Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 09, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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    Saferide not helped by court mob
Orwell’s 'Farm' should be required reading for hecklers
I fttri
I \be
men! near the etui ofTridity's
(uinslitutiori ( curt :h<*,u.mg In
deride the fall’ of she women
only program provided a dour
in.!; ,11: ■) n. wii.it ins inn
plaint was iitMualh .riitiut
l! tus nothing lu >h vvath
Hepner wanlirig to havi ai i ess
to tin' programs vans Tin- real
reason for Hepner s complaint
m tie- tradition of Konaiii
Ki n:all. ( forge Hash and I •avid
l)iiki- was his fight against
what la views us reverse ills
Ami vVs Virginia there is
siisi riminatiun at Salt-rule
I lie question that needs to be
answered :s whether that iis
r rimrnation i an he justtfieii
(dearly, in the ease o! a pro
gram designed to protec I worn
en from assault, the discrimina
lion against men is reasonable
A little empathv and com
men sense should tel! us that a
woman who fears for her s.jfetv
walking ai ross campus at night
IS going to he m even more
danger, and feef more threat
cited bv getting into a van with
a man she has never met Al
lowing men on Saleride vans
would defeat tile purpose of the
Maybe Heplier should stop
at;.! ask lumselt how he Would
leel it Ills actions against the
program were sutaessful and
tins led to even one woman lie
; ’ I W .. ! tile, pi a i
he worth his little crusade
against politic al correctness-'
But Hepner is not the onlv
one who needs to do a little
soul searr hllig
The wav the Safrtde support
eis and the ASt.'O handled this
complaint against the program
and ilie (lunstiIu 1 ion t.'ourl
h -1 r i i i g that lollowed would be
humorous if it wasn't so high!
.in- \ s l o and Safe ridti
i hose t.i play jiower jirditics
wiiere tin- group with the most
if iitv bully others gets its
wav. with little regard lor what
. ivv savs rather than ai
low a non politicized judg
hree hours prior to the (-on
itiiin Court hearing, student
senators attended ,m emergent v
meeting to confirm a nuw jus
lui where they heard ASt.'t)
('resident lenniler Hills tell
then, questions about that
n.ght s hearing weren't relevant
to the nomination
At the hearing, the angered
moh supporting Sateride did at
tempt to behave itself after Con
stitution Court Chief Justice
Steven Briggs threatened to
clear the hull. But the murmur
ing. sporadic comments from
the crowd and condescending
laughter continued throughout
Hepner s presentation
l would ask all of the people
who showed up for Friday's
hearing to boo and fuss at
Hepner, make fun of Ins looks,
his mother his dress and his
friends, to step away from the
Sateride issue and ask them
M'ivi*s il lh.it iv tin' wav thr\
11 .Ilk !> -''ll ti« s *• him hi is or k.
S';.inlil thr j^njiti> th.it ' .111 sin'll
tin- most hoslihts tii.it ( .in flex
the biggest pujiUi .ij biceps. get
Its w.iv rui mutter what the rtu>
rnjity i)t tin- issui'or tin- i.ui
it till! '• till' I -I'l it dorse. '
jili'hiiiits in tins iniintrv tint
side oj this i iittipiis the polfti
. ,ii ju.ii .-r :s h. by I tTm. \
mil iv hi tv niil'". ( hi iousI i
;thr jinlitii al tiuiii nu. i! tin- m.i
tlOrs.i I in r! t,ikf's oh more sub
Ho ( h.ifir. turlstii s. blit It dors
t.noi .'! itii- ju tipli! with the
ability to t|u»-s h ip poking
paints ol i nms '
i ll,it S nut the puiltil .li S\v
!' ! Vi ,i lit i'.uhI mg ho. .’o' o'''..
1‘hiiri; is ii liiirv t
\nmi.il ! .i.'/i! tli.ii oiiTiorh'
is. ill Ills i;i li i i O j:|., i ; ! I
: .. 111 -.: ,i i io i o.i | U :.• ■ \ oi:
get to '.hr purl .(bout tin sli.'. p
who is ou!i! iilr.it out tour legs
gout) tsvu legs bail onytmir
one of ‘.hr animals tried to
question thr decisions of tin:
.rothot:t iri.in pigs ask sour
seises ii wii.it vim .iiii is .is ,mv
till ilTt'lll
jo-.; ,. ■ i! 11 ■ | o o j.; i ■> o p | io r I
irtg S.ifrnilr i'ritl.iv night, the
sheep 111 (a-urge Orwell's tale
thought is hot thrv wrfr doing
IV,is tiitrn : urul for thr good ot
No lu.ittr: svti.it Ur stall'd
goals an-, or thr justifications,
oppression and intimidation
are dangerous political tools
I here are no form I reasons tor
ppresslng dissenting lulls
Ami itn’ (uihrst s of jit i» 'T has e
no plat e in a fair government
All of this is quite ironii
Viteride more than anv other
party involved sliouitl )»■ inter
t'siril in having thr (ionstttu
I ion ('our! tit ■ ide this issue
without having to consider anv
outside pressures S.«tVrid<•
t tiulti lifst protft t itself ,t>: unsi
future challenges in lindtng out
Jo sure whore it iegailv --tends
1! ,i non p'oiHic i/cd reeding pi
tilt' \M t) t i ":viittition ;itmstt t
,i.l i t. w :. r .i p.r o g: r: i i . s ■
s,tliTn.lt' llinn the lifst stop
ss t' vi It I l tn to t hang- fl ■* ns*
tlltioni llOt It lltlllv till'd .."Oil!:
til the mob
hHigVng In she ntiiitl • f ot
pot .-[I lt‘. it !:• ■' sin 'a < .! .. i ' ■■.: p
poll of tint p.logr,tin. .tint mi Ihi
merits of the program ttselt
Salerille VVi ■ ’i ;.! Il.lV e little 'll ..
bit? passing an amendment to
tire t'liiVsUluturn spei il.it aiiv
giving it' the ' i sl.il ' s' "j i ’ ■
wtiinen only polia y iii!t« 1 >. H
t he sit u at to < V vs as h am lied ill
th.it manner tin program
ssoultl never again liave to v\or
r\ about rlndlenges to its legal
right to exist
Unfortunately, that is not the
vs iv events transpired \nd
Saleritle vs ill remain open !o hi
lure challenges, such as the
possibility t>! a more turnersa
tive tnintletl (ourl shutting fie
program tloss n Hv I .-at I mg
with hvstei la ami | >. ns p. h
tits, rather than ratitm.iHy and
talmly consniering what vs.ts
best for the program Saleritle
may have missed a t halite in
strengthen the program • legal
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