WE CAN MAKE YOUR STUDENT LOAN DISAPPEAR Its not ma^ie, it’s the A rim and Anm Reserve’s hJik.itu>nal I tun Repayment IYi grains. liven the lamest Kun, it not m default, can completelydisip|var after three years of active Arim sorv ive. Tlie ami Hint and Juratii >n of repayment varies K >r Reserv ists. 'll >nr college exjvrience may allow you to enter the Arim at a higher nink and pa\ tirade. And you ma\ also i|iialit\ tor m>phisticuted skill training. f or more information, call 1 XY l SA ARM'l, 1 \t. 4 W, i >r mail in the a >u|\ >n ti xlay. ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. r n YES, : mf <: >t ttv ARMY EDUCATIONAL LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAMS ACTIVE RESERVE SEND TO: A'-- : ; f . ' , P O 3 » ■. ' - V/dfT’ ■ if PA 18974 6 ! ' • ■ .• * .* ,vj»f L i 3 ! .-V I 3 4 J