Oregon's Andre Collier shoots lor two of his 17 points against Cal Poly-Pomona Thursday as the Pucks won their second game ol the season 83-69 Ducks win second, now head for Japan By Jayson Jacoby Emeiald SplVS fit ’ oftO' An Oregon team th.it vs .1 playing with i.imfidnmi' . 1!:>. , surprising Fresno St.it'' l.ist Ihursdav made it tvv.. in .1 ■ vs S.itnriinv night i>v brat ii it ■■ sinn !! Cal Poly-Pomona. H t t>*i, in M Art!n 1 r ( >. 1 r! Tin' Uu< ks jumped nut t 1 ’ 45-21! halftime load and dr Spite gelting a little < 1 teles-, with the hull for parts o! the second led! under constant de tensive pressure front the si r 1 p py Broncos. Oregon never led !>V less titan 12 in the lead .it) minutes All live Oregon starter laid at least 1 1 points, as sopho more forward )ordv bydrn led with l‘J .tnd guards Andre (In! ;ic! and Orlando Williams uid ed 1 7 each Olyde Iordan followed l areet iiiglis ot 17 points and 1!> re hounds Iti tile I-n-.no Slut- vv.n with 1 1 points and nine re hounds, while holding 1’omo nu s leading scorer Ohancellur Mi ( uhh tii just 1 me p not in the hrst halt Mi < ubb who came in averaging 22 points pier gam. finished with 12 on 4 of 1 2 shooting Oregon senior 1 enter (Junk Patterson also had a solid game, collecting 12 points and eight rebounds in 2‘i nun lies II was another good experi erne for our (.lull, ’ Oregon coach Don Munson said don't think there's any question III tfic first half VV e vv ere a more confident team than we v e boon Although the Brum os (I U pluv a run-iind-gun style the Ducks probably won t see in the Pacific-10 Conference tins year, Saturday s game should prove to be a learning expen once for tin: Ducks After using Pomona's last paced style to their advantage in the firs! half, the Dui ks came out flat at the start of the m i * ond half, giving up three quit k turnovers and seven quick points trying to plav Pomona s helter-skelter game Luckily, the Broncos were still down by 1H, and forced to gamble defensively, they gave Oregon enough easy scores to keen the lead in the comfort Pomona used ,i 17 c ! to i:|nsc to f»7-fi0 with gist over eight minutes loft, but Patterson hit .1 'f! I)' ink lit till- i.ine t : in.ik.i- it i, S .0 the Broncos narrowed tin g i r til 17 t vv ie:i' -:, nr* .it i.i i!,ti (it) hut t- • hue f )regutl Vv is able to i i * I: i' ■ (ili n-f 1 spin tally had triiuh ■ with Pomona's press in tin- %« : I halt, after breaking :t In: -,1-vtal easy baskets m the hist hail. The junior point guard h.id nine turnovurs In go with ! ' piHnts and til as-.i• ts In tin- soi olid half they start od running a guv tx-hind turn ami had ttuuhlo p;. king that .. i: M ni “..ii.l : ■. ' -.: '!, ■ ■ hall a couple of times, hut he's d . i -g a Oi-ttol 1 i i k I U didn ’ it!.o k '. .1 pl us well, and tfiov re more ust-d to that up tempo game than we an- ; think t -d vv a- us getting tired They i anie out vv till a little more intensity titan they did in tin- first half,'’ Collier said Hu! they had U > W- w anted h - control the tempo, hut it's hard to pu II It out when V ai got easy I ham . s like tla-y give you You just need to team a little disci pline Oregon's defense was eu •-! lent m tile first half, holding the Broncos to .1 percent shooting on M-ven iil lit) from the held. mi hiding an 0-7 elforl from three-point range Met ohh m p.trie alar was in effective, as Jordan allowed him )ust four shots in the lirst 70 minutes, alt of which were missed Mi (.ohh did get hot for a streti 11 in tin- second half, at ter earlier being helped off the i ourt with a sprained ankle, hut most of Ins points i ante alter the game hail i>eon decided The Ducks now take their 7-1 record, which may have seemed an impossibility after the embarrassing d'i point loss to Montana two weeks ago. all the way across the Pat.ifi< Or can to the Daiwa Ball in To kyo CASH FOR BOOKS Smith Family Bookstores 7hs !•' 13th Avenue huvine; morulav iridav 9.00-Ate* Saturday 9 00 ‘0 Willamette Street Every Year, Christmas Just Gets Cuter. N'Y/«'7l Surprise Someone You Love With An Adorable Christmas Troll. RIGHT ON TARGET! f ► Emerald CALL OUR AD DEPT: 346-3712