Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 09, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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    Dr. Marten Shoes
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C A M P U S 1 OC A T I O N
860 East 13th Ave
344 7894
13th & Willamette
344 3555
the copy center
Volunteers give time to elderly
By Hope Nealson
Hus hplidtis MMMin, one stu
ij.-n! gave her steady nti as
her mfs in ;m elderly man. so he
t siiiiH write hts wife .1 Christ
mas i ard
The Smifh Hilts nursing
home resident needed help
writing his i an) and with the
help of.student volunteer Alv
ia I iisIiT Ik w islied Ills wife a
Sterrs Christmas arid happy
holiday season
1 Ins is ,us! one of 'the ai tlvj
ties' University sludent volun
leers do in help bring some
lose and j!>s into the lues of
Smith 11 ills residents
You make (heir das a 1111 h
tei brighter. ' foster said, add
mg that people i an learn a lot
I nan residents stories Idles
an not that different from sou,
OS' n though they are old. she
South Hills Ailis its Dins tor
S • i \ ’si .1 ., S.nd 'es e(| though
the volunteers hr mg a lot ol
non h needed lose and alien
tion to !ii, residents, the volun
leers get something in return
I be elderis have a lot ol
is siloii; Man said i ties s e
been through smnut h. anti you
m learn a lot oi palienc e. and
a greater understanding ol the
■world and people They also
has'i .. ssonderlul sense ol hu
Soul! Hills noss has seven
i losersits volunteers, most of
ss horn s is presidents in their
n» ms either at random or from
list Mail provides
I lifter said shi’ rp-ts .1 lot-nut
I the evpenelst e. savin# many
i.l thi patients to I k idMiut their
lives'.anil .have wonderful sto
TICS Id tell Om- Midi |).llli,!lt Is
Hi- s mi easv to talk to. sin
'..mi The first time I talked
w ith him. we talked for -to nun
ufes lie had lots of stories
-if • : World U at II and tattimjs
if I go there and
talk with them and
get them to smile,
then I’ve done
something good.’
Inna McCartney
all over liis arms
I 1 ti : id another woman
told fo r about the different
{dales she's lived, and where
she wanted In travel hosier
said it is hard to explain how
she feels alter she visits With
the patients
At first it is really sad,' she
said Von see these people and
think, a ii: I v;o 1 ng t o be
rti.il is hard hosier said
hint when I talk to the people
i jus! feel {{nod like I've done
something real good
Us hard striking up corner
satioiis with (aittents at first
Hut hosier said she |ust knot ks
on doors, walks in and intro
dut es herself
i jabber on about the weath
er. or a part \ w hatever 1 will's
U|>. shfi said
I here <ire a fe w patients
who are nol very cotnmunic a
live. she said "You're trying
to ( arr\ on .1 conversation with
someone who isn't really
'here "
But mam of the residents do
like to talk
(Itie man is always reading
the paper, lie s pretty with it.
I*'outer said He talks about
world events and what s going
on m thi! news
One journalism student, ju
mor Amber Roberts, volun
teered through the l-.St API
program Through KStiAIMv.
students receive one t redit for a
mandatory seminar and an ad
ditional credit per Til) hours of
volunleer time
Students must sign up
through IiS( AIM', and register
through Dm k ( all to receive
■too level practicum < redit
Besides visit mg wit h resi
• tents, Roberts wrote a series of
artii les lor the South H11 Is
newsletter. The Herald." in
which she interviewed resi
It helps ttie residents Seel
spei lai hei ause their stories are
tieing told. Man said
But Roberts said volunteering
.m he frustrating at times
Roberts cited one instance
when she talked with a woman,
and thought she had made a
real connection with her
I had a great talk with tier,
then, the next time I went to
visit tier she didn't even re
—wind'll mrr -Tiri'finprirr nrr~r
l Inivcrsity of ()regon
Winter Classes
Meditation Trough Movement
Sail :(X> 6:00pm
January 25, 1992 (one day seminar)
Instructor Arutrc Carpenter
l ee SX.OO.
Wc vs i II leant how to move from the
meditative center, and mostly. each
irulmdu.il will discover his/ her indi
vidual. umi|tie way ot centering in the
NkIv and how to hinciion in all .it
cunisLuicesasa centered, w luile human
Soul Boundaries
I h 4 DO h:(X*jHn
Jan l) Jan '(), llW2
InstiiK lor \nn Mi emits
I rec c lass, I J5 (iilhert
Identifying our choices lor this life
time begins with clarity mg the
questions Students will learn
techniques to impiove use ol their
intuition e will cover a aw to a.
inner creative sources and to idcniils
our own personal contrasts
Understanding Selt-Esteem
Mon tr id KOOpm
J.m (> M:ir *7, 1992
Instructor 1 onv Cubilo
lee S 10.00
What you learn in tins tun class will
enable you to make your understand
ingot who you are more positive, w hie h
is an essential ingredient to happiness
ITie class will include lecture, discus
sion and exercises in the practical ap
plication o! the principles taught
the War of the Sexes
Wed 700 IdOOpm
Jan X-J.ui 1992
Instiuc lot Andre t .trpenter
I roc c lass, 2nd I'otukin
We will explore the essential dillei
ences and similarities between the
gendersandhow thes allcvlthepsuhes
ol men and women
Dream Journey
111 s id 7 (Kipm
Jan 9 Mar I.' l‘>o.'
lee S20
litstructor Nora Mun>eue
In this coutse students cull learn sex
cr.il ways u) improve ilicii dream vi
sions We will cover dream recall,
primitive culture practices, early ana
lytic approaches, and modem process
oriented techniques
17H 7:00 4;00pm
Jan 7 Mar 12. llW2
l ee 'slO. H-^2 CJerlinger Annex
Instructor \\ acne Vincent
IJus non aggressive Japanese martial
an pl.wes emphasis on centering. ha I
ance and relaxation, as vs ell as on sell
defense technique I raining isdcsigned
to reduce tension, increase llcxibility
and heighten awarenessof inner energy
Introduction to
Yoga and Meditation
Hi 7:tX)-‘):(X)pm
Jan lf> Mar s I')').1
I ree t lass
Instructor I>.nt.i|i Saixahodhanudu
Iliis class a ill present basic .uid ellec
live yoga techniques lor improving
health, mental balance, and sell
u'varen. Sjv. uil emphasis sc ill lv
gisen ti> meditation W'th its theory
and pr.k nee
How To Register
Both students and non students are able
lo register two ways Drop by our table
in the main lobby ol the HMD’ Jan t> 7
between 12:00 -l <M). or come to our
office EML ISC during office hours
i posted on our door or call 74ft-4X)S)
Innovative Educational Develop
ment has moved to the ground floor
of the Krb Memorial l nion in room
15C near Computer Lounge.
Reimbursement Schedule
Before die second class l(X)r;
Before the third class HOC
Alter the third class (b'4
About The Program
Innovative Educational Development
provides the Eugene area with a re
Ireshing blend ol courses not lound in
die regular l of O curriculum We
sponsor credit and non credit classes,
workshops and seminars taught bv
qua!iticd students community mem
bers ami l ofOlacully We act as a
testing ground for experimental course'
ideas, welcoming new ones tfuit deal
•c tlhc urrent .uid > >r. < 'iitrov crsial issir-s