Oregon center Chuck Patterson takes a shot in the game against Minnesota in the Par West Classic tournament Dec 27-26 CLASSIC Continued from Page 14 wc were hist too passive ' lie mi. We play i .i .is i! s\<- we ,( ared " i he ! tucks hati reason to be :i : lb..- following nigh: e they were overwhelmed by LaSalle 10r> 25 in the third plai e game ot t!ie tournament ! iS ,ll« en.itii Kandy Woods ,i i : ' ■■ : ,,i ii t , k ■■ i Lined tor tiri points on 2 1 t t'> shooting, w in- .• 1 ' : • ■ e ol 2.1 shots made (runt three point land. Hurd atone hit B ot u shots from behind the line The Ducks were ne\ er ill tb: I one as the i.xplnrns pnnped out to a quit k 2,I H lead and del not look bat k The biggest concern of the gatin' tor the Dus ks u as the he.-, ol Collier for the season with a broken In-.it In addition, l.v ' a will lie out o! the season i r four to six weeks with a foot ligament injury suffered in Sat unlay s game against Mt - - m11 Stouiiamire was tin- only Dui k to si ore in diaifue figure as he finished will.- 2li points on it of 1 shooting from tin rich! Oregon State won tin- lourn-i men! ?!v drkr.tUng \t. ones, 1,1 ,■ the title game *>.’ c(l lln- 1 neton (he Beavers < line hack 1 rom an ! 1 - point dulu.it at ball time to .!••!■- r LaSalle. it was the loth iime tn in years the Beavers have claimed the tour nament title The resurrected and re vamped tournament w e- a ! ■ appointment ns far ;is atlen dunce Wils concerned 1 1 • tourney drew less th in : i nun lor (Kith nights and • 7.000 on the final nigh! The former eight-team tour nament w as a ha ii it n tel! hy SpotlMir Fred Mi V' -■ 1 W I II s ago Thlittvvay Store e.iv < itn si t (Tim ed down t ■■ '■ ' ■' new life after i ;e an sent e Oregon State gti.ird (ih.n h - V Kinm-v was mimed u...' standing player ui the tniirn.i meat and Was |oim d ml the .1:1 tourney team bv teammate (.had Scott. LaSalle's Woods and Hurd and Me. < ter FRANCK PHOTO + USED CAMERAS = GOOD VALUE Nikon gOOKiUkr tK«i NikunWOf tcuHknll Minolta Mavium SOOOt Canon I SO »/2#-70 Irns V^MInoJU XDS w/SO*nm Irn .Minolta X-.V70 w/SOtnm Irm Minolta XG-I »/4Smm Inn ( anon I SO a/SOrnm In*.—. Nikon EMI w/warrant) . Nikon** III wAJSinm In*. r"r V4no V.wv VlW Viw VIW $!4t VI w VI IS Viw Vivo Photographers helping photographers •* S g * S S * * S 5 France Photo BUY •SELL •TRADE 1330 Willamette • Mon-Sat 9:30 - 6:00pm • 343-2X16 Advertise Emerald AT TH E UO BOOKSTORE MAIN FLOOR ONLY All Soles Are Final Sale Effective While Quantities Last 13TH AND KINCAID OPEN MONMY-SATUMMY PHONS9464331 Weasel’s World Kraig Norris ( > ’ - •. - KiSC r... TV " C" •• -I K f r N»i < > i >$■'.* •<' ' * MC»‘ ,T 8 » r J. < Mi : -l • - > i M RESUMES (iivt* vour resume ,i professional look, h\ ha\inj* i! I\ peset at I etter Porter t (jraphu s. Suite KM) I Ml . 54f)-4 181 9-3 Mon-fri 130 FOR SALE Looking for a good deal ? Read section 130 in the classifieds.