Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 09, 1991, Page 16, Image 32

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    Recruiting abroad to win at home
/ hf I'.i.<"(-f i .;. ., ’ I * »f I !< »l -:■!.!
She hail f* * n in the l till' ii Sl.iif' i«"
tl\ v h* |ii|c shr Ssas 1'IVrll h« 1 Ilfs! loitnal
inti<mitt< 11«*f»t»»Irving <mi a l S • ampiis
\ml wii-t'n (.lulula Si.ml • * •. • *i|r\ hall pl.tsr r
.<1 tin i -.! Houii.i li.u! in t l»iki .s jm t} fi•.11.
I I 11 I > - U f M * 1 * in I I i. • 1 :; 'ill k 11 e \s h« I
iiifiiii tmn iiiiu 11 iJU iiii rt.tv i * nnj)l< ti
i VIH II W IN jllltM .111*1 Hi III < ns 1 ll.lt is .1
IH“Ss r \}H I If’ 11* i St.mil N-liil llu! s \ ! I Win .»
St.mi) ,i h.itr. i "f I .n mans iv mn <*i
hum lire 1% i»t .iihh trs it «»Mi l"i< t^n i mu nil irs
i*i|)i ( Imoivc (o tl.illl .il 1 S » nllr^rv I hrs
i "in* I" tin sl.it* v Ini ihlletelit i I ism \ .uni new
< \jH iirn** ' hut most "I ill I" improve in thru
t I s|K . IIV t \|M»l ts
Dawn Knn.I* "f tin I "I \i k.iiis.is is i
!* ilsimt In si mi.in basket hail j »i.tv« j wii" ».mu
in tin l mini Stairs iiuin \ u^"sl.i\u hi plas
hiv’ii \th<mi| basketball I ins vtiiitrnrt Kiitu*
Hint I mi k t" \ u^oslas u. win* ii is rti^ullnl in »
i i\ 11 ss .it .mil is .is .ilinnvl * all* 11 up In ftyjht f« »l
i m* * •! tin i • nmitA s tvs" ,u tiiii’v
I ii.it s *hs 1 , .inn- Im< k a III*'iilli « alii in
van I l i mil* In l i;* l t* n }m * iple t< * pla\ a In*
mi (is* pit kup vjanir Mali *•! ihrm ssei*
ti^lKin^ anil tin olhu halt vs* :* vs.it* Imu; l\
h » v* * is il.lt V ^1 llll^ < III
Must i ui * ip* an aihlrtrs lik* Kiiii.u uni
Si.mi) iia\* i nv^ltvh Uaimiivi i*< t< m *h< \ m*»v«
iii tin l mini Sums I in v iIm Me lojuilnl t»>
pass an I n^iish lan^ua^* * tiinp* ti iii v f< si
U h '!< thrs i an aflrnd *' ill* vji
lUll athletes sus ssh*n tlirs ate thliiwn il11«* a
ii* w i ultm* ami m is mui"iiiulin^s w t an Im
* till it ult tm limn to i at is mi at time i vatu >n *u
stuils m i ii^inli
' I hr lan^u.i^c iumer ss is lime hut h( tuvi
tvs" is* eks. tw i .ms* l it) nut uvnl to having t"
sp* ak so imn h h ngliih Staui) saul Aon
aim almost tin* * months it s no ptohlrm at
ill lot tt»e
Anthony Netty, a native ot Surname, won a gold medal In the lOOmeter butterfly at the
1988 Summer Olympics After a hero s welcome. Nesty returned to the U S to be a Gator
I{<■!!!< 'it kiifss « .«ii hr i jnnblrm
Mi.tiiv .t*kiU Itr\ vtv thrs il« mi i lilies lilt
in ihrii • 'Wii i ouniik n l ul H«»inl.i MAimmri
\ min ms \ rsl \ vtui In oflt n frrlx ,t iv»mv;t
v%h<• 11 kir jjih’n home !•* Ins ti.thsr Suin.tnn .1
• 1 iiniiiN in ii* >11 lie* 111 St mill \1nr1 u a
\» v t \ biting hi kiis t mi hi 1 % limiic .1 *• M
in» il.il in tin liMMnt it 1 kmtinfH 11<>111 iht l,,s>
Summri < >l\tti|>t« x
\Shrn I s* a x a juntot in hi^h m fmnl .1 n< 1
I «l ^i 1 Ik mu 11 »i < hi ivim.tx ,tii« 1 I il 11 mir h.u k i
kiati .1 ir.il li.mi Uin« t>.»i k ito iku- l mini
Suit N V sl\ Vlld
\lkllrtc ' !lk( \< si V V*hi I .ilt Mil I I wkti! 1 .1! U
nil 111.is Ik vu II klli'VMi kxhtlr this t t It if In
mini lit l hr l s ( >ll» ( 1 k I < \ .tins ( tnl f IvJH
tihli it > 1 mix! \|k net turn *ith du/t ns • >i j* "|»l«
thrs tli »n t klinv* .ilt<i mas IK>! srl lllltit ] \I.Um1
Kill Slant* xani hri It amnialt x pmsuit ti
• • | ip* u trinities I • »f hrt to speak \ n^lish ami
wr 1e pa lie fit Hit h hr i pn^nss
Still. Mai Hi kuiMiia .1 (.atm haske thall
plain 1 inland said Mimriimcs
\ Ml f I 11 .11»V H 1111 ^.hhI intentions ti\ In he t««>
(in < . \ rt < an ! ke e p thru |i:n|iilv \
S« 1111 <11111 r s loll . .ill l Must thrm killMIU
said Non i an ask thrill a ta\* *i and t hr\ \a\
ihri tl d«»it, but thru thr> don t
In all. most athletes mcm happ\ Hith the n
n «lrs as student athlete s
l s .1 ( cm i-^ia (ia» k i n.i> h John M.n hrll said
<>m *»f ho \runi< m athle te s hc tit (<• 1 Hyland
to visit hri trammate n\n dir siunniri \;s-iat
l m . 'I'^ia aitnssei miKn I untie 1 ft olll If< land is
dating a trainman* (tom Si 1 ouis
"1 don l think thrir s am uurMion that the m
kills alf dorlopinj* fflrlldshlps that Hill last a
lifetime Mite he ll said
Stuoent Body Briefly
It's In the hole... I«* t h«
I hniii.iM's, his 11 h ihJs and a sj>oi i>
a l tnoun* e I lu s soihewhc'fe lielWeeu a
tool. Waite i Mim and a hallowed lu id
.mim.il \-« lli tlli I . lid ausr 1<*| (In
ir. did I Ik l .umness IV. .< 4. o| W< •[ Id
Kei • >1 ds | > I * h I a I IIIs him (In \\ "« Id s
I axles! ( ,* >llc i I in I leeiuail. a set < itid
\ < u \ < ■! 111 vs eslei n l student
let rived e onhiTiiation this \cai that hr
hi - 4u ' he I! niid n! it atiadian m m
lul the t?Kisl holes |»|.i\ed in a J J hour
ihii.m! What vs * m 11< t |H»ssess a man in
,m l,«a i ,i hede of ipdf c e I \ I 11 .
minutes h n a total »t! I J** Ik tic s 111
just a half clav I ntet a confessed
c i i rutile Null it <»n I \ .! I - * n. r I
didn t ^o out l< t. * k 11ft a a it * * u c t ti.
hi i ak I (list love »lf and vs ante ■! >< • d« *
something I e<»uld leineinher tui the
tc si iim life . I 11cman said \!tei I
In ill is I < I j.aiis ..! pluses a pulled
must It and scut hands tin t \nic s aft
the ll vmiIiIs and the ■ ttusc s\s a i i« me a 1
up flit '‘UJ halls that if to* 4 to l-n .4
tilt uaoitl ■ I \ d i a Kehat / hr />. o
\in v \oi time sit i n 1
■ ■■
Have no fear I he l t h t n -t s
Me tin ti * t life I is offeim^ treat n it nt
I Of people vs ho suite I t IC> 111 p.t II It
a it at ks and a^oi aphohia V^t ti apln »hia
is the matronal tear • •! leaving home
I he sc jH'opIc have aii\ic t\ I elated
a spe t 111. tv p« of situation sa id
I tmle I Join s in asstu late pt«>lc ssni
who \s • ! k s at flu I of Kansas Med
( elite f \ .: ot a ph ohi a a lid pallle
att.it ks ale Hot something that t an i*
"\eit.»mt h\ vs ill |»ov\< i alone ■hem
< .ottsihalk i'it l>i v A..’ I of
‘Free Rides’ preaches natural highs to readers
HV l.XSA (.. SC.Hl 1 17
I Ki-.S < •*!_’/* I < >| Houston
\ oil alt ra« Iv kiiuvx ht »vs lo ^»ri hij^h
\i«u \i simph .ill* »\s cd \uiii mind luuiiniinc \*m tH.it
sou toluol vx111<• Douglas Kushkoll and I'aiin k Wells m
thru hi m lhH>k hrfliiUf H a U • (*i fii^h \\ ilh. I
In t.ii ( s*<mr s. »< tollr^nts maintain that f»M(ui'k; tii^h and
tt a n v» end in;; «»nr s < 11111 til f r lilts is. as \ Id* mo I h i\lr\ put
it *mr *»l t hr pi m* ipal ap|* till s *»| I hr soul
i j< >vm \< i i \|landing one > * oils* musiirvs n< < * 1 n* »t In *
t»nv t hrih In mciic vs ith tn«»di t n < >t phrus in* at nati* ms
( ailin’ .ii id likr IMw ans
V >m Ik tm* a I hn;hs an du,< m m \ aiiahh :• * * ■ > • ■ s a' ■ i»
loner t lasting and * *1 v»ic\itrt Ik tu ht to one s ijualits < *1 lit*
said Kushk* >fl and Wells
\ml tin H *, .k mi.;.;* sin ms ison t land v< *u m lit* h* * «m . »v%
and v. *u! > ai i'll tin she lit I rill* mm hi* n k
l hr ■ " • < ' k S J M > 111 l • ' 11 IS t |rU! / ’ ' f \ ; . f * IN ’ 1 i * ! : I s t f \ ( !
n 111 \ < v «»t tea htl Ml Ur s to t \ pa nd ( oils* u m stir ss through
**’To write? / m * * Hkh *s. I h< id to sift
thre n jj \h nu>ro c:r» ip th*in or u* mif \ht
ir 1i*»ir u' is out the ?r« ?.”
— Douglas Rushkoff
hi ilth\ .me! < i»nstm« u\r muhinis \nd in jii .»< 1<l« d Ikmiiin,
iIn .uilhm s d i< • n|c ri , U u «•( m< »si Nrvs \^r mum I mi
[IIIIiIm »
1 • > Vs! Ill hr* R;,U\ ! h.lli • s I f! fhnui^h III'Hr <!.!(> than
"iir mi^ht inu^uir is out then sun! Kuvhki»!t i }m*1Hu a I
I I lih »l I »f t \|* 'M- 111,^.1/lllc
" 1 tl* Ml 111 j»lll 1 ‘11 f^ll N VLllrii .it UllMVIOl! N4 ferns .1! Ill
- * I < i sunn |*irtt\ dan^n< Mis duties i • m > 11 m nri\ irn titn
I! lists thru IS one Huh drdu alrd Spinlual {* i S« III III *| >111)4
to design a sii'inlii .ml method id rxplotirti' huin.m
( \|k nniM
I iillk< I» he 1111< .clinch nhn h im to .1 lift
111< .mill' »ls like li i;i (Hihikih "ii voui "SMi. vsiihi nil diu^s
(i t < limbing a mi huh,tin
IhnU t<i "I looking "in on (In iimtini.iiii timn a < fi.m
(t.in^lmv; tioin a smh- th.it soim om rise- no tc < 1 sou viand
imthrt.ui of th< mountain on\otn ovmi two tea t
h i finnjin v dm unm iI in thr f>• mtaller tioin » fit ap ami
it latisrh t avs ihsthlim bit aibin^ u iobit > ami tanli n m\
to more- « \pt nsisi and damn* c Id tionia^nrtn
stimulation bi am mat hint s and vksdmn^
< >m "I the* mtm was out mt*th<*dv one chat ittjuiitv a bit
of ri .tilling ami miim immoii. is dir Sub \Vlu1lm4 Ibistvh
dam i n
I lit f IVpilot|« spinning it as t v iht dam ri ft t im^ iikt a pun
. ha n nr I o| rut I VJ\ tin 1* * ik vasv
I fit tin k vMffi alls of thr !« i him jilt's 111 tfiis ( fiaptri is to
vlas i oitv u ms thrs vm lie
Invfrati of alining soui mind t«» vrt tin rst mlas svoiid
dlth u nils sou it ast ffit iiiimi aloiit ami j»o Hilo difhirnt
vpat t