirs*
IVtrr Mrvrr
! »r th** .isivi’niunHiN •*pir*t who h.r bud v'livo prevs-ms ibv
• n |'t• ri*■ f• s i1 f vp.ind your hnunhit >s kilk .»nd pTsnna!
• \}M* - u»n with t l.i% Iturr.»'•*.. v-mr thrown* and
h.indbuiidmp, skills rrwkt \|h% i .»1 * /«■ i t • * *; • . * * . 1 rHine your
v*i i >• -i • ujue 2** lbs ot iUv jmi &•!a/rs pmv uird
hour .»* ifWnjil inn
msda v« \ (ii #, *i prv
!.ivn.\r\ .\v kbnurv * * i *Vb
II W mil II l>l v. < IK \ Ml< s( III* I l Kl ♦
I r .ink (utsar
i »; in' %< ujr • •«vn inMp.ii.jnvr {r’H t-sA ihfr»uph pi.iv s n>* v\ t H
!.f v I earn jiu lent m«-t n*. -d > >! s lav s > »n*l m« f n »n v < ui butkilnp
Lib hs;jidt>■. v*ir%inv; additive .tinI ••ubtr.Miv*- twhnnjues
( p» viJt- both clim b d and - ‘ If dinexted opportunities
2S lbs «if t lav and v*!a/«-s provided ’ . m of ■ "m m -
V« 1 '* • ’ pin
l.mw.m 2 f « bruarv 1 * « *s
K \kl II KIM »*
1 rank (imar
t.»!. r.m- lin^ hrmp f »r intermeviute an.! .idvancvvi
iiilfirs'.rc! ir. * »p-» nnvntinp with raku t«* i i njur*
Hnn>* • /> pus «-*• i d b-'.ijur i poibrv or -■> ulrtxm* 1st >*!.*/»* .irni
tin :- • f’umb % .i: • p*■ (.U/cs and firinK pn»* idrd '
h -urs i sf inMrui turn
Smmiav 11 OOurr* ’ t*1 pm
i »-bnurv .V * ‘ a *512
( <>l OKI I) r< )K< II \ IN *
IVtif Mi vn
) Ur iinulti Nvuitifiil i up* and km ! .s :?h . i ''orxsl jv>n fiaih
U. :! vvh’.t*- • b n k . .* v ami .t frvv .n..n! volors
( . r« i slips vs til k a% a kbi. ■ Port f I Jin, mason slat ns and
j;|j/t’s pmvided l.M ■ .? •! m. ■ ’ r. .s !:
vS.tin. .i.t% • h M) n v p.m
l.imurv bt bmarv 1.' • *
■\ srsvi.
i harline Ourihanrk
MVsign and wi iivc j Navap rug -Using a frame loom,
students with or without cvpTlence will a loom, d<w|gn
and vntavo'j small propst Advance*! students will loam
more tom plica tod tec hnujiirs and designs ( ost includes
frame loom which is yours to keep and first warp yams.
You will mvd to allow rstra time and monev for materials
lh hours of instruction
Monda vs 6 (30 *4 00 pm • 4 $17 nvmh'n
Jan l 1 l eh 24 (cncept jan 20) • - S4<> non members
( hrysial McCuigan
Rags' Rags' Hags’ Turn those old rags into beautiful rugs
( mate a one of a kind rug, rag a-bag. or set of pla* e nuts
!r*-!ruv tioh in vsarp preparation loom dressing and
K ginning pattern w< -a v mg v*. ill be gt ven Warp varn will
hr provided 21 hour- of instrut! am
Wednesdays h 10 M in pm
1 a • »j rv 7 2 Ma r. h i • ' *5* 1 ’
simnmnl; vm) dvum/
< hr vstal Me* itilgan
* »pi h- th. p.*svihilih.es ofyarn design while . mating v our
own handspun w«joI start on the drop spindle and move
rapidis to the spinning vs heel Ail phases of woo!
prep.iraf;- -r wui K > -v . •« ! Natural and i hemn a! dyeing
!•< '■ t ; »n 1 ( ost includes flecne for you to dvr
your favorite color s t - •* nr-iri, tior.
I hursdav % n «■ t *i pm
Lmuarv 7 ' I ebruary 2 7 • ' *S ■ ’
lit \!>\\<>Rk
Kirn ItaIsam
I vprv - v ■ ur* reahv itv vs 'h
traditional and contemp
)!H ludmg ' Vv ote s?:'.. hi k . -man. he vs. av
OHorfu! lx ads* You will learn
rarv heading to hmuticv
lace stiti h, U>m
heading and others 1 nd i v idua 1 w »\i instruction aid
guid .o e vs :. i or a He v > u ! • de-egr. and , reate prons ts of
You? ■ hou . . Mi. ha • - ar rings n«\ kiac es, p-'.ljiils hra. elets,
anklet-. fs»u. he- and more All levels ■•! eVpTiefu e
.s n h t ost includes a head loom tor vou to keep,
warp threads and needles . ■ ni* t: <n
! v\»* S4'ss|v»ns offered
Fui'vviavs l <: *■ VP pm * '•* $.N members
jam.arv 14 February IS »$.12 nun-ttvmhTs
2 Tui'ulays 7 0tlo> iH) pm • . $2^ members
j anuary 14 February is * . $12 mm member*
| \l)\ \M I I) III \D\NOKK
him Itatsarn
Inijvuw tnd expand \ *ur h. admg d:li 1 ho » lass is
de'-;gr»\l h «r students vs * o ha ve taken head vs ork prvvnnislv
or have orne ex peneru e working with stvd heads l earn
r«os sttt« he-, and techniques and or review and practice
th< on. • v ■ i aife.nlv has .- !hit \ our sk ;!! to vs e » a- you
d« gn attd . rvute m. »rv ■ iah. • ate pr- *jis. ts t a ve r ^ hop e
and esp -fe the p. nhilitit of h. uiv. «r>
17 In mrs , »f inst nu tu*n
V ■ d.iv ‘' •* - * pm • v.’ 'members
m 1 1 I .1 - x.eptlai 7'-' • ' o non rivnih-rs
SI \IM I> <;i ASS*
Mark Keefer
CnMlc vour own beautiful '■t.1 r «x1 glass window' I hr*
n'urv will help\ou turn v.mr ideas into a dor fill works of
an IVsign prinstple* and the (ml wrap construction
nvthiKi will be taught IWginning a* well a' exj'enonced
students are welcome lools and some materials
provided \ikw a little extra monev fur glass 1H hours
of instruction
Mondays r> V w : ' pm
January 27 March2 *.ni *S.M
IN I k<) I () (il.ASS M N1N(i
Mar k Keefer
Redtscocer flu- ancient I gyptian artlunn ul glass fusing
I hi' two ussiuiu lass vs til unor primary tusmgtis. hnujiies
aiui allow students to ovate a tew small puses ot g weirs
I ools and glass provided hears >! instnn lion
Saturdays 1C Ut'am-12 ui1 pm » u; s.|omember*
Januarv 2> & February 1 * a Sl^ nonmember*
Scott Hiram
Obsidian and (lint tool makin
V sl’l HA1 S r tv. *
Hk Untv^iity of Oit|^n ums ind icttvely pruni^et the nghii of i)! indivitj i *
■a :' -til r. I ’ • 1 !• ■ '-*■ ’ v»• i * ■ r \r\. n*U- *t '• i •■•v;’ .i,' - • • , * " :' .t * 4 ’ «» han.li. 4;', \c\:: v.) 'UUji \ u 1: r. ■ . r ar\ r r ».: r i>ir. -4>\
tirnlum n>< direct!) ar.J uihUftiUitHy related i<* '! ,!:\r tx-r! * >nr j»rn c Dm |x !u V implfinml' ai! 4 pf Pliable federal. slate arid Inal la*v
» 1 X!'»1 r^f \ Ihrr^t n j'.-.l ifw; . • I - i. ‘ ’ ' \!! r \v '.l« »I l M ’ u 1 4 I >M » ■ *• I i.i • s et' Of ,, t. 1 upet nc
»K ^ ’ i V tciq*n-oc 1<<M - Uf> 4123
— '
Batik i' an ancient method of drawing, painting and stamping
hot was on cotton fabm before dvcing to crx-ate unique and
beautiful patterns and designs fn this vlaxx you will learn
several batik Uvhnlques, including resist d veirrg ti\ hntques of
West A(n> a Yornba peoples One-half yard of batik material,
dye* and wn provided 12 hours of instruction
Mondays 6:00 0 00 pm
January 27-February 17 »07t *$A-t
Ardls I adry
A class hirbegtnners and experienced students Beginners will
make an egg basket in the Appalachian tradition The
experienced (and/or ad venturesomei will work on sculptural
forms using the same basic construetion and materials Reed,
handles, rush, and sea grass will be provided Students nun
bring other materials, such as plan! fibers, feathers, etc
f> hours of instruition
Thursdays700-S>00 pm *25 S17n>embers
January lb W * > S2II non members
KM i iim;
ky a
1 (a\e sou always wanted to learn how to knit ’ Knitting is a
isTtivt w ,iv to relax w hile i mating be,mtitul garments Alter
learning basic knitting techniques, each student will sells! a
simple [xrojeel cn h as a hat, si art, or simple vest T his v lass is
for students vs ith little or no ex per■ , N eedles and some
varn provided !(' hours of instnMn n
W.x.lnesdavsh vt s Vtpm ■ 77 S20 members
January 22-hebruarv 19 « " >2' non-members
Bink\ Brown lakahashi
C‘!.»ssk i jin it p.itternsand modular pu\ ingti\ hniques combine
tv* produce a traditional uuahty quilt in .1 fra*. tion of the usual
time *h*U\ t one of the following patterns Snow Ball, Blazing
Mar Around the World or Log Cabin The first class meeting
vs ill include discussions of patterns color and fabric
requirements and sel«\ turns All level* of mpt-nriu e welcome
tsXit of vlass sewing time nuv be newssarv 12-1 '2 hours of
Thursday*n W-S Vi pm * ^2 l members
jar, Ih'Fvb 2ieu opt Teb 6) • * $27 non tnemK'rs
* $2 l members
* - $2? non tnemK'rs
1MKODI (HON K) n ul l R\
(.ur> Dauvnti
This overview of jewelry h\ hnujues itu ludes lost
wax tasting and emphasizes !ab?: ation IVnv msfrath»n
iru ludedesign, tit•Mgn transfer,. u!!::!,* filing wax model
irukin^, xprumg At investing .1 'v; & »•.intip (>m • -r
more pmir, !• tan he tornpleted dur ‘-ig * !jss time Some
materials provided 2! ‘ > .r 1 • *• ’
Wedn< -dav ■> h v1 w pm
January 1'''February 2b * M *S4U
IN I HOUR HON 10 .11- WH in
I R HMQl I S ( AS I iv;*
Dennis \\ rrst
This ovemevs ot jewelry nukiiu; Us. hnivjur'- iru ludes
fabrication and ern pha s 1/es lo-t wax tasting
l Vmonstrations include design. Jovian transfer, cutting,
flimy., wax nvsn.it*! making spruing & investing, casting &
cleanup Uih* or more* promts tan he mmpleted during
Jjss time Some materials provided 21 hours of
inst ruction
Tuesdays 6 30*S) U! pm
'anuarv 14 I-ehruarv 23 * ■ *$40
< arul \V iiltrr-Murln
Make unique |owt‘lrv using colorful MMOclav Mu mur
uwn colors arid loam techniques of marbling, miliotion
and incised design to create beads and bn*Hh<-s All
materials provided 10 hours of instruction
I uesviav 6(X)-h X) pm «,'V> S2H members
Unuan 21 hebruarv 11 » $11 non-members
Class sizes are limited and
preregistration is necessary to
assure your space in a workshop!
Registration begins December 10.
Mark /lmmerer
If you v an vtv, you » .in dra w' . amd : »\\arW h, .»-,1 :■ ,
visual nerv option and oh- r\ an : a 4 . t, .«;i» v j-.iivs
several e*orvisos from I >r4yv jr:v’ on ?h«-• Xi^Kr ' i- •? > a .
Brain' ami other souh.es \\ * * I! v. ,it .»,i
Work by masters of thi’ art/ ’f ii:,iw . Ml materials
provided. 1 > hours id notriu t i. -r:
Thursdays 6 TOW 00 pm * " sW m* ” ■ • r
January Ih-Februarv 20 * • x no- ■•".v?Wvh-.
IN II K Min I >1 A I I DR WMN(,
Mark /.immerer
For those with some preyiou • * p< nv: . > Hu's ■ :
convent ratoon figure dra wing vs ith a: --mpl m - . . *
and composition We will a! > wort • - mw ]v':*r.i *• .
arsd ,'VtH'H.mrnt with d iffervn! dravv ■ - Mlnuh'n als
provided. T> hours of instnu ?: t
Tuesdays h TOw >0 pm * i < • . • •
lat’.urv 14-Fehruar\ 1* < ; ' ; ^
(\ii k;r \rm
Helen 1 ill
'.around th*• 11th ».enturv, thi - rip! .v .-n: uaW n-o.tu-'. \
m»>del for the first tvjvta. .; •< d f.-r pt:: *- g n :* i
W ! >n v .-nturv All materials prov ided including pen anti
ink for you to keep *- • . ' ■ *
■; tw ;v ts4 ! H\i • * bruy .i T ■ r * ■? j-.i a* * • * • < ’ • *
Mon At Wed t m! s pm * \
January IT-27 ieve-ept jan * t A
\N \ I I K(OlOK
l laina lamieson
painting H ntroduct
" ■ . ■
All materials prov ided
I • #A44 $42
\ ;J !,i!'.u.ir\ Jo-|;ebruar\ * \
(HIM SI Itkl Ml r \IN I IV,
I i-\u» \ eh
W >u'.i \ i *u !u > ’ ; .i ' t .»' -i ; • i ’ .
t 1)11)0 and join us 1 ft -- havf Mimo fun vvi'h ( f • .
brush. s and bl.iv ♦> ; i«► VN ■ v\ ni i«‘jrn th.- Ta.*. t: * •• ■ > .
painting mountains, flowon, bamboo and mon- stop ' v
-:»• j (. ost includes two brushes vvhu h are vmirs fo keep,
paper and ink ? • ■ r . ■,
I - f‘ mi •* m! pm * n - >
January 21 February 18 * } VI2 ; - " •• ’> '
Maril>n Mohr
Make v<»ur own hardbound • • > ' ' ’ ■ *
b. .*•.* ding tfv hnujlit w *s *.*?-! :•* . •• g ’ f •
’ a:d b ind 1*»- b ' i ^ r ; r ’ i»- ‘ •: ' r i'.• . : >’■ •
and pamphlet sowing w;!: b»- taught a - !.me a:!‘W i he
first v ijsN Will feature paste pap-'- tha* - a?’ ’ . t ' 1?
, r> >\! Most materials provided
mstnu t ton
!• W i\t ne • davs 6 •i; 1 " ’ p?»
11 January 22 February
* |S S
* t• ?
I \V \M SI I* \IM K M \ K HI !\(,
Marilvn Mohr
Suminagashi |s possibly the most am tent ? fine*.' r art ■
!n thus workshop we v\ bi exp!-. .re M ■. T r. j t ■ a! rn* :. •
in whu h sunn ink- are rk a. d • water ' •
df ip; ev-okmp [>atter -»ir : • Paper and inks will be
f>n>v ided W@sr worfc • ■
paper Japanese pap • a m ► v. «u w :-?• !- • fry - ’
»'f ii- tnktnm
Monday b 00 M > pf!. *
February'V » >i^r -n im iniv-s
I MIIK I \ POS I I K SI 1 Ks( Kl I N *
Peter Meyer
Print your own T-shirt p • -r v ard unfit-pf 1 •
emuKton method • *? m k revi■ o,,-rn VN. van-.
inks, stencil nx-tfuxis pap-r-- and labn. A w v '.2 if
v ou wai’t v our own. st us • Ink and some stencil mater;al
provided. 18 hours of : an n !
! hur -days h Vo w V pm
January 16February 2*' * '
l kK VINIAN \ I \Sl H KOI’I \N I (,(,
Laura (li-rards
Students will learn three dith-rent t^hniquos nt aj- v ::v,
Je'i^nN to raw ivy,- Tradit-..•!•■.>! I 'kramtan m»-t) J-v.
omplM-i/ed, withregmn.ilditterena*-e»f’la:n.si • - i
• •'nti'xt All that i- required i- a -ti-jilv'hat it patt-■:•••• >' I
a sense of humor iiv^' often Ln ak dunty il>■■ -ra' ' All
J>es. beads, tools, <‘m;s, and vsa«i-s will be provided
Students will have the . >pti. >n of pure basin p, t ■ as : dv>
after the la-t ela-s riHS'lny. 4 i . ur- ot :n.struvtn >n
Sunday-s (HI S 00 pm * ■> S24 nn-mbers
February2-l#> * 'I S27non-rtvembers
P MM KM V KI N< i 1
Mmr* Yotfl
V\ ’ < ■ r i v.t ho f r i •. i if >.-V v'.i.I ;?;!•>' h >r p.rpo? vuV. r »■. VW [{ Haw .» short
s ..io prv -.• ?11ti!:. >!: »>'• th«' i .pn» rss .»risi plants iis«xl for
t'.ip-ntuiVsivvv 1 hon \vi’ il nulr |M[htn ustnp I n**tbo»iv I a pa
: - o .i »,» ! iifv;'-1.!' i J'.ip i- All.mate rial* provided aru!
I w • - ■ 11 led it / H< ur • of nvtr\K lion
*■ur ■ i.iVs ■ -■' im «'vpm * $1 M’.te-mN-f's
i.»• - iars 11 fobniarv o v o * p * i: l"'1 * - S'st:--n nW-*mK*r>
r\IM KN1 \K!N(; II
Simrr \ o>»l
• k it " - ' - , . v .
• ' ' ' ' ■ > : i' y
v. h .'»■ r :.i' ii v'c • o' ■ , .!■- Vll nulrruU
PItiV idcii h . • . • 1
'vitntv.ldV * H' Vv.im i?
I vhruiirv-H 22 « ■*
* ' Vi. > nv-mhor-’
mor-N •
J nu»kr
•? ,u-hi.
I iim.
IU <. IN N IN (, IMIO I (H.K \IMI\ *
\ nnrttr (, urdjun k<bt^j i hnmpsmi
1 how to u «»* vour i.irrh-rj dfVi-ioj* MAtW ? r
VS i tintji! print'* a r..i « n !.i r >*.-1• • ■ ■ "Y
* iim position. tho . .initM.i .m i t*•% ? :
. • >\ rr> .i Hruiy. \ mr emptv ; • n r- -i ■ ■ > • * ’ 1 ' ’
ihrmn jU itu) M*mr pjp« r w 11 br pmvoh-d
Hint* S4-S-.u>ns oftorwi
! Mond ays t» ’ « '<!>! pm fhompson
l,ir •:.! * \ ’ ' } «*hns.ir\ -1 l * • ; ‘ ’ «' ’ * ' *'-•
2 2'00-'h' pm H
'.If : a r\ 14 \ fhm.i’V ' s • r ’> •
' Wt^.ino ■ bn • ' ; '* *' p?i
{aruurv N \i.ir\h 4 *»' *S4.‘
in 11 kmi Di v 11 runi (x,k \rm ♦
Andrew Hurtey
This unirsi' is designed t >? phi >n >>■ r .1; ■! .-r wf
auiuainted v\ ith general darVn m pro- i-dun
* rr'
\. sthefn . .nsj 1«■ r a f
heirukid**d Stud.-m
L't 1 I,
t lu'inii jU vsill be provided
ot instruction
■day \ * *
February :?
( oi ok rm\ 11n<.*
Andrew llirvn
■ : t he mi > j . and som > pap
ill b
rilOKX.K \ 1*111 N (, \ <)l K \ K I WOKk
Andrew Harve\
I; r. \ «.
- hliK|U**'
\tf1U ipant s vvii! ‘earn ars
-nimiJY’* !* « pm
' 5 • ■..i ry 2h Ac I ebrwarv 2
( ONirnsl I ION \M> I Kill I
Re hex v a 1 tmmpson
>h( >?• »v*r.i
and strike a
ther > i-f - ene p . tores
ii/rjn.l apprt\ rate This
J\ ••• >! .) pr*--s. j » j • ••.vs i i C arnera and him
vs i!I be provided and students will ri’.rivr h rushed siidrs of
their work .s h - ,r- • " , n
,1,-ivv 1? Ail4 40 nm • *4 $74 members
» <■ > s: ' non-members
The elements of a photograph soniehnw - nr
chord tor one pTM>n, but not f*»r another
have a duality that everyone v an n
lass Will identity M-meot these .juahties through .i discussion
■ an 1 1:v*f.? Ha k.n ivvledge of . arnera use
n ; , red Slide film will be provided 1 air ■ >’. :: -tru ft• >:
V\/%ir . vviavsn '■ - pm • 7 members
1 ebruarv 12 * * ’ $ 1 s non members
H \ M X () 1() K1 N (» H&W IMIOKH,RAIMIS
Annette < >urdjian
Add - r to your BAcW phut■-graphs In this two week
w rf ' »p we vs:;i e\pi <re tra : ’ a: and • ontemporarv
method' »t handodoruv, print- ! he di — studio tirive will
h- 'p \ . perfis f \our ?‘s Sr.up;* •• I’rev:- *us photographic
e* • -en-. e i t rojuire-d ? ■ u v.. !>•-*-d HAtV\ ph »bgraphs
j r • * d e n .itte urt i epap r * K( pap r wi • »t worl C olor
pencils, oils, dyes, and practice prints will be available,
hours t»? instruction
M 'ufaysr * H \i) prn « »-s S14 m»'rnb«*rs
lebnur>! 1 1 ,Ct 17 * * > Sl7rv>n numbers
\Un Hal Irek lom \ Than
M.iHtuIi/** N-*ur uioas in tho wmni shop i n\»tr a
profit vsbili- Jv.unii^; povvor Iih»I uv and safety
InstnMion vs til cover pn>)*vt design. vvihkI profX'iiH'v
hand and |v\ut ttK'l tis<’ ,»rnl jniner\ Allow lor extra
shop tmu* ami cost 'of vnur pmnvt 22 hours of
Thrxv vi‘sMtms offered
1 Sutul.iys "vOO S (K) pm I jalltvk
jatmarv 1.' March 1 (exiept Jan N) • ” ' *5*4*
2 luesdavsn *0 v I ’ pm Urban
January 11 March 4 • -’t *5-1?
* 'Wednesday% I V> ’ I > pm lialhsk
January I ' March I t- ’? *$42
uni l r ban
;s ’ | ;v . ot oj'i'n shop With J!1 OX|H‘fienv i\f
*sivv«>rker I xpi.»rx* new t»snnujues get help and
i \ < • s. .r p*t pro^vl. or fme-h that project -from a
o", Hi.oi.pN iinKiJf' demon *trations and
. . on d* ii». muter work., dovetail**., and
• rii «• and tenon. I he shop is still ojx*n during this
• I iv s ' l “* ■ v* ! > pm
, f ebrnarv 2n
*l;riv with
John loni’s
• vr. md in work)
working with handtools and It'.irnuu'
*f w orkmg tevhn iques * [ 'smg tools mk h
I plane-, nurkmg giii>VN br.io* jiu)
i!«miding plane*. yields
- • wer t> *> >K will bi
*( instnulion
pf jan 20)
rr\ *Vto
\\ ()(>l> l \
Ilf nit hakt*f
\\ ( )( ) I M \K\ INC
scorn Mums
' rad if idiul wind irving '
d utilitarian
i finishes I Vs|gn
■ vi• • ir pnt in mind
• and adv a ru ed vvimkI
,our own tools
the ( raft (. ente
> l * pm
1 k >n H’
I WO s*
1 ‘■ssl f .
2 ^Njt .
Sat .
1 nl
from machine*- ‘students
• mw* «»l their * os n tool and
so prev ious ui k k f vs >• rking
* r»\l
i hnnjues will bo demonstrated,
. ; !. r turn me i furniture legs * and le
: r.i i plate turning • how Is and
• d. • u'li and finishing methods
! • . v. ! be allow'ed for hands on
Mat**nals prm idrd > hours >f instm* tion
i > • - ' ; : • 1 $ 1 * member*
•. ..in • *". SIH non members
ith mallet and gouge both
. vs ill .«*vef t«s hnioue-.,
rublerm will he
This ^ lass in for
arven*, but vou
wood*. may he
hours of instrvntu>n
t(Tib SI1* members
77 $18 non-member*
I Kill I I Mil I M \ k IN C *
Pat < »ri rfiwHI
•\ p n ,te*!art and art major-. --pend t vs . • ‘ .■aturvf.iv>
m uk mg the ultmute light table A new and improved
d. er m. ■ *rpmates your Mayline and Ikmo into a
1 ,»| . that fit* studio d* -ds m Lawrence linkable,
|s»r!ab!'- .ml fun. tional this table is a must fur wur
id; .pa. • Wood and screws provided ‘‘Uidents
Will n»s-d to purv base ?h*• ir own glass, light*, and fk »n o
'I hi »urs > if instrut ti« >n
•m ire. «lffensf
Ian 1 !, Iff <M) am 4 U) pm (! 12 hr lunch)
(an 2 >, U>iM) am 1 <X! pm » >
}.-b .’2, louOarn l V) pmH/'.1 hr lunch)
bob *, 10 :1 ’ am-1 '00 pm *‘ *>-'s
Monday Thursday 10 00 am 9 30 pm
Friday & Saturday 10 00 am-5 30 pm
Sunday 12:30-5 30 pm
Note: v id ire ed during m ■-si p
C’ *• r ' .• ;»• .i • (),.' ■ -j l - i week
.I’ d v.k .i’ ons
,■ ”<*d.. w ! he .iv.i able ,»r*er the
' week •-! the term