I POP QUIZ NO *2 PENCIL REQUIRED. NO TRICK QUESTIONS. NO WRONG ANSWERS. Dqn t be. fooled If you ever take the bus, you vt> got 3 'o! riding or c,/ little multiple choice number Because i! s time tor us to evaluate and redemgc. our routes and schedules And /ow i essay questions optional and • Drop It m the survey envelope on any Pus • Bring it to the L TD Kiosk and 13th S Kincaid (Jan 6 or 7 we II hr- then1 • Take it to the L TD Customer service Center or ’ Mail it to us1 1 Do you currently ride the bus 7 If yes. skip question f>2 of the survey It no skip question ft3 of the survey 2 Please indicate why you do not ride the bus (check so that apply Need to make other stops to or from work school The bus takes too long The bus stop is too tar from my home It is difficult to make connections Don t want to transfer downtown Evening bus service ends too early Morning U ot 0 direct bus service ends too early Morning bus service starts too late Not enough service on weekends Do not feet secure waiting at bus stop. Which one 7 Other 3 How many one way bus trips do you take in a typical week 7 Which routes do you ride most frequently 7 Do you use a Park & Ride lot7 yes no If yes. which one(s)7 4 What improvements to bus service would you most like to see7 (Pleaserank your response *1 being the improvement you would most like to see. #2 being your second choice etc 1 More direct routes More frequent service on weekdays Extended hours of service on weekdays E xtended hours ot service on morning U ot 0 direct buses More frequent service on weekends Extended hours of service on weekends Different Park & Ride locations Where7 Other 5 What time do you usually arrive at work school7 6 What time do you usually leave work schoo1 7 What are the nearest cross streets to your home 7 and in (cityI 8 Please use the space below for any additiona comments MAILING ADDRESS: PO. BOX 7070, EUGENE 97401 FOR MORE INFORMATION: 687.5555 ( TDD 687.5552) fi THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. Football games changed Hawaii ar.fi N<\ i-la ai Las \ - g if will lie ad (ini to the 1 O’C Oregon football stheduh be i ,m«' of Viii unidie. 'eft In two other st hool's , h 1. k s w 111 (jpc u : •' x I tail - slate with a Sept r> gumr at \ it/en Stadium against Ha \s.. d the Western \tt a fit < .unlorrnt e and will tentative . ;.!i i I INI,V of tie it;i; \Vi si i (iiiferenr e Sept 2f>, also in fan g.ne Oregon athletic dins tor Hill Dvrne said schedule changes hei allie net essar V after Long Beat 11 State dropped its loot ball p rogra in i n l)e< e m h e r a rid Howling Green asked, to lie re leased from Its St bed.lie ohllg.l tloll in 1002 In-addition.' the 1 links Pat if u 10 Gonfcrrnce game at Stan ford was shilled to Sept 12 by mutual agreement between the Schools to at commodate Ore gun's schedule revision Ore goo will play at Hawaii during tie 100-t season and ;• negi ti.it mg to play Bowling Green dur ing another season [ he Dm ks' res ist'd 1 U‘t.: si h.'duli’ is as ItiHows I home games in ([APS] Sept f> HA W Ml Sept 12 Stan lord. - TEXAS l-.CH s,-pt I MA . Oct t AKI'/O \ A ST A IT . Oct 10 South ern ( al (kt 1’ WASHING i ON. Oi t I ! VS ashtngton Slat. Nos 1 ( MdfOKNi V Nos 1-1 ltd.A Nos 2 1 (Iregon State Coach resigns Alison Kutn'ilson ,i five vcaf ,!•.vi.int t ii.ii h lor tin I Jut k wiitiiHi's hiiskntbitll iiMtn. to igm-d in i)f< I'miii'f M V pi iul .t if. ii.it r l il.lllgod sint >• 1 lirst cntcfcii tin- t:o. .uni 2 1 month-old daughter Urn* i In- ti.it i ling ■ issih i.ili-d w Itli tin )nb In i .him ti. iniii.li to Iindi-rtakr .it tills tmif ()n v :■ ts i .nil'll s hi .id inis M-tii.itI , • ... i: Ihwin iIf,ns s.ud Kotx-itson's i ontribution to tin jirogr.im would hi* sori-lv I missed' bill announced her re !>i,K i-mes’,1 lor the remainder id season Richard Lucas, a former Oregon men s standout who completed Ins eligibility List season, was added t< the women's cuar hing staff .Alison will certainly he diJ Iicult to replace, hut I under stand her reasoning lor w ishing to step down at this time and support iter der ision Hetny said Shi' has meant a lot to this program, as a player as we : us u i ouch, and 1 will.miss her I lie It) veuf-oid Robertson completed her culiogiaie career m 1 oh i us Oregon's all-time ss O' oil.; leader allti second lies! rehounder Ijelore beginning hot s, i ond stint at tier alma mater as a graduate assistant coat h in t>(HH Shi joined Hernv's stall as a lull-time assistant the fol lowing season I have learned a lot as a player and a coach through Id win, and he has been a friend to me on arid off the court, Robertson said "! yy ill miss working with the kids but still w ill he m attend,mi e at e\ erv home game Softballer honored Hie National Softball ('.ti.k h t’s Association named Oregon's kirn Manning tn tin- academic A:! Amaru .! squad (or 1 'in ! M.inning had .1 HO1) batting aveiage. ssas second in the i’.n 10 with six home runs, had 10 Kills and sc ured 10 runs I lie senior Health liduc ation major accumulated a l On (d’A last scar Tn lie eligible, a player must maintain at least a 1 SO ('d’A (or the aouiemic scar Player named all-West Oregon senior U .1 ss 11 n t harroin vsas named to the all West Region squad in voting done b\ region volleyball c oat lies Ohiirroin, a four-year st.irter, ss as named to the all i’ac 10 team in Uei emiier The Dm ks liUtside hitter led tile le.llli in kill digs and total hhx ks and ranked among the conforem e leaders m all three categories ri.-od .1 bieah> Chech out the LMTERTAIflMEMT ■ t ion m t he ODE