p*CHC Oregon Gov Charles Sprague holds the NCAA basketball championship trophy, which the 1939 Ducks won John Dick is second Irom right on the top row '—S'*' rf* ■ I L ■3**— OFF | convERSE : x wlut x mxiJr ih.t! u >unt.x | FREE CONVERSE LAZAR’S BAZAR shoelaces with every S7 \v. iwm*j»-,iy | pair of shoes n,.»ni.mn MjM | ■ v» —— ^ PLAY IT AGAin SPORTS We Buy & Sell New & Used Sports Equipment 50 E. 11th Ave. • 342-4041 UNO!** Bonin'in the New Year with Very Special Guests Hiiamumaa Monday, Jan. 13th, 1992 at 8.00 p.m. IN THE EMU BALLROM 95.3 HAVE Tlckati on tat* Monday, Dacambar 9 $15 00 U ot O Studant*. *18 00 Gan*ral Admittion available at the EMU Main Datk, CO Wortd. Faca tha Muttc Racofd Cardan and Hoot* of Racordt Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen mi ! m -T7 m f OUH >;«■ :'t no b'i vt a ' ><*•• > iC. t • ■■ t MA'.. . I'CHC'W/c . k}/\ ’ . y * * PREMAtK/ foiiN.5E.lPRy, / 1939 basketball player still comes to Mac Court Dick started on championship team By Je'' Garrett I! vo.. vc ever looked around Mi Arthur Court during .1 bas ketball gunii' and seen the ban net that reads i'lt‘1 \( AA Champions, you tnav have also unknowingly spotted one of the lust remaining players from that team John Du k. one of two -surv iv ing starters from the lut'l Ore gun basketball team that defeat ed Ohio State to win the first ever NCAA championship, is still an av id I hick fan He re rentlv watched as the Ducks took on an Icelandic leant ‘Playing on the road had a different meaning in those days. There was a hometown advantage you wouldn’t believe.’ Hum a haH .1 i untury ago. •i iu . whs !: !imstii i! ■ i 1 .1 nd w >- i;i; k!i.uin‘(i the i a 1. firs because of l heir unusual ■ i/t Du k w.is an Oregon n.i tl VC Ki't rutting on ,1 nationwide basis was nut as prevalent in those ihns said Dick original !\ from The Dalles There were exceptions. hut fur the most part rei rioting is .is region al ” Du k who is ti-luut -l. said his primary reason fur coming to hugeiie was mil liasketball In stead. lie wanted to he an ultor ne\ and the l JntVersItV w as w here the law school was lix.it ed I ssas also being recruited for football at least as much, if not more than I was for flasket fiall said Dick, a three sport athlete "So that was the first decision I had to make He eventually i hose basket ball because Howard "Hobby Hobson, the recently deceased Oregon basketball coach, was ..iso the baseball coach, and Du k knew fie would fie aide to partu ipate in fxitfi sports Already at tin University wen a number ol friends and athletes Du k bad played with, mi hiding the four other starters who would go on lo win the national championship I knew we had a chance ol having *m outstanding basket h.iii tram here ill Oregon.1 Dil k S lid It turned out to be .1 wise del Ssion During that 1939 season. the Dusks played a number of games on the rositi traveling all ilu wav to New York's Madi son Square Carden for one tournament Playing on the road had <1 different meaning in those days.' Du k said "Them was a hometown advantage that you wouldn't believe We played (the NCAA i hampionship) in a Hig Ten gym. .it Northwestern, against .1 Itig Ten team. Ohio Slate, and with Big Ten officials." To arrive at the game, the Ducks had to travel from San I rani isi ii, site of the NCAA western playoffs, to Kvanston, III , on an IB-hour train ride When you got off one ol those shake■ rattle-and-roli train rides you had vertigo,' Dick said Vertigo and home town offi Mating notwithstanding, the Dm ks went on to vs in .ill their pi.a oil games by more than 12 points Thes never trailed in the -in t t title win iig.iinst Ohio State, and dies also tailed no timeouts during the game in that first ever champion sliij game Dnk scored I t ol Oregon's points to deleat Ohio .Mate tie later vsent on to be. oine All-Ament an and Ore gon s team captain the next rs won that tirst pionship without 1 three point sliot iges that .diet t to 1 think the three-point shot, . ,j.:. h w ,i s ad vot a11ng t v en hues then, might have made a i!,! :i ; - ’, ■ 1),. k sa It I [ 11 i t .is !.it IS vvt Were Concerned wt? had pi ople who could shoot . ..!• .>!>• a- well as v\ tthlti As tar as tin- interior game was i lira erned. Dn k said it got pin sit al In lilt Big l'en it was like playing football under the boards he said 1)1 the 11 players on the Fall Fits team, .ill graduated I hat was the purpose lor Being there We were encour aged anil given lots of help, and we had to maintain our aca demu s in order to remain eligi ble," Dick said When World War II broke out, Dick joined the Navy and re mained there as a naval aviator for more than III) years Now a retired admiral living in Lvu gene, he tails naval aviation the greatest precision team sport in the world About the other team sport in Ins life. Dick knows the Ducks could again win a national bas ketball championship anil has a simple method for it Sure, why not," he said All thev need to do is get five guys who can play the game."