Library buys Spanish materials By tfsa Millegart i •• ..-a .1 Associate ! cttor I he Eugene Public Library Inis pure based more Spanish language books, newspapers, niaga/ines. audio and video cassettes thanks to a $20,000 grant from the 1' S Department of Education Although the library had a Spanish language collection in the past, the collection was lint tied largely to classic literature and lacked "the popular fiction and nonfiction that most peo pie would want to read." said Sandra Derrick, senior librarian and project director of the grant Library officials -decided to apply for the grant to expand the Spanish languagecollet turn after requests tor materials steadily increased We wanted to promote i u I tural diversity in the area. Car ra k said Hisparnt s are one ol the fastest growing minorities in the community' " ,\i i ording to the l 'lOO I eii sus. I,OS I Hispanics live in Lu gene, making up 2 percent of the city's total population However Vic ki Valde/ I lie Chicano Allans Center estimat (■it that I he number ol Hispan ics living m the .tr« .i is closer to 10.000 She viol the census count, is inaccurate bei ause ion mis takers did not have an adequate amount of time to make tin1 count -ind missed many ret tint immigrant'. (‘ i r r h k said t ho I i lira r v worked i IiimiIv with lot al Late no assoi latioii'. to dt;< Idi* what Spanish language materials' to order ()n< e tile word gets out, I think the Spanish materials will he heavily, heavily used \ aide/ said its hard II you're living' in a plai e and you i an t understand the language Then Vim see something in your own 'language'"and It's like seeing a Ini-ltd The library tna'u'gu rated its new Spanish language t ollt i ! t. >n S' p, i fd.i y yy It ll all i ipe I: ll- is.- that included jit• i Iitiii alii es of songs and stories in the language ( lose to 100 people i rammed hi to an upstairs room ol tin- Ii jo vv.ili h i hililrei! 'ton I ugene s Spanish iinnn rsioii Buen.i Vista I'.lemehlary Si I per form a play \ k a r.igu a n singer Ana Bonduranl also led the group in .1 rousing < hum*, of ! oh/ Nay irhii) Harhara Stevens Newcomb lull! Ivvo in both S|MHtvh .mil ! nglish one about .1 In :ii' tu >v vv h. vvanle,) In th uiiI 'hi >■ hrr i.M.'vi. .in It'. I' :... I 11'..' .l.iv it snowed H»rt 1 Has ( ..Mil Hit kux wrapped up lh< slum with slides of .1 trip he look In Nu ar.tgua During intermission, auili cm c members leasttid on 11.1 1 Ill's Hill WITH - 111 V Ill'll to lake I (ret* rose \ tilhle ill the room vs as dei urateil with flags from South \n.crii an t nun tries am) a globe uni atlas '.prominently pi.i;v ctl tiepu lions t.l the . onli n.-i.t ( p. .slers u| Vlexi . 11 ami l hi If at lorni'i I the wail-. While many members ol-.lhe -I .. 4., e III e w e re p area I s ,; t I; lend - ■ it. the < it:'. Iren win > pc: Niri'iet! severalWere bussed . , 1.p. iie s W htle.ik>a .11 s !: a ' vv here a large H ispatiii : ..tlilv exists lie .It V ‘Will host lliret :liei Spanish language pro ;! ci ;'n th. ' next v ear i at h will eOim lit* vs till the am V a I ut VOLUNTEER Continued from Page 8 member who I was, Huberts said We spent a lot of time together, and she didn't even remem her mn." But senior volunteer I rina Met artnes said mans of the residents have Al/.heitner's disease, so she is happv when someone remembers tier Shi1 said a couple of the residents ask where she s\ as if she misses a s\ eek II I j>n 'here .itiii l.ilk v\ ith Iht ... ! ' J11<•; !o smiIf. then I'm- dam- somethin-. I Mi l airtney ■'-ml Mi ( artnev -“i id I hill In sides \\ .lii lie residents, she has .1 pel therapy pl.-Mi.nn m whii h she brings puppie-. or kit!-:,, I .- mweil Irani tlreonhill Humane Sot ielv, ta lie resiiienls Mi ( urines rei. enmenih. s t -1 1111»■ 1 •:;u; lie pen pie who enjoy one on one ( on versa! e uis and get linU 1,1 know oiher p. ..pie You jusi have lo rt-meinhef when you go there, vail're really taut h tun salneam ■ hie $5.00 OFF Lazar s Bazar { 57 W. Broadway l 957 Willamette 5 DOWNTOWN MALL I I HOLIDAY SPECIALS r • NICE l ITE.35.00 • ( AI LYE VI < 1KA C C )MI*lJ 11 K 20.00 • MINOURA MAC. 1RAINI R.1 39.00 • si ai hac. w/1 iki roots..9.75 PLUS: More Specials Too Numerous To List ALSO: PRICE REDUCED 1991 Britestone & Miyata Bikes BIC Y( If SHOP 2480 AIDIK 142-1. I'll PAUL'S BIC YC U WAY Of LIFE 1.2 W. I \|mh-s 1/J5/42 444-410:. WEKNOW WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND™ So Clear Your Head With This Great Finals Week Special: Late Night Special From lOpm-midnight vh Medium Pizza 5.95 TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1X09 Franklin Blvd. FREE DELIVERY 484-2799