Does Nirvana smell like teen spirit? IH Ml l)\S IN I’KM.Il I I V v ,: » ( oluillfn.i l 1 ,i\l. thf * Ir- h.nii'oUl .ilhtifli iit nrh unl» jm inl» in LiIm I »in% !ik< » i.»/\ I* biij • <»nir n i I iIh-I 1I14; muiin - I on^-.miK il m < 1 uni .illmin .tm\< tu t»«Iih rd \li< i • .ill 11 s 1 11 or uv< n 1 1 »< >i h 11» a i * .11lv flu I h ilHioiiit lull n! •> stum; • 'i ll Sin-! ► md » «'ll lint "ll bltf x wr 11 « mIhiUn I irv ill .1M M 11li i < I till s tali' i s •* !l< Mil Si i» u \«»i i s.nv Nu\ tii.i 1 his is \s hat happrnr'i ijt hul uli Siii * Pop hi t hr till of !*‘S'» S< -Itif N , am* t hot • 11\ 411111^1 \ haitln ami mulrl .uni i.»su 1 t!i.Ill ru i .111.1 \ii\ 111.1 ih < ,tnu • •in f Suh P« *p s most pi tpul.u .11 ts i hr\ ill! till imiinl flu vshoh imiuisr Us»i < .uni tht ii last spitii^ tin v iw !. ' 1^! n . i h\ t \ 11 0.1. ill (.rill 11 t iinijum I In \pnl ivsiii m| Spin ii pt* 1 h i! 1l1.1t tin \ •• > til* hl^rs! tutHUi I ( in innvn! In .in mill jH-mirnt band \ vshih a^o \u \ .111.1 s h o- ot t ! ; ! Is \ ON I »'< ill VS .is ! > H t ill' . . i * to li t ITU mti'f I o^ati hull hs phoi ,«■ Wc* sp« n t t h» ''. i |oi 1;. of 0111 1 oinr 1 s it 1*>n .i 1st 11 ssin1 hr si^nifli .Uii r of vs hat apj« at s to Ik at hast s 11 pt 11 n 1 a 11 \ ihr s\mp lutnx n| l III Bli.’ Sr Until I In m^ic iv lilt I M .{ t * * 1111 .n 1 ! In ! '•!!-• •• • •! •' !: :•• h ;' I ■ ; IU U - u \ . . ;■ i s •. i! r • ! me ! hrn prinuin mutnr for v*ith .t hi** !.d* I u.n “just m knt>\s wr i mild .it lu.tllv has* out m «*nd\ in Moirs \N * i < f mi ,»||\ A\\A'i ? lif v% t 1r ,t i 'in modi' > I or tin l.ihc ! \< »\« »s< hi .ii In, i! trd I»!. i i i! I i< ‘ h m t< < !u u; j»n win f i« : i I In lain i ! o i i >i 11 "i in ’■ Mi1' i i \i . i it ro- si out * pit' 'ii • *1 ■ on un< it 1,11. In flunk'' tin band tin ujipi i l,.»n«l II n \ know if imi ks so \*h\ won 1 i;; d "| < \ i: mil ll)( \ ii" 111 s«»I li e l 111;« s hul \ '.MM III j»1 i . V i! s||,, - ss US ll.ts \l|\UhU snld Otlt .111*1 till in st ju*M»f is th< .til>nni 1 hr h ind n line d iis sUvut£, and tw> demhi v»iii« Ihh1\ is to piotc si lw • .him **| <»nt ballad hui is .i ^r< ai n« \1 altMirn Mumi alii; i hr hiu < h.m^c !ii*m IU/ u> h is sr\< ial • - I it v he si s« »!!*.;' .ilc m< M i .i< i i sslhir I hall I he »sr mi the In si fe * • u 'I S|i"i^c; I mill.iiisi Kurt ( i' ahs.iss \m t tie < * h >| s«*i»uv hut .» I<»l «>1 the hi in .and int't«mIs "ii lltfmh, fiauMs vm it me ohijim he nsihltdtir t«» the pi< k!iu tie»n. hi astmmdm^ ainminl •>! h e dha< k .«ini the hu t that t < 'hum just use i i I'* \4 n a n i a 11 *t »I *1 Nirvana 'We're just kind of drunk and stoned most of the time I>ii I \ *■ ' i m: n >i \ pn f Is 1.111 ! \ good produi lion, aml ia(In i than washing out ilit- hand s i.«\s filers 11»1 V .ilhllin lot Uses attention . Mi ( hr songs k 111<* f lUmts \l!\aiia s g|t alt st talciif lie s in budding tin a\hs must ui.ii mU,‘ <»n h »j> 1 >1 gi < it i alt h\ pop songs, plat mg them with the like s 11! S* i« .iimi'i,; Inis I Mims.tin ji .mil 1 i ii ■ >nhi .nls \ir\.Ui.t U lit VI S lliat pop irnisit l v .m tit. that a si mg wtittrn a t cl l.i in vs as, v ci sc v« i m i hoitis vt i m \ci v< i horns vs hatesci i all at h»c\c some thing ht \ond disposable pjiio tainnH ii! I hr\ seek to j u« k!u< t what \< a . si 11* < ailed "due» minutes ui hliss goigrous stunning tapUsahhg 111* i aimg < i tham > iai;ns that the allium s name is a toinmt ntais on the lake .ill* - d apadn •»! south as is tin hi st song Smells I ik« In n S;m H vs i f h the telling Ivin I mul H s f I s Jun! l > * find > ii s vs» H whan \ c i nr\n j mi id ’ w f< »i r ho akin.; 11»t *» the- - h« »i us \\« II the light's mil this o dative tom hi 11 we air now cntritam 11s i frt 1 stupid am! < ottla^ious hi ii vm ii* in>vs r nu ! us \ 1*»* < <1 Ktiii\ K114 s ,iir an in •vmi’lv atnhi^ui »us .is m "t »»nu \s N ou \n w|m Ii is | mi! {»< »i U dlv ".in * * 11 i fashiont d low song, I he i Imriis <»{ vs hi* 11 is simplv \iwl l swc.ii I don t have a j^uu \. .V -M-lli |l lilM t{ !« • . • -nil! a i A Oil dl« nil t i !!!,’■ -! ! I ‘I V >!!./•- s.|. the ii musii is just all cih i^v .ind i ool hi »< s d msistrd and vs as u dti \\« 11 vm ii ;usi l-iiid ol di unk and stoned lost .»! flu turn \ v : a , in n:« inllhlv i - ' t. ■ o diM i v Pn haps a 1 h iiu allusion ts lo the state of -a If annihilaUon tin- hand s name rvoki s i huv n dt lilx i ati lv to dt s« i iIh thru mush h cm i an pass* s an impK smvc ian;4e to i a lorn, cw aj« and most of all total rrlrasr Top 10 reasons to hate The Wonder Stuff The Wonder Stuff Never Loved Elvis. definitely never loved America, but seem to love themselves quite a lot. Anything else is merely secondary." they say [U 1 INI)A MKMMKK l ru:irrviA hm/\ ( allt«Htua Slate l l*'1' \!igelcs In the lobby o! the Ms,ill in \Sesi 1 h »11 \ vst m >d I in i\t»ns|\ vs ait | hi I he hnlel «*p< i .*Im in tunnni me \siih Mih > ) I uni s luutii U hi n he* |>it ks 11f> ihi pin in 1 it 11 him l .mi i in m\ \%.i\ up In talk in him \\ 11 hi mi hesitation mil in the t\pr «.t hi att\ \ • m « usualU t r si i u ted tn sibling si j u.»! >I > 11• s hi s.t ss V >■ . : . r M, inti nil in t tun to tin VS - ihiIm Si nil - U .uln vs a** iu'ithc‘1 mini matnc imi riijuvable < >ii* i am inn-i vie vs n d ’! a e e d. latei I !i\ again 1 he Wnmiri Stull. vdm In r I! 11\ i nlliph I til I 'J< I > V 1 S ! "Ul ! » pmmote tin hand s third it’lr.iM \r;t? / . . .• / i. ; ■ vs as taking i sh* ; hi • A ! >< !. *ir lu ginning tnui s ul \u\tralia and Japan I mm his humr in 1 nndon. limit and his attitude piuhlrm in (jtiii k In viv that thi Ik st pail aUmt touring is gmng home 1 he lead singei and i hie! sungwntei uf the shaip edged knghsh j>«»j> hand is hmtalh npllih mated d* >u! \m< I it an i uln el t g< h is ( nmpaii d I• > i asj|\ pleased F timpean audiemes Hunt finds \metn alls a gic al * i < 11 inoK • mu ,il" i h .tii i hr 11 j* * 11 \ Hi it e nuitlt I }».*! IS f* i(I 111rI tlli»I c hr whine s N auks "vs ill! s< *ti (e * |>1osr \i Mil V if In thrill ( i litsieir I mg Ills llrgatise 11! 11UC i< r\rr\ thing r\rn s* if!irv%hat i Halt'd t*> \mrfl ( .til t llllUt (' It V IH • sill ]>l 1st that b« .lll«! (IM \\oud< I Millie Is ti.illirtl thru album \r:r? / m l 1 k* (hings. I(s (hr Kif M ' >1 Hsis doesn't .tgrrr with him Hunt has said hr d«x mi t like- "(hr whole->' lll.u Imir lui Ilrii 1 1mm into a god I'm! despite Ml II >sjuLtiltS ' e i Ml 11nnt s sen It incuts, (hr h.uni has e 11 alrel some trills goal lUUMi « n \nrj hnrii l ;.'i\ I hr*v hull ( < Itn sounds with sx'lms .unusih g u 11 a is mandolins. .tml - ■ s..- s i>( ( .11 1,; ! : ‘ In Ms Sh.H i* >W . 11 i« i M i ssn ■Hi IS« ill j)lr .1 sail t Jv - .i!. hs Vs hr! S|/c ( >| \ ( t >w .111*1 \\ rli • .Jitr 1 < * I hr t he iji s< .its ,m unde niahls wilts Hut i sen (hough Ians hnr and ahtoaei mas appire tale this hand s ire olds ami list shows Hunt boasts tin Woudn Stull is aiotind lot the solr j>uip<»s< ol making its five tin minus liapps \n\thmg rise-." he viss is meirls s< » tuidais ( .e r S4 »umts alinos! \mri le ail. huh The Farm: Freakin’ out over a little success By CHIP PHILLIPS Itoth Hruin, l' of ( jlilmm.i, IjisAngrlrs "It always puls .1 smile on me face |o think that I'm in America and Mirk Jones invited me," nods a smiling people," Hunter mntinues, musing at the thought. "We trv to take it hi stride, sou know, das to das and all But it sort of i oines as a shot k, plasmg so mans gigs in so mans new and different plai es I he other das I < ailed me mum and she sasv \re sou all light' Where are suh-' \nd I said. We re in the Ari/ona deseit! How are you?'" 1 lungs have hren hot down on the harm in Id**I. a sear consumed with die completion of the hand’s first full length studio album. 1 hr sirld is SparUwwt, a I h than topping album sensation, (canning the two l Is top fise singles "All logetliet Now and “(.1 oovs I t am," as well as a stt ong haisest ol eight additional tattons of original harm foddei III awing oil the creative energies of musual pioneers stub as the |am, the t lash, and the Bu//eoeks, I he Farm has gained notoriets fot unasliametllv embodying the working t lass ethic of its listeners, a pert ipic*itl political sensitivity, a healths i onicmpi foi hsrsot irss, a lost fot vn set and a tight, gioovs music al style anti sound 1 hinughouf Ili< vuiv (fiord companies had shown .1 hit oi interest but thev never thought they could market the 1 rat id." (.tunes saw. ' iltey always thought that we were too scruffy, that we had no image. It's ironic now, because a lot of record companies ate looking for hands that look like us. Four seats ago dies didn't want to have anything to do with us and now thev're looking for bands that look like Hie Farm!" \nd thev're listening tot hands that sound like them. “Altogether Now' has been a hit in about seven or eight European commies, all at different times of the sear,’ (’.runes savs “We would get plume calls saving. “You’re doing well in Spain You've got to get over there!' and we would It's been cra/v!" And what better wav to follow up a crazy sear hut with another album, due out next spring. It serins dies glow hits htg down on The Farm. "We've got to record the new U\" confides Grimes with a grin, oliviouslv knowing what the new season holds. For now, they ran reap what they have sown.