lAhlAllLl Ah. ‘Star Trek VI’ a worthy ending to Enterprise voyage ★ -At ★ FILM STj/ Trmk VI Th* Uodrscov+OKl Country, r* rx)M thowtng at Gattvtay M-»i 4r*d Mo vm» land' PC • < .1- ! hi. !*-,«»* •• <■ • • * • <•>» Tb (*>• "«*• •'* * * * —I «M In th.u 111> 1 surlrs ihi i-.ntofpnsf-i r>• yv took ns on low budget loiirnovs !, ie, lanl worlds that never wrmr:l to os ijii the l‘Mi()s .luirthlin^s and ahttns alike donned go go boots, mini skirts imim i cho shirts Although the series rouldn t • •• .ij• till' times, it lusted Ixn.iuse tin inii'rn! the messages of peace mil hope and on nsional battles with Komu!.in > ■. • Kli'ngoiis strm k .i i ho- I Mur Irt'k \’l !'hr l r i >/, -. - or;. !( . un ifr silt:i 1‘ssfii|1 V nirlgi"- h'"'! at the sum’s with hig-yefeen w.tii.o III! ■ ' fficts lor an entertaining u'' end: ing to tin' irt'k new ;r ,in is better known to some ,■ .s'.'... /;*-r l / f’ht' t / • i,’v Vrck t unnOisM'iirN wtii !»■ h.ijipv Wilis.mi Shiit-ncr h.i 1 nothing tn »S■; with the writing nr dtretlion tn this film N.. Mvvvi. who direitiini Sl.i: /-A I! returns l.i hi-lj> iHiiliciH i s •: ,.r Sh.11n. r M.u I'n-k l • The I itt.i i ;■ uiict. arguably tlii> worst large Imiig i t mm tr I'Vi't made Will! iUs i:inMt;i; m Irfk \ retur-ie in th«' stylti i:ist.11imt’Mt as * r«'\v ineui hers trade one bnorv use their hriinis to solve insolvable problems and give Star h'leei command the middle finger when ordered to alKiniinrt their ( .iptitin ; We.ivwn; its way through the (un, ; . an mlus; • shale -.pi ire .uni I oimp itovie. .is ;l apt |,lines Tiherius h it *. i Shatiter li e von hlitlistines) and ■.< rew life huxed to save trip utliveisi \s w ith pas' ep; ., sir-, ,' rei if- p' • iiiMiles to modern events The klnne n 1 10 ..IV, til' : selves K 111 tgl I I; , . I t e t ■■ ! 1, ■ k. ., j (iuiif p*'!'. !• -a ith tin- I - similar to She Sov n-t l litnli s *!> 'HUM ; in' Iwii ■ 'in'll ims ilgfiT lii 111'1'' »H* i K. •, ■, jin k ■ ,ir• mm lor ifinntii. and altm !h« K I'f iitutuui to limit ‘■hip, live t.ntrf pri'-f sri imiiglv fit' s two tufpidoi's K, : I .n .I ; It V 1. tll.-l IM.'S.I k- ■ v irf-ml' T at. trmd lot v\ at i tttlm*. and shijipc.l In a Slimi ini tvpi’ pi ini‘1 Whip ' .1!! limit os'. apr Spook n,iivI mms on i HoInmMiin si,mil Inf li.m ill.- turpndims u. rt* liri .i Si.i iki'' is ' .1 111 '! O p. i!- t i IV l!m i ,;,i pi'imi'ils h u k in.I h Un>;> m ti« n l h.inj* ((’htisiiiplmr I’tumlfm; n fat t a ni'u frunimt ' .of |>*■ • •'«• Rotii lion.irit's mi huth iidos imi'io• utmlhi r " fo Is- nr mil In !■■ vvlmlh. r torim .its-nl with' nr follow llm i (j n n i , k.: f k . '. *• f last . ,,s hi- ImUIi-s his imi u< l* li again anil (im's his hrtlliunt strategii ibihties to puttie I lit' i toss to battle Spin i, wile t ills this In-. ; Is) jUllfilfV .1' .1 Star l li't'i ullic rr, he< onu s more tut mm with evefs movie and dm •• no! dw .l|l|HIII>t ill'll' star Tri'i i wn'ijMisM-u'fv will »|. >v this mm it ihc most. as tIn• 11ew n liifiis to lurm tui llii last /Vi-A film i,-t jiu",. w ho are not tabid tans S!.n t n-k 17 SS 1!: jii■ I uloltg ill parts is ,11 turn gives.was in more t ■ r i • t' r, 11 pur suits Snappy dialogue help-. as (tin's Mime nl! I trial humor U itiik* - 11 in* Si.u Ink •..•rliis en dun* is its ability to fuse futuristic vi ,;.i[is w ith m>si in ( ulture Sriimi e In tn>n haters i-s en enjoy tlie film .(S lither 1 tternrs mid movie alia kei'ji 1 ro Win the .’Ot! • niurs !, ,‘K 17 . .1 lilting end !. i:• : mis mission Ry Chf lioui’t’" 346-4343 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS JIN ftum Murry Christmas. Afyce I hop# your new year and your new athool bring you lota of happiness I'M mu* our Late night gripe sessions’ Lova always Sarah To My Neighbor# (Rm 300), MO'IJS * V '-g » : '• S**■»' : . ’ it to you' ' *.!•■ 1 ■»3 ‘-->.'*1 r l ov® and Pose© !••.»• W;*« M*ffy X mat f’fodo Gang' !h « - ' • t* ,, v JINGLE BEAT I v« *f» M*f»y Chnttm** P* *C • & i ov* f001 Ai l ft* juv D«K*m# Of H*nd* 1V5 f*«arl i* o*wn 1 ,'i r, «ytry day Vou ii find *f| a#)-a,*ifiy affay of locally Ct*f1a mfeafht f**i*ffy 4 clothifi^} to * I•»* Ofg*f *»pf#»»o t>4 f !oo R»ia* j*tli JINGLE BEAT M*y* Ivin >/i C*U W• t) nun you l ooJurtQ fof •%4' J to mom laughs in tW?‘ luv y« N*u Kata & Hatky A Ml* ••aaof*l maaaago foi th« Chr* * POW! I GOT YOU* Au»tr«l<«n Wait I ‘ * d 1 o "tKih >■ ■. • My From ovoryono in Tho Cl.issilied Dop! ACCIDENT INJURY GET HELP ON YOUR SIDE j Attorney. 1968 UCLA Law Grad: James L. Bumpas 687-0908 «««»«»«» 5 5th STREET 0 video PUBLIC MARKET DOW* ’Ow* fUQCwt ^ES 683-8464 1*22. VIDEO ADVENTURE ©VAUfYRIVEAPUU wZLIS. ■ rcissu. ^ * v»rrr* * *******! Christopher Hir men at Bela Iliela Id would like to extend their deepest apologies to you A letter was at t iden tally delivered to oui chap ter house I'he who opened the letter lx haved irresponsibly and unacceptably Your prtva cy. and the privacy til every Individual Is sacred, we view this transgression with profound regret, and In no way do we condone, or accept, this kind ol ac Uon among our member ship Rather It has forced us to reassess ourselves and our values, thus grow tug .is Individuals and as a community We thank you and your girlfriend for youi understanding in tills tin fortunate happening, -tori extend our sincere apolo gies to you Ixitll Please ac cept. again, out deejx-st apologies Hie men o! the Beta Kho chapter ol Beta Theta 1*1 > ritically acclaimed as " I he Kook of the Decade," this creative kid's hook has sold over a million copies! Kach delightful page of poetry is connected to an envelope containing a wonderful surprise for curious eyes. A perfect gift! GENERAL BOOK DEPARTMENT UO BOOKSTORE TlwtMnth & Kincaid. Open Monday - fnda^ 7 JO - 6:00, Stfuiday KMX) - MX), Hmw34M3n