Two sorority houses now historic By ArtgelO Ven a : •• : C< ■ 'fifcuu i tvi- hugrne properties. in i lading Ivv11 t'nivrTMtv sorori ties tin -Hilyartl Street. h.ive : i i • ri’• -r(■.! ;r;. the. Nat lotia! Register of llitinru Plates by ■ T b f A Ip If.i Phi Si i r ;d r 11 v Housi OSO Mil\ J St hut it m i‘121 ,111,1 tin t . mini i Phi Until Sorority House, 1021 Mil vard SI In.ill in .ire two I 1 eir Wes! \i. I >, fy I , • ' ties to lie rei ogni/ed built • ■ et 1. ,0 'Hit : ■ ■ re !,.im mil the Christian Patterson Rental Property at 2 11 I • t>tii A.v e ire the other two ' Designation as a lilsiofti landmark Vr :;t!• the proper ties to rei ri ,e a ■ pei . il tax a sessinent it, addition to in t reased recognition that at i om panics Christine ! .1 \ it>r ! sin Eugene Planning Division H.iui ! hr Mjih.i Phi Sur tritv Hons* irni the Dorris Vp.irt merits have both .'<■< *••! no 1 ■ - ■ tH ■ • * -.- * • i , il«e of .the pr ■ !j;n rtv . t. tv tir* it . in 1 nv: v rp'vvh ;i«- ;!• proper ivirvg iintsiii.- tin* U • ' - ! .me ( ;*i;nt\ I'.irmers ! m t ;«V.i\'<•.. Bui.lii.irig-,. built in :■>: t ' listst h sot *>r 1 tit’s }jfan .* * pen houses • iirlv next t< 11 <• l;> * elehrate lie* historical flesignti i.i* *ns horn both (louses greejnl !h*- news rnliiusi . -ii 1% ! rillllk.'lh.l! the hiijiso.'-heirig n.iiiH'ii .1 historical tin. hi » a i'll.: help pit serve .1 lor lu.1 no Alpha I'ili members uiu: I'.mdv Anduimbaull said !he honor re • ivi-d from lh.' : is t h; minm not only brings us ui : tiuis.-d pride. but il reflet Is op ! hi mini en it y is wall : (. .1 in ni.i i'ili Hfi.i Si it 11 r;' y •:,.•;^. r ;'' Sheldon said ’ fa'■> ;i to ii si- diu l:!ii|u‘\ sat? : ' ' 1 - v oitivi rl Uiliiyi'il S|!||I.|' min J ling H i >:i St'Rlothor Irani' t tad .1 d a ;i||i!ays,i !■', ;>! \ • ■ S - : y ! ■> .'Ii y i- s . ; r. idly a; ;h< jl'i signal a •!.) he i;;! is . .it ■■ v rr.y ext Hi ! aUrfit Itvmg in .m .of fit fiilly Ids d -i i'si- sind yvo ok !, : yy;.!td la providing da; ■ ammi; pi! V si I h i 111 I- t i 1 y ; e yy ! he baa I r.liUisl s.ild : ! K ■ ■ ys : yy lab' : in.inv gi'iidrutinris of Uitun •du denis SURVEY Continued from Page 6 l huversitv. 70 peri i lit desi i died 11:>• ir exjirtirn. - h»*r*• .is good or exi ellent (^.11!«t^. Inund lhut the effects of cumulative budget t uts liver the hist (lei ;ide were reflet ted III some student complaints "Large size classes taught In student teachers who can t speak, the language" was a complaint given hv one formei student In keeping with the cries c>! finani nil strain, more than hull the respondents said they have or are looking lor a job 101 students have lound lull-time jobs. .' I are employed part lane Martini i’itts. assoi iate director nt admissions, said the fad that almost half the contacted stu dents are employed could indicate a Haw in tin survey In general, completed survey s rellei ted the itn mobility ut students, th- ■’ win* w-'a ke; ' a! tie same phone numhers bei .mse of lamtly or oilier considerations Students who had the mobility to leave those phone tiumln rs were r«su bed In fewer numbers 1 he svsteinatii exclusion of a impurity of eligi ble -.tvident ■ ■ ■ aid -■>. w the survev . ts frmersitv I’resuli-nt Mvles Htaiid initiated tm project in response to an enrollment droji greatet than the cultiai ks nei essllated fry Measure > fourth week figures showed ItcOOS students, down till pen ent from IB.HI in fall Pino Ihat numlsr ts about mhi fewer students tfian [1 r jelled for this term About 2.000 undergraduates who wen- enrolled sjiritlg term did not return this fall Before students were called, ii letter and re en Sample Survey Responses FINANCIAL PROBLEMS •Owe UO money, trying to straighten out bill •Tired ot being broke ACADEMIC CONCERNS •Couldn't tmd classes I needed in the evening • Not sure UO is the best »• u e for me UO RATING • Excellent, had great time eumo i a lot •Just drop through the cmcm. • Adequate lor s •Depends on field an.) * you have the money i itAc C*y 1 Jtwif : : r:m wen1 sent to noil :1 !uInI in: fesid* i uiiiii rgraduates who were not majors in l-dm .1 I ton or Human Development and Performance These former students were invited to o enroll, ar to tell Admissions why they would not return Phase T ie. ot the pro)ei 1 will attempt to 1 on:.11 ! ie> former resident undergraduates who were in ifisi uiilinued programs Phase Three contacted 1st) non resident undergraduates who did not re 1 ,.rn and the data Is being analyzed SUPER FALL AUTOMOTIVE 50 SPECIALS *2 ire$fone AMIIKA1 HOMI 909 CAI UtVKI I I I I LUBE, OIL1 & FILTER $ 16 99 MOST CARS Maintenance ■ TUNE-UPS I 4 CYL. 549" 159'* 69*' 6 CYL. 8 CYL. I I radiator! SERVICE 29 99 I CHEMICAL TREATMENT POWER FLUSH. 49 99 I I I SNOW TIRE CHANGEOVER ,\ • : -t-n *v•1 f - th ; , r tift**, mount yimf snows tin**. St Hf*t \> >; - aH» computer baiam f‘ Iftfrn ■: >n .la* M-tan ! whi.r ■'* $4 Q99 ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■_I-1-«-M Shop (m $1 for all Itams Ttrestone ™ AMERICA’S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE 345*1 593 No Appt. Necessary 185 E 11th Store Only-Short Walk from Campus Recycle this paper. meetings No on H*t* a group inj4 the OCA ballot measure, will meet hutsdiiv at p ui at the Oregon Eduiation usmk 10 tinti building. -HIS f.oburg K t .ill tiHH-tt>01 lor mom inhumation ( hromi Fatigue Syndrome support group u ill meet Uet 2<) at i HO p m at the Emerald People s Utility Uistrii t build ing. 13 7! 3 SeitVeV Loop Rd ( all (iHh-0310 for more infor mation MISCELLANEOUS Singlefile forms and (ienerul University Scholarship appli i aliens for are now available in the Financial Aid Office, Room 2t>0 Oregon Hall Child Care, Inc. a commune ty non-profit child i are and preschool center, is sponsoring a sandwich and savvy" parent education workshop I)e< 11 at S 30 p in at 1<>‘» N Washington St . in Skinner s Butte Call 344 1 UiS for more information and to reserve a spot RELIGION Communal Penam e Service for advent will take place to night at 7:30 at the Newman Center, 1HS0 Emerald St Call 34t»-44tiH for more information ARE FINALS KEEPING I YOG UP ALL NIGHT? I Need a coffee break? BEGINNING DEC. 11 — AND THROUGH FINALS WEEK — BURGER KING- ON FRANKLIN BLVD. WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 3 AM. We'll have FREE coffee & free soft drinks ALL night for you at Burger King\ SHOW YOUR STUDENT I.D. CARD BURCIg FREE COFFEE & FREE MEDIUM SOFT DRINKS AVAILABLE 9 p.rn. — 3 a.m. KING