Good weather conditions aid cleanup of Alaska oil spill AM HOKAtih Alaska ( A I’ j Cleanup of the largest oil spill in Alaska sint'• the 1 oho l.uim Valdez disaster continued Sunday as workers sui ked up whal they could and sprayed chernM ill dispersants long slti k threatening an island shoreline A pipeline i arrvmg a mix of oil and water fro/e and burst early Saturday, spilling an estl rnaled ltj.MOO gallons ol i rude oil into tin- waters ol Cook Inlet about Ml miles southwest ol Anchorage on portions of a several mile A sink measured about ;o nuifs long and 300 yartis wide had spread Into the inlet liy Sunday. hut the worst eon imitation of oil ttins to lout miles long about two to threi miles from Kalgin Island ,in(fit nils said The dispersants, which break up lie oil while still near the stirfm e were bet rig used oil .1 heaV v ribls ai of oil Hvo In threi miles northeast of kulgin Is ! i!:. i J -..mi Joe Salllfler, I ho stale Di-piirtim nl nf in vironmenlul (.miM'rviii inn ?> regional oil pro grain i oordinalor Wetilhef ss'liu h had i imprr ail'd in llic spill cleanup Saint ii.i\ was worsening Sunday and cleanup workers were hop ing in kn-p ihe nil from going ashore onto I he island Sauiner said We learned from Ihe l.xxon Valdez, lhal once you gel i rude oil onto ihe heal hes, your eflnrl for I leaning up goes was up, 'the (lifftiuliV goes was up, S miner said Tin 1 x son Va Ide/ spil led nearly 1 ! million gallons of -ftl: Sj;ji crude into the wa i':. ■ i e U . Ill,mi Sound i n Man ii 1 OHO it Wai the nation s oil '.pill live largest sjiill in ( ook Inlet was in 1 uH 7, when tlie tanker (ilai ler [ta\ dumped helween 11,000 and HTi.OOO gallons Hv Sunday, skimmers using • n! absorbent brxims and other equipment had recovered up to a quarter of the oil, said Hull Williams, manager of the Kenui I’ipnllne ( .o Some also had dis prrsed or evaporated naturallv. he said The p i pe 11 ne i om pans is cnv nri! bv Aren .inti (ihev A rupture in tin- heated pres suri/ed Id -null pipeline was discovered earl) Saturdav. a mi (juic kJ\ repaired I'he break was s ansed bv a healing ele ment liial fulled, allowing the pip*- to freeze and lhaw, cans ing llie break Williams said The pipeline runs along a 1.200 foot causeway between the shore and a offshore dock, he said I he doc k is about 1 1 miles north of Kenai and the mouth of the Kenai River, a world renowned king salmon fishing area U.N. may send peacekeepers to Yugoslavia if truce lasts UNI I l-;u NA TIONS (AH A U. N n n v o y o 11 Sunday raised expix liitions that ii [i lu 10.00(1 peacekeepers (mild lie sen! to Yugoslav la. kiiv11warring fat turns im s. i essionist Croatia appear to he finally lioooitn^ a i rase 11r•• pact In Zagreb. IMo (apltal of Urn ati.i. a senior Croat tan i mil tnunder also was optimtslii afxmt tin- truce, the lMh In try to end die six month i tvil war If it holds for the next two Weeks, the i hunt es are (good) it will turn into ii prrm.imrnt i I'.isc f ire," sii id (Inn I in r .1 Agotir after iwi'lmg with ( nl Mile (llumai . .1 .irtny negotiator Thi' two men agreed In meet again Thursday in I’m v Hungary. JO miles from the ( .roatian border UN ofTir nils li.ivc said they would not send pear ekeepers until u firm trur e is rear !i in Oo.itiii when repuhhi fighters h.isi* Isullled llir Serb led fi-dt-r •il irniv and ethnit Serbs op posed In m‘i rsMon I'ti'viims Inn i *. r olliijisiti almost until' diuli'ty Thousands of people hove tu rn killed, .mil spit ml t \ i:IIVO) < vrtls Villlte S.ilur d*»V inure 111.Ill (.00 OOU refuge. h uve fled fighting suite Cro.ili.i dei lured independerii <■ June e mi l Sund.iv with l N Set reliirv ( Ilulros (Titill, arid said (.I1.1I1 will deliver .1 re juirt Murid.iv on Yugoslavia to 1 In- Security Council, which authority lo semi .1 petite keeping tori e \ alter who returned Iroiti Y'.lgosl.iviu hist week, did not disilose del.ills ol the meeting •>\ iili (>hali ituI i! w iis dear Vance's report focused on pos sible deployment of .1 pear e keeping forte; which officials said could be as large us 10,000 soldiers V.iiii 1* said specific details about .1 possible pern ekeeping Ion i- would lie addressed in (■hull s repori 10 the lli-nntion Sei urilv ( mini il Asked if he was optimistic nl«.ul pc.k 1 \ iinc e broke into n smile 1 urn pleased the 1 ease fire appears to be holding and I liojic that this w ill ( nnlmue (dull also grinned and ap upbeat .is Ivc loft ihc meeting, hui did no! talk to re porters i . a former Secretary o! Stale s.inl he would try to reach top Yugoslav officials and military leaders later Sun day to rn< ourage them to abide by the truce, agreed Friday. Asked yvhen officials would he confident a i ease fire was holding, Vance said "I think that we have to see for more than a couple of days, three, four, live days 1 really don't 'van! to put anv countdown. U have to see _EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS © “ Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! rKASSIMKl) POUCIKS I'Ui rmrni '•'» i'‘n , * < 1 *s K*»«n *'» I Ml • * ( l ( ) |llM| Ili.fV M* j • l\n men I \i i -v • .«t Nr prejM ' <** '• j *•#> '» - a • , 1 I • f *’■* , ■ . 4 . ‘••if* ; '•! > . - ■ * 1 Mi Dr.ullines I . r V, U • •••«*•. >1 • ' 4 , l> vp ,n -N.H ;• • .*«• r..«• no LOST i FOUND M* Uf w . > ' M *' ■ » ' . lUkV «* tk'fcM* I ft' y ,1if e mTYPWG SERVICES 344-4510 «;i u m mmn rn«N kssim. K«m «ii khiiiii arr»■ > > ix> net' *r4Ttrtt'A i vsi k ruivr in<. !'rl *f t 1 h«i«1 fVi . 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