Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1992, Page 11, Image 11

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    Initiative aims to protect water quality
By John Gunther
i mefald Contributor
An initiative that if passed could have'signifi
cant effects on tin* McKenzie Kiser is gaining sup
port and will likelv appear on the May.li.illot, the
initiative's petition coordinator said
The McKenzie River Initiative would amend
the Lane County Rural Comprehensive plan
passed in the mid '70s Most notably it would
prohibit the construe lion of new dams on tin- riv
er, restrict the use ot pesticides and fertilizers oil
public lands next to the river and. prohibit min
ing, quarrying and processing of roc k within ldd
feet of the river
The initiative is designed to make sure the riv
er's water quality and recreation, scenic, arid
wildlife values are protected from damage by eco
nomic. development, said petition coordinator
Paul Hoobyar
More than half of the i>,2li i signatures needed
to get the Mi kcnzie River Initiative on the May
10 ballot have been c ollc-c ted, Hoobyar said
The signatures must be collected by Jan 1~ to
gel the initiative on the ballot
"I feel pretty optimistic right now,' Ifooby.u
said "We have..quite a bit of energy and support
out there "
Hoobvar said the initiative should''concern stu
dents and all of hugenu bee ause b'ugcne gets its
drinking water from the Me Kcnzie River
The initiative would also provide a buffer strip
!. > r it im , ipmi-nl vv ith m > tret of ihi' normal high
wati'f line on lh>* risit
.in' iuiffiT strip would tli'tiT herbicides .mil
pesticides trout draining into tin- riser and also
stop erosion problems on the bank ol the riser,
Hoohvar said
'Hoohvar- savs the mitt.itivis important be
i ausi- parts of l(m lane (.'■ iunlv Kura! (iomprehon
si\ i* Plan havt' bei hiih1 outdated threatening rivor
l or -example Hoohvar said a propose,t bridge
on tin- river. tailed tin- Hear ( reek itri-iap ould
ill' a tlirral to the riser s It I 'S\ stem llttler the
current plan, the • let ision i uncerning whether the
bridge 'will In built is totally in the hands of tin
counts commissioners. Hoohvar said
\ 1 though l hi' mill at n i - \s oil Id n. a prohibit i on
slrutlion o! thi* bridge it would let voier* rather
than i ommlssiom rs do id•- whether tin- tti.Ii;e
would hi* built, he said
•Although .tit** quality lit. tip' raves . pood now
hi* said I hi* ptirpusi' oT thi' ttlihain !■ is !u ensvoe
continued high quality of the Ms er
Smni' opposition to tin' mill a'.is . • t»t • : ••
around tin* Iwliel that thi* iiutlri /on s> od in
fringe-pn peoples property rights bs not mow mg
thi'in to develop their land next to the rivet
Hut Hoohsar said that while lh< people own
the land tlli’S don't own the river he-, .en.e i! IS a
publu resourt e
Hoohvar said the issue o! properis ndringi
ritent is tor voters toilo ide
Low-income utility aid cut
By John Higgins
t reerasl CiVW*ul!V
lower Imv iiH omi1 renters
and hump ownim will re
i pivp help paving ihoir heat
inji hill-, (mm a federal oner
gy assistant c program
Last veer the l.mv Inc twin
Knergy Assistance Program
served more than 00.out)
households. Imt only 57-.000
will re< i’Ivp help this year
bis atisp uf frdrral i uth.u ks
I hr program helps offset
energy (usts fur low nil nine
households by making it
one time payment In energy
suppliers on hehalf of the
l ast year the federal guy
eminent gave the state ol l )r
agon $112 m I1 lion Lit i s
year (begun yv III ret el y e
. mly Sign million yvhi< h
,s iII lie distributed in aver
age one time payments u!
liuyveyer, at least 1 Ml.Otlll
i isehulds in Oregon quel
itv fur assistance. according
!ii (In' Orient) Housing ami
Lonimuntlv Services Depart
mi'll! i’mgrum udminlstra
tars give priority In sin1 el
derty ami disabled ami mils
make payments as long as
llie money lasts
We ll probably run out
In tin- eml of l-uhruarv
program representative |odie
Jones said List year tile pro
gram tan out of monev tn
late Mari li. Jones said
I n quality for help, house
holds must have a gross an
nual income less than 1Ti
peri flit ol the federal pover
ty level l ot example, single
renters or homeowners who
lllake Sl.'to or less a month
may apply lor money A
family ol lour would have to
make less than St. t'Mi a
month to quality
The program is si heduled
to run Irom Dei I'l'll,
through April II), luoj the
pit 'grains local other is at
1 Vi High St in 1,'ugene The
phone number is tat,’ !>104
111 *w i
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