UNIVERSITY Curious cat caper causes confusion By Karen f nge s ; i nun M.i ( u!ph ■ prsi vs,i; her t a! Imi i. The lei itie in ijuestinn. .1 beige an 1 while m.iie n.imes! (mu • lived m Mil nmb's A c , /.ini Housing apartment tmiil housing otfic i.ils discovered him during a routine fire in \ portion in September Bei aiise ill a no pets polli V. they gave Nh ( aunt) -Hi hours In remove him .imi charged tier S.!:> Being \on at lai tied In ( U|o, Mi ( aiinh ,jsk« 1 lor and was granted a week ■. exlensinii to 11 mi a foster home lor the i at Stic did so and paid Ihe !me Whirl'. Was i simple cat r mm at three months' ago."., has. now escalated into a eat caper neither. Mi ( .. no I versit v o fticl.a I s i on I d ha\ e fi ireseetl ] lie i ase has now been 11 ferred to Ihe Distrii ! Attorney and could go to the giand |tirv as a felony Hal before re.n hing this point, (aiju's tali? entangled a Housing department employee. Housing offa nils, the Kugem police department, tire t It fir e of I’ui... S.itc-v Student Advm a i\ a University professor, the University assistant for legal at fairs and a local attorney d ins borders on the ridic ulous," I'amiiv Housing Direr: k '.,1:,! . I. tmi wort | "V : ' A i M j niM teii St. I miir. in is-.cii l • min h plti! vhe brought il i 'S7.ii k :: i f ■ It N'fll.l.’i 'll (ill"' • * v 1-11111); tin- cut rl i sap - ; in.,: i Vh l i ;u!i.! i,! nil tin1 .n:. -1: < ■ i: i n to '.v i. nil.! pin; • if lnvt-( it jii.stclv .irounil I •n .ill : i ■, m. mth !.iI<-! .Hi . ' 1 . ! \' ( uniti ■.!;.■ !:.i ! seen the puiter .ini.i !h,i! , ctiHimlski'i-jii'f. Vim Mi-u-m liliil given tin- .i!I:> in t ill IlWil V . Sit , ■ ;i j.i I < i! 11;■' \ in t .nifi ill i .in I t! I'M Mi'liijr ,ii ri• : ;. i.m i■ S' nSi S' I Otllfi she given the I .it I Kmit to divulge t u)d's whereabouts, Wiintii'.i; ii. lir-.t spi ik In her su jn-rv isur Mi ( : mill (hen • nit.ii 5*• ii the hugene police department He ! . i'.e Slengi :■!.■■ I ! in re . I I. iiie i ii* s location lifter ineeimg it.. ,wtnn Mi < - - ■ pii'liieo-d the incident .1 theft Officer ! K Elhs of the t-.l’l) Mi.iM ii Mi ( irai I Iilit.e ! ■ CAT l ie ■ Macintosh notebook computers! Immediate delivery! Only Students, Staff & Faculty! Limited to stock on hand! Uh \ |»|»1< - HI.u iuti*'«li INm« r H« m >k « mulum ^ M u mc«*n|i v% 1111 m><< U«*k » mitt nk ih » ill in * ifm »l< >iyn V Jdfc «% Mm iMip Ik 61 West 8th, Eugene 343*1434 Are you stuck in Eugene for the holiday? Have all your friends left you? Are you eold and alone? We Can HELP! Do not be a pathetic mess this holiday season, get out and celebrate. Come on dow n to GUIDO’S!! We will be OPEN everyday during the Holiday break. We have great food at affordable prices, lunch and dinner. With this ad, buy any meal valued at $3.95 or more and get the second meal of equal or less value for only $2.00*. Want to party? We will have dancing and bar specials every night of the week. MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL - $1.00 pounders & hotdogs TUESDAY - 25BEER WEDNESDAY - Hump Night, $1.00 drinks THURSDAY - $2.00 Long Island Ice Tea GUld0’S 13th and Alder 343-0681 •Offer Valid December 15th to January 6th 1992. Second meal must he of equal or less value than the original meal.