SPORTS Ducks regroup after hoop loss By Jayson Jacoby i rwa'.,-: Sr W Wer Oregon's 74 r>H : tth • inked Missouri S.i'uni.n :ugh' in its final non c nnlerem -game went pretty n inli Tt:i is! [)c> ipif I'Xpci ted h r o ft 1 m ,i n n r (I i.) u i k s i <: . iiin't stay with tin’ i 1 O ! i gets inside or in the open i ourt .111:1 \ ussuu ri r.lMil |'\ !| 'I! Jv, i tin- longest i irrent w mt- tig ■ ': - o. i:: \( A A I P\ isaa; ' ' games Hut vvii.t! i aim .is .! s iii.n end up costing Oregon a lift inure dovvtv the road than Saturday s j 1 Joss l-'ive nunuti's iniij [lie ig.iUie ■ ini! With the si ore pud a! ;;ri sophomore forward iptdv i.v Jen Oregon's seCond leading si lifer lit ! I 4 point' per game stepped on M r ■ • .:: , enter je\ .in ( Uihij ; s tool illli tided up writhing in ■ under the basket Lvden did not i>r■ ■,sk his loot, but the sophomore will tniss tour to sis week' i:'i t X rjis taken Su n d a \ r ev e a!e d sprained intort,irsal ligaments m ins right loot Lvden's injury (.one esai i 1 v one week altei aimthei Oregon starter, junior point guard An die (lollier, vsas likely lost lot the year with a broken loot in the 1) u t k s' 11) f> 7 5 loss to LaS,itie at the I ar West Classic. ( aillier's injury lori eii junior transier Antoine Stoudariure. who Has eligible after tile end of last term following a move Ire : t ii irgelowtl. to lake ovel tin- point guard spot, a position hr hadn't plaveil situ e high school And with I.vden out oi the lineup, Simula mi re has to change positions again taking ■ i er the y afaled ! t >: y\ ird spi a I he rash ol injuries has Ore gel a ( h IJ : Munson si rati lung his head in disbelief "I've got to talk to (Oregon i .i.ii.h Kut. Urooks. Stonsuri said lie must lie hanging around me too much NiollMUi isn't laughing about losing two starters from a team already ierv short on experi ence including l.ydrn who has seen more ol the I’ut ifii ID ( umfereiu e than anyone else We re short some kids. Munson said We just have to regroup and go from there Losing Lvden definitely hurt the Duckn. hut it prohably wouldn't have affei led the out Oregon s Antoine Stoudarrure and Jett Potter go tor the rebound against the Missouri tigers c onn- ol Saturday *• game much Oregon did pl.iv url! for much cl the first hull, though, COnullg nut With I slow |Miru h 1 e handling the hull .1 pci nisi LaSalle afler (lollier yvas 11. i r- I and Munson 's game plan spread that responsihilily around to Stuudamtre, Johnnie Kiiii C.lvde Jordan and Orlan de \\ iHiatus Surprisingly alter l.yden went out, Oregon went on an M n, ■ tak rij.; a 17-11 lead and gelling the small crowd of In I ;:h into the game Missouri didn’t win its first 1(1 games by pane king. boys. \ el and the Tigers used their de tense and some incredible shoot mg bv sophomore guard Melvin booker to take the mo mentum right back The Ducks took thetr last lead a! JO !H on a StQtldamire lay in with Just under rune minutes lei! Ill the lost half, and Missouri responded by go mg on a 1 ‘i -i run The Tigers used three Straight steals two ofl Its aggressive full court press to m on* m\ p. : n I' ( .1 pp' • { i •: ’ ' ' H; !' : h ■■ r s .11 111 dllflk VV 1 I I i.iMls hi t > Iflr . -f IWii tr« thr( us to get !!n i >u < ks h.u k within eight at i l 2 • liut thru Ik * <■', : j. jk nvi'f ;% ith liis lung rung'- bombs to push the lead into double figures Booker’s first three pointer. It it! least If i If'1'! ivr Me. mri i it» 2”» edge I bun .liter freshman jell Pot '«•: hoiked »fI .t nice p.iss from K* ■■ • ik*• r hit .to rvrii long er rainbow tv) up the lead to to ’ A three pointer bv S t iill (1 ,i i!11 re i u! the lead to } t to ,0 halftime \ ■ j : : : .* X K I 1 point Sr.el m the so onrl halt on .i lav u bv Ml .\111- r*( aft An thony Peeler, who was held to jus! Ilf points halt his average 1 t i| by some ot Ionian's ath letic plays. Oregon climbed ba> k ! w ;! bill 11 it ' t»» on af .n f ' a! : hanksht >t b\ the sop horn v ■: * forward with 1 2 minutes let! Mission m or eel the next si x points four by Peeler to lead n i U>. and the Due ks nev Turr to BASKETBALL Page 1S GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mc'c*>c>‘5 • BMW • Voikswugon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 291; 2025 Franklin Bivd Eugono, Oregon 97403 TODAY! CRAFT CENfl ER 1,1 . t ■> in: ; v • ». C A; . ; •t’A!’f ■ ’ . AAA *•' ■ SAT ■ w : Wi ■ A : . A A photo a'apht V. > . "A A - WAu;r Oi - Glass * MUCH MOAt ' worK; WORKSHOPS HKOIN SOON! located lower EMU inturination: 346-4361 MONEY FOR COLLEGE WHERE WILL IT COME FROM? &6 MMon in (tvnctt aid want unuMdM ymr brauM MudMi dW not know wtm UNTIL TODAY! Mail in Toda\ I or FRKF Information N.uth*_ Addfev._ f (fy Phone_ NATIONAL STUDENT AID SERVICES 1*0 Box 7801 Ktigmc. 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