Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 09, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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“29 years of Quality Service”
Mercedes • BMW • Voi- .van,'
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342-2912 2025 Franklin Bivd Eugone, Orogon 97403
Mu' film r.! N'.ilut .il I lisimv
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Darwin would have loved
our natural selection.
11 ,r Miim mu i >1 N.ilui .il I lisimv t'iIt 11• .| > ■ •llri •• in
.in i | itlyr In I hr s.illic n|i| stnrr s .111(1 I Hr ‘*.1II If n|<| i'll I •
it ' ii 11 irmlly, nun' ‘a'Ini simp .uni rxplmr mu • p> i i.tl
rlfilMi .| i i.il ill f i r l,i(f < I uir r i li.ili' ll'.f
M-.vr-.- ‘ -* *vr • if- - "*'*
• I ,un Moic ( ASH I or N our t srd
I cxtbor »ks
• S,iu' More Mnnc\ VV Ihmi Huv iiu; Your
[ (‘xtbooks
u / ru k i r \\i) niu\ i r
k > 11 it i n )R\is \ni ) i wui) nnt s/\<;
Mt*r! t is It I he 1 SU I >shl>< I vs
I )t*( r 1 \ ‘(.till Id l>pm
I V< ! Jth, U> if,"
• \ I |.m i \ -i '/.tin to :ifl n
CALL NOW 954-4075
Tuition blamed for enrollment drop
Survey reports
student's woes
f‘ i c.i" 0 ( :*•• •
ln< r> tui!
si u dim Is aw.iy $
antic ip>Ui*it nund
-— - — .. ;
Why didn't students return fall term?
a**. • : : 14 students resulted • 262
I completed surveys
‘ V. . fci’ -g
{'f*r' •*{■'*' ,V r
■ Oft ver
N pi < \ «
~] 51
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it m I rum returning One in
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.1! Sit Hi jii ii 1 li! of respon*
: ■ ". ': ip r ■ .siin Inf nut
f.i.,’*> tvspiindents
s} me. jiving program cuts, ami
1 1 i ilmg poor arc lo'c last's
.i. top (im< iths
I wo thirds nl the students
mm( fit-I plan to n turn .In the?
!.. : SURVEY!'.,;.
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hi- uul N'i i nitih ■ i ii (li.il her its i iim i ,.n i h i i.
,n th< i iti s ' • inScfi-st, but that -U'1 was i i wj.it
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i<h-n!ily it
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N, - -r 11.1. I'll prank ii i!, !i 1 11 r:
Housing Hurt tor. who in turn ( uni.u ti-H hi’U's
, '•' > (
i )i;: . • , ,i .,!n i f .,i! son ini w I'd) Sgl ( 1 mi’ .11).!
. iijii ■ rmplovui' w.is ink! that it was
.1 iiii :i ! .! I r uni nil I rase ,*;iH mst to I onliii t ufli
. r i : ■ iii, > ,r 'Sg! (ions!.t»/.i! I oi'-.liin/.i
s.illi 111 hit hills !l,|ll OVITsIl'j/jH'i! his position,
; : t. | . ;
At U ; i ' : i ng' w in i vs ,1-. ,ib. it
!'g.il < iiunwl, umUi 1***1 hi t Oregon i'ubhi: hin
ji!i . \ is- s t iiion rcjifiMiriiiitivi1
A, , i tiiil.g t" i i'll.!,, k s ri ;.-f':! ■ ’ :• i ;;i:ri,i
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pti -it im sidrnmistration
If tt. .i-i ': k .ii.fi tin- n-i ;ji . i. 'in i .it i •.i
' • i IVti-: Svv.ui assistant in tin i'; ■ —>: <11-1 it lor
■ g.il .ill.ms to inform him o! thi' Munition
In tin- mil fin Mi< uinh i *-t«-1 s. it .. *: • : It,un
, I : '. .. ►. 1 . ' . , till
iimiii.itum o! our i l.issifn-ii f-mjilovm- regarding
Ihts im ulnnt tin- letter ir.ui in part
V, ..Mo 4 to explain her side Midlomb visited
fend it k ■ office, where the two realized then had
1 :.!i" slorn’s "He ssus vers n •. » 1M1 and
■v ■ : ! a = >i:i: • Mi i . mb said of r, niin k
Me t.udn'i ye! a ami d the name of the recipient
1 ■*t ; a! out li ft a volution ss .!v l timing
■ a it V\ O' 1! 11U L of ! he bag, so to spr.s k
t .it recipient, t'ldversitv bioiugs professor
t -tits'. . out,, .1 I t :.du k, identifying herself
■a- ! ni i ontai l"d Ssv.in uiui told him she wav
no! willing to Siting the i at in (irav could not In
reached for comment, hut she hav retained the
vets i i-s of altona s t diaries Porte:
dorter would not confirm the rat s where
: - In Sss.it am! lendit k la th said tt
nase been told the cat is missing Kills’ police i.
port res fids the same information
: ►- ■ ■ I Ilei: "the primers ,,: if,
•ni ss as the release of the name of the cut re
i He. i i 1 ed Ml ( 111;nf ■
• ill tile same d.ivStudent Atfairs cunt.n ted
'ida k If iiitig hm: Mr ('.unit) had • mtai tei! her
•" sersitv i ounsi lor who had m tern inl.iotrd
Student Affairs, asking what the I’nisersitv ssas
I !. Me! Met a anil V cai
M ■ ' Wl d ne-at.lV So! Me V II . . w ! .f! 1
d)'- ss.il spend winter term on a student intern
slop The case rs moss In the hands of the U A .
ss :v ii)Vev!igal;ng Plulevvors (has and Menge,
MM •:!.: r
' ' '• ai‘S - ■ k I loss • ssllere Cl. I loss . '
v’e a- telling inn liiid ■ don't tl.lSed ajo'v test I
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