Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Former Oregon Attorney General Dave Frohnmayer said he wants to build on the work ot former
deans while improving the law school
Frohnmayer preps for new job
j Former attorney
general assumes
law school deanship
By Carne Dennett
New Year's I),IV marked not
unlv .1 lie vs ve.ir fur Dave
1'ruhnmaver, Imt a nevs jot)
Wlitle the new dean of till*
I mvi-fMly s law si IhkiI didn't
actually (ome into the office
on the holiday. hi' admits to
doing sortit! paperwork at
On his first real day in the
office, he dealt with more pa
perwork before traveling to
Salem to officially hang up
his fiat .is Oregon's attorney
general and swear in his sue
I-Tohnrnayer spent Friday in
meetings and interviews in
Ins still-bare office, belure
leaving earlv in the afternoon
for an American Assoi lation
ol Law Si hinds annual meet
mg in San Antonio
When be returns Tuesday
Frohniiiuyer said Ins lirst pri
only is to get a handle on the
7urn to DEAN f‘.tyo !0
Police arrest five in
vacation break-ins
j Arrests in
Christmas Day
burglary uncover
string of fraternity and
dormitory thefts
By Gem! KoeppmQ
i poll* r have arrested
hse people in t oiinrt Iloti vs i(h
Ivsu winli't vacation Ureas. ns
.il lln' IMii Camilla licit.i nil \l
pha r.iu (hnega fraternities
In addition, Sigma Chi (rater
tnly. Burgess and Spiltcr halls,
and thn l adversity Inn were
burglarized during the vara
imn, bu! il isn 1 known whether
I he >u5|jt'i ts arrested lor t lit*
[wo fralermlv robberies an
i otHH-l led w il h Ihi e life tk .';
Polite became aware of thn
iratornity burglaries on Chrisl
mas morning, a fin r an All)
member surprised the burglars
while they wen! in the house
Tbe f r a lit r n i t v m e m bur.
Christopher keilh Wjsner. 'll
had .i weapon shoveii in Ins
!ai e. bu! ss as later able to get to
a phone and < till police, ai
i ording to polu e n-porls
Two suspects were later
slopped one him k assay from
the bouse and Wasiier idenh
lied them as two ol the four
suspects In' s.iss in the house,
act.ording to police reports
( barmame Joelle Weaver.
of Unj Waite Si . ssas carrying
a large-frame, automalii style
pellet gun and other puses ol
properly, at cording to police
reports She now faces ?
counts ol burglary but is no
longer in < ustody
I'lmotby Alan Jones. list
»•»i in' I>i > 1 ii r i( |Kis ts .is .r.!f.ir i,.
-■ i <' f i f .".(•*» i h• irO ;■ { v\ : ‘ h ‘ .i tii! !••
ul burglary and one < ounl of
'Mini violation f 1** tv %11ii in
i..uM'1'Wi v
\v |Ksi:i ill
}/«•(( . ;;
tu i, ut r»m| .ii lht* S.ri*mi ( hi
hoiist [)t*< or j.i ■
Ii s ins! known \.• »w tin- bur
glars rnii'frii but uni r insult*
Ih*■ v bn ik» in .
and stole a varirt\ of rompurl
tiis( s. stnmts arid V(.Kx ‘-aid
Siuli Taylor. Sigma ( hi pn-M
i hi- r\.ii ! ‘ \ * Si! id Um* thnll
: .11 i i r!: ■. if . 1; k V i 1
( linnetIiuii hi tin' Signs,i On
’ ' i k ; ‘,
I hr next burglary happened
.11 the i■ i}i house on Christmas
live, tiuln r Detective Bob Hob
I,mil '..ini rhi- burglars milv
hiivr entered through ,i broken
W ' !f i IW hill ih« extent lit ll : ■ •
burglarv isn't yet known
A day >111it llir A !'() rotil« t\
[Mllll i -.r.iri linl Apt Hi .it lo l l
Aiilcr St Mom thiin ,i thousand
( I )s multiple stereos, radar ile
tei tors, tool hoses. chur khooks
.mil credit i .irds were inside
the iip.irtrnent I'he property in
ventorv runs lor nine single
spitted pages, uncording to po
In e reports
Much of the niaten.il flits yet
to tie reported stolen, hut that
will probably change when the
students return. Holland said
Marty Wayne Dixon. 2t> was
at the apartment He was taken
• BURGLARIES P i.je 10
Jerry Rust gave a
media tour of old
growth and clear
cut sites Friday.
See STORY, page 4
A state ethics commission ruled Myles
Brand broke the law by offering free
trips to the Independence Bowl to the
Eugene and Springfield mayors' wives.
See STORY, page 3
Jordy Lyden joins
the injured list as
the Ducks fall to
Missouri, 79-58
See SPORTS, page 13
Thesis completion caps Honors College career
j Honors College
provides students with
small classes, com
munity atmosphere
By Lisa Millegan
t 'fut jiC Ayv ;C Jttl f ’ •*
Learning that sin- has passed Hit
oral defense leaves the senior arts
and lelierx inu)or a bit ciii/ed
Only minutes before, (;|ynnis
Fawkes had been answering ques
lions from professors on her ltiesis
committee about what she re,ills
meant when she wrote her Honors
t or liege thesis
Tilled. ‘'Representations of
Maenads and Satyrs on Archaic Red
figure Vases," Fawkes' thesis fo
cused on mythological c haracters
depicted on ancient Creek pottery
Standing on one side of a large
oval table in Chapman Hall. Fawkes
had explained that the maxi uline su
tyrs are usually pictured c hasing,
but never catc hing, the feminine
What do von think Athenian
women thought whim tin s saw
these vases''' one professor had
Although Fawkes seemed .1 little
nervous .it the liegmning ol the dt
fense, by the end. she was enjoying
the situation
Oil ask more' l iiwk.es hud
laughed when the professors had
run out ol questions .it the end
\ovv, with the detense finally h.
hind her. lawkes just felt relieved to
he done Alter .1 lew congratulatory
lings from her mom and friends, the
realization that she wouldn't have to
work on the tig page (taper ever
again began to set in
F.ven though it s just days l>oforo
hilt term finals. I.iwkes knows ex
aillv what she's going to do '(.u
out and drink somewhere
The completion of her thesis,
combined with the ileli use, lulhlied
Fawkes last requirement lor a hat h
elor's degree from the University's
Kohert U (".lark Honors (ailing.
About (>n students from the college
write theses each year
Basically satisfied with her lm
Turn to HONORS Page 10
• ' Of • , ,
Glynms Fawkes and her mother
celebrate alter Glynnis successful
oral defense of her thesis tor the
Honors College