EDITORIAL Don’t waste time, hold election soon The students have spoken, .it least to the extent that they want the; right to be heard A.St’O Vice President loSnnja Watson is up for re [.all, courtesy of a College Republican sponsored peti tion Just before winter break, organizers turned in l.H4a signatures to the Constitution < ourt 15.1 more than needed Backers of the recall effort say it has bipartisan backing and deny the recall is politically, motivated Watson supporters scoff at the claims and in one slea zy . unforgettable moment, c harged rat ism, f'he recall is a bit of both I or the College Repaid i < ans to sa\ its efforts are completely out of the politii al sphere is ridiculous t)f course it has political implica tions I hi College Republicans didn't buck the Bills Watson to ket. and in the spirit of minority parties e\ er \ where they are exploiting an opportunity He that as it may. there is an opportunity Watson did shoplift, was convicted, and served her sentence 1aeii then it wasn’t such a lug deal, hut her ai turns a! ter the storv broke seemingly no remorse, eli made it one The College Republicans may have lit the tire hut Watson brought the wood and fanned the flames .So ttii students will get the i hunt e to remove tie: from ofta e t.u what amounts to a: m significant ssue W at sun s shoplifting did not directly .dfec t : • r h or have anv hearing on her ability to tutfilt tier di.t « - Students have the right to kmm about it there ,st shouldn't be this much i unlroversv One more thing The ASi () Constitution puts no time frame on when the election must be held Not to put such thoughts in anybody’s head, but conceivably the election could In- the day before Bills and Watson leave of fie e Let's hope it doesn't go that tar Whoever runs the election needs to keep speed in mind, (let the election done and quickly. so we can all get this nasty situation behind us and get on vsith tilings that are really impor taut In a time ol rising tuition costs ami shrinking loans and grants, inconsequential issues such as tins waste time, money and resources ,, Emerald po bo* ji». tuotwt omoonmoj The • if, - (>.t > I • .»*‘ U * W • ••*» ' */ 1 '*'••« 1 . •* ,1M i vJ I a *5 1' " ■ <*• tr» •S .1 >*: *' ; ,V ’ « Ir ,w. y Of OttQOrt. 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General Marvager Mw: AUVVMIB'lty Oftic# M6-4J1 1 W* iil2 DiftpJfly Ad*«rliwi>g Mh ].’!? Clm*d Ai\ •• !n go hat k to television Mayhe lake o\ it h alw ell s show J«• 11 \ Hi nun pimiiisi nevei : in r i .uni ui,11<‘’s dr • : ■ mli inv wrsion ol the S'j piNetwork D.iit (Jnaylf ri -solve mil to 1 i; : president Lver iik 11 j 11 ah. 1 ill 1I1 >es It fell till' : 1 r 1 • -i 1 nti.il hope lu Is I i’ll 1 III III1! resuh i' III'V IT 1 p mi nallotuil tiilev 1 a t’.i-; nn baseball tnum in World Series and I hat 1! ■ \ ■ think about i nlnri/ing . .. kjnr. I should bu .'rd it i:ur|Mit tucks and ■ I;|>p■ 1 in nibbing ah ohol Mi b*s III and 1 ,|vr ih-mt ip i.k- sba 1 c oil ill\ mils ii! ! pi 1 a.! 1! bai k al the . .! ; ossible opportunity Hal bar a KoImt ts pi a:i ► s ■ Oregon Legislature \ atld unit- Up vs Itll 1 h.1:1 a; !o Meas ...'1 a ■ ;t■ 111 r 1 ■ lilt- state gets .mi - ■ i ol; !■ ’.tie highest bidder M ik bail < on bat hev . " ; ioti is MiiJon '■■■ ■;-:iit o! luirm-ss. J will .»>■ s; resolutions lor m\ sei! too Rememiier, these are 1 j■ pally binding Don Peters do hereby re ■ ■ to do tin following heiei again 11ns SJO iiottle si i !i ii v\ ilh diet root tieer W 1 s11 im true k ix i .isionally mst. ad ol waiting tor a passing rainstorm ktup tailing my boss |u< klehead. even ii d is only behind ins ton k Mot to go down anv ski run named Death from Above " Sl.nl thinking aluml quitting smoking (the crucial first step) Never again run .1 tab .it .1 bur Root lor the California An gels, even il they go Avoid taking .1 i:lass entirely by Footnotes Learn bow to nook I he Dom ino's I’i/./u girl knows me by name Stop staying out until - a tn on .1 Wednesday Never again take another It tn a m lit class Clean my apartment more of ten, instead of the semi-annual schedule I have now Learn how to bit a iron Avoid using the word diver sity'' in anything ! write Vote, even if 1 have to put down Bill and Opus" lor pro-, ident again Continue to hate the Dallas (lowtxn s. the l 'tm ersits of Mi ami and tlie New York Yan Nut date anyone who can beat me in arm w resiling Stop referring to Northern Californians ns them Mu--’, be nice; they have all the water At 111 a 11 v go in the library ibis term And finally Not come into the office at I p in on a Sunday with no idea what I'm going to write Well, that's that You all should make some resolutions, too It's fun to do. and even more fun to break them Don Refers is un Emerald vdi loriul editor ' INK RECESSION . 3,