EDITORIAL Lesbian pair needs Brand’s help now Another chance tor I niver-sity President Vfvles Brand to pul his money when- i ■ iquai-rights mouth has been is slipping right on bv Hom-f ii\ he'll catch i! in time A University lesbian couple hied a lawsuit -i.x months ago against the Sta'c Hoard of Higher Uduca lion beta:, so they were denied across to family hous tng The suit r ame alter a claim they hit d with the 1 ad versity's ()ffi» e of Afflriii.it i ve At turn and-. I it pi a I Oppor tunity was downed in )uly IttOO Brand has long preacher!- equality for ail: here's a golden opportunity lor him to bar k it up ('here are no excuses as to why Pamela flarbei; trier and Ann Piazza < ant get into University housing: even when there was space they weren't allowed to move n No excuses just outright disc rimination I Diversity housing rules require that couples be married A recent change allows an aduIt t>> live w 11n a single parent the closest a gay or lesbian couple i an come to 1 *ving together the couple was joined together or married, in a ( eremonv of holy union by a lane tinuntv minister in a l-ingono Unitarian Churr h. IJnfortunateiy this isn't ro< ognized bv family housing or the state as legal mar riage A denial of housing based on an offir tails unrecog nir.od marriage bond could be understandable But not when housing rules also allow engager! couples to live together It the marriage only rules can be bent for engaged couples, as well as single parents who have an adult move in with them, why < an t the rules be bent for gay and lesbian couples? Again, it boils doss il to disr rimination. No doubt (.avs and lesbians have their work i ut out for them when it comes to educating those who buy into the be iu*f th.it allows these situations The lawsuit adds valuable momentum to this group's long fight tor equal rights Now. if Brand would just lend Ins support at this crucial tune, perhaps some real progress could be made ,, , Emerald PO tUOtNt.OWtOONtMM '■*> •*. 1 > i , <•* . 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N*»»fooiT» 146 1 HoOf!A-• 146 SM2 Hreduction M*r\40*r *.» ..•• Di*|W«y AcJv#rtinr>g ClatBihmd Advertising 146 371? 146-414 3 Hepner’s case made no difference L THE FINE PRINT JEZZKZnXZD In 11n' i imirt of m v high m hooi pin sits classroom, there was ,hi unofTit iat rule -i m hth r svrttli't) on .1 dusts pirn f o! pnsferboard l or something !o he a dilferenie il must nuke a different:' ; he mr,vagi- Don't ss asit* V'nif timi- mi a bunch of sense lew if,-tails when trying to fig : i -.if a ;>r < >blem tt ■ irrv about w bat s onportunl, whut s i i u i ml to sour i in umst.tm is lust as that applies to ai cider a lion, inertia ami protons, its, relevant to certain cases hefon tin \st () Constitution Court, narnelv the one that involved S a I er id e a nd s t ti d e n t A be Hepner Hepner lib ii a suit t limning Saleride Violated the \St'() Constitution hv offering a pro gr,i m that discriminates against jiten .Mthough men can « , * I k I' till S a ! I - r 1111 • ',!!;* i dispatchers and administrators thes cannot rub- or drive the vans that transport women home at night Hepner alleges that berause Saleride Uses lees from stu dents o! both genders about $15,000 a year men should In able te ride in ami drive the Saferide vans A n s was s .. lo >k at it. A he s i ase made so little difference It was laughable The A SCO court svhich tc|ei ted Hepner s argument Sutnias appurentls agte.-d Part I of the question at ha n d Did the fact t h a t Safertde s money comes from tioih main and female students niakf a difference ‘ No Unless 90 t flits per stu ill’ll! per yeur makes a dtlfer ence !u VOU It it does, then you're taking this starving slu dent" thing way too seriously Sofia Arhull. a member of Suleride s support staff, told me she once offered to buy Abe a muffin to offset his per-year i ontrdiution to her program The tost of a muffin offset tie a student s tees Some dll teri’tli e there So let's put this all together A program that costs 90 cents a year gives women peace of mind in a truly discriminatory climate, the streets. Now Part 2. tin distrimina ’ u , aspi t tie rule keeping men oil the vans Sure, men are :: to lend lor themselves when it's time to go home but here's the difference, and Vou ye heard It before Men i an walk home with really no fear Of ix'ing altac ked by a rapist or even fiaving to look over their shoulders at the sound ol foot steps Many women fear they can not More than 1 *10(1 women rode the vans between ()it 2.1 and Nov 22 of tills year What .ire tfie odds that if men rode or drove Suleride vans any of those 1,900 would have been attacked? I’ruhahh small Hot the fact is thiit 1.900 women made it home safe, with no chant e of being attai ked Saferide began about six years ago. just as the University was adding more nighttime classes and activities Ol'S was overwhelmed with about ISO requests a night lor rides home l dearly. there was a need for a women s shuttle ser\ 11 e Want to talk about discrimi nation’ 1! women feel they can not take a night i lass or attend a group meeting in the l-.Ml that's discrimination II men feel like they need .1 van ride home on the streets of hugene lor them ,i pretty tame plat e that's laziness .So let's put this all together \ pnigr.iiu that ists 90 i etlls i term gi v ex women peace i mind in a truly discriminatory climate, tie. streets Any micro simple differences that may ex ist are washed away by a tide ol farts 1 might have sided with A In awhile bill k Hut I've noth ed a funny thing In the past tyvu or three yeats Alter I'm finished nigh! editing .it one or two ill the morning, 1 i .in walk home or to my i .ir w it limit having to look over my shoulder Some ol tile other night editors here leei they i a!inot That s dixi riilHIia lory What does the cost of a muf tin bring to halt the student body ' A safe ride home when it s .lark out I o ,i11 of us. that should make a difference Christopher Kl.iir is editor ot the l.merald [ MC PRESIDENT. SHE THiNKS SUE WWW BE PREGNANT vkjmat can r sav ?