Sittin ’ Pretty Personalized Professional House Sitting You're worth the pence of minil Hooded II hal \ import,nit In ton i% important In me I n\ing ('are h nr Home \nd Pets 345*8415 One KRFK V isil With I his Ad *5.00 OFF Lazar s Bazar j 57 W. Broadway; 957 Willamette DOWNTOWN MALL g ARE FINALS KEEPING YOU OP ALL NIGHT? Need a coffee break? BEGINNING DEC. 11 — AND THROUGH FINALS WEEK — BURGER KING' ON FRANKLIN BLVD. WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 3 AM. We’ll have FREE coffee & free soft drinks ALL night for you at Burger King '. SHOW YOUR STUDENT I.D. CARD FREE COFFEE €, FREE MEDIUM SOFT DRUNKS AVAILABLE 9 p.m. — 3 a.m. During the Holidays, (Jet Cozy with Delicious Specialty Coffees and l eas from the UO Bookstore ! VIGIL I Continued from Page 4 ^ which will include poet rs drama .inri music, will be ht dm !:■ ::! of \V i ilametlo Hall, a scienre building. \ loi of men m i women's Min cw .is taking avva\ (rum \ then iiwii iic. c ■ s.mi i his | i-\.hi.pic of whfll | | i outside of the roles that are I so! aside for them Bill Brnl/man. co-director of Men \gainst Rape and event organizer, agreed B rot/.man does not believe nu n have anv reason to he threatened h\ women s efforts to Improve their situations lor anyone Uv believe that ix f.t>*m' ,i wi I'm.m *i .1 iimmiiM' that ihev’re against men, is .1 fiiil.M t itiot/nian said I'or oh® group to hr> pro-ihemseivos doesn't moan they have to bo anti someone rise in addition to lio koi and Brot/imm, students Thorns® Dulfravm . Barbara Rodgers and Tonya Stott helped organize tin- vigil : ntt ersity Pn dent My ios Brand was invited to speak at tile vigil, but Will tie unable to attend He has prepared ail ad dress to be read in Ins absence Vigil participants will meet in the l.Ml ’ courtyard at f> p m Once gathered, students will proi eed to Willamette Hall TRASH Continued from Page 4 Plant s custodial services has been working on the recycling effort He has phased in the e\ elusive use of rei y< led toilet paper and papor towels on ( ampus He lias also made the switch from oil-based (bemical gymnasium floor cle.aners to the water-based tvpe that uses agents such as citric a( id He said he is alwavs on the lookout for new nun-t hemical cleaners will not harm the environment or the people us ing them ! keep talking to vendors,” tin m h said When they come up with something new, we try it They hat e to learn that they 1 i. • '; hat e to kill the mt iron inenl to clean things That whole industry is changing " EMERALD TAXI 686-2010 10°o STUDENT DISCOUNT */I.D. — -J VfcMr.—» MIN IIM \l Nil I ( l ake a break rent a video from Silverstar IM«Ut Franklin .U4-26«M