<, - O [' V/ O fv K s jf m t RYm sign S ' uvin 1‘ . Wii I- '>! M ■ . ■ ■>« J LAUGH AND DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY AT Sf iV| 41 > COMEDY NIGHT 9 CO PM EVERY F RIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT THE WEEKEND PARTY HEADQUARTERS DANCE TO 3 AM TO THE BEST sound syneo iN run ■V ■ I 2222 CENTENIAL BLVD mittqu 343-4734 nv.s v sww:no\ ov Cl,onus IS TOWN! ■ • * and nu» U nuiiv V P\r? SKl H Skis "•(li dnlrs demo program Trv before buV you \VnU»S. . V're . V lan • 1 »\m „ . VolVl • S*»\o.non ULLR SKI AND SI*()K'I'S SHOP 7th \ (JuunluTs • liHMWT? Addams Family’ chock full of gags, jokes ★ ★ V 2 Film Ow Addmmt Ftm*r * curmmty Mxxw ■ng 0 Own* Wortd *nd #c* Sp^igfWd Qu*d R*l*d PG It s ,i Ixnth* of the ages that has raged Mm i' I hr middle of tin' totals It's pith'd friend against frirnd arid torn families asunder No, it's not the Vietnam War. women s rights c ivil rights or the ■ ark of power bv the Democratic i’.irtv in the executive* branch It's that all-important dilemma who s better /'he Addams Family or I hr Munster**, I've always been a Munster* man myself But when you think aland d, lire surreal, mm ah re fami ly ■ rented by the late ('furies Ad dan s in ins long running series of \ ,c ). rk' t magazine i artoons . S mi itself to a feature film , fault of tlicr film is the fat 1 that It.. gig', anil eir panel cartoons i'l-ii't necessarily' enough to carry no plus minutes ol screen lime St reenwritors t a inline Thomp ,n .mi! . irrv VV : I son try to ton l i ! .1 slorv to go y\ llh thl> Jllotliofri u! ;,kcs Dii problem is lli.it thi' plot involving .1 false t.'ru In Poster 1 •. i.ng lin- family of its millions, ,.s skill ,is th<’ Addiinis are itxcil * U,it\ Sonnenfold makes a itsn alii impress!vi' directorial debut iiin-f distinguishing himself as the 1 inemalogrupher of such visually t \i sting films as Waisidig Arizona, limns Mumm.t Tram tin- Train and Miller 's ( .routing Tin'camera moves swiftly with i’M iting poin! of view shots tike the resilient disembodied hand, Idling, si urrymg across the floor The audience gels to take a ride on a golf hall as it flies through the air and crashes into a neighbors' win dow and into a cereal how l Pans ot Sam Kalmt's brilliant camera work on the 1,'vil Dead movies might appreciate this fluid and en ergetic style most fhi lasting is the best seen In Courtesy ptioto An/ehca Hutton. Raul Julia and Christopher Hart s hand mix and mingle in The Addams Family, a tale that boasts gags more than it does plot. recent memory Raul juha an Co me/ and Anjehcu Huston as his beloved wife, Morticia, make a beautiful screen couple. They're more concerned that their chil dren gmw up with a sense of fun than with respect for their elders Huston is intriguing, languid and alluring, while Julia is playful and c arefree Christina Ricci cities a great jot) as Wednesday, tne voting, slightly sadistic daughter, sin makes a c ha rue ter that could have easily been cold anti distant beguiling and impetuous. The houscc looks like an isolated i.olhit Vic torian manor It's dark, vas! and tall, reaching high into the sky Tin? muss ot ivy and vege laliun nn it Minms tn conform with the corners and. indeed, the entire shape of the house Inode, the place is not frighten mg Instead of dark, depraved fie havior, all the inhabitants are en gaging in mischief ghoulish mischief Thing cheats at chess with Gomez. 1'he bearskin rug nips at the heels of intruders and Wednesday plays a game with her brother that involves an electric chair The internal goings-on ot the house sustains interest anti laugh ter for a while The real fun, how over, comes when the Addarns are fort ed to vacate the premises and go out into tile real world. Unfor tunately, this happens about half an hour after the house has started to feel confining. It would be easy to criticize The Addams Family on the basis that it lacks a focus I would say. though, that the mistake is made m trying to create a focus The plot works so poorly and the gags work so well that something as simple as A LXiy In the Life of the Addums would have been more entertaining. By Lucas J Gutman Emerald C •’ tutor S AT l’ R DAY CELEBRATION 1 1 hr l !C) Bookstore Celebrating the Season Happy Chanukah Happy Holidays SATURDAY, DEC. 7 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Ages 3 - 8 General Book Department UO BOOKSTORE 13TH & KINCAID. OPEN MON. - SAT.. PH. 346AJ31 NEW BULBS! 10 (fi > f V v \ ,: Tanning : : Sessions $ 19.95 N* >. -j Pip 'd Dec )’ •>*! Mi\ U S{ U \|| f < I i * 344 2691 1888 Franklin U——— v o SELFSERVICE I ^COPIES ALL DAY EVERY DAY Tta Copy Sluty 539 E. 13th Open Sal. 10-4 Hr »■>*■«• n f’sltrt%.'r, & f rlt\ Hiifhl ha I If#*' 485 6253 PLAY IT AQAin SPORTS We Buy & Sell New & Used Sports Equipment 50 tilth Aw. *342-4041 YEN JING KtiUuiinl 1775 West 6th Eugene 484 6406 Cantonese Dim Sum rSat 11:30 am to 2:00 pm_ Thanksglving or Christmas Party as low as $6.95 per person up to 50 people 2 Pork Chops or 2 Chicken Steaks and Spicy Big Shrimp Only ^6*95 coupon plus: soup, vegetable, rice, cookie, tea and fruits Duv in only expires 12/24/91 Eagle Park Slim to play tunes at Beer Garden By M a Berle $0’' ■ " C : is! in front i d the ' tVIViTsitV tiiH>kstore 1’eoplr love to listen. Slim S.iid Don t tell vour Itlends about me just bring them out w ith v ou and listen And this Indus offers st u lients the |ie: lei t opportunity to d' . u th.il. Shin will pere i n Ir i ' ji n; 11'* the : 1. VI! i oe.utam Court as part ol the . 11! '. \ A\ Orkly lit r (.at ; ten ht'iii t* f it , 1 !i:t rn 1 ingene sim e S uat) I play mg wi'li i teen *.;e Imnd lit ids.lather's.i hib. Wi;i;hI w as his t h iId ioi'i ido: i:■ i .tnSi■ he vs as a -. k V . lilt p .‘..I : ! VV :'ed to tie. 11 ki him, lie h i I good showman '■ U • ••)! gasir Slim his guitar In . tn was always trying to j. iiav :t. Slim sard At that point. In-. uher duuhii-d it he Would k. i ■ mi play mg. hut hr pros - t hi r doubting mind wrong Hr was horn and r.iisrd m ;. ' ,:k ill mil got his fjl ■ ! lug !! : 11 I .it age lli w lirii In |; ivim! with (thunk Bi rrs at hr father's ( hih ( Ir-i. k Berry i am" one night in a big ol white i .idiii.ii dr-ssi'd to kill, Slim said Her r\ knew his father. Slim ■ \ plained, which led to the star's appearam e at his lather s club Kagle Bark Slim lias user ill yi.irs of writing, traveling and performing behind him He now tails I'.ugene lus home has- and he s i ommg bar k to tow n because I lovi it here he said t nn-il a lot ol synik he (ilc.l •.<> hv lt.it-- to travel in k 'ji tin- (nil-- p40 i day Hr added tii.it tlm i rmviis love tin-mush .m l in- l-HJOVS nil nf the tourists 1‘t-rfiinniiu: m Huger,. t.s ini i’.iVl. Shm's 111!tv ci|>jiurlum Don't tell your friends about me, just bring them out with you and listen.' ! v to pl.1V vvllii : Vi: tii- travels the country, he does i! About Five veers ago, his ca teer lut vs he! might be t ailed ,1 stump Me W.I-.H t es popular .is usii.il and tie found hitnsofi lading .1 vs iv H11! times del get bullet, slowly but surely. ,usd loibiV he boasts .1 work schedule iti.il s hill through : uu t As tor the lli-er (larden to night win not sit biiek aftei t 111. s\ dead week and enjoy till' origin.i; songs it bugle I1.irk S i ni I don’t get iii -i n v . ham es to jjI.iv vvHtl the bund ! ;, addl'd, SO l ie IS esl I led I 1 rnteMum the i imersity .ind get them to d.im i‘ a tut too in Hi i r (i.irden opens .it I p I)-, anti entrain e is Iree No ofu . der He age of •-1 Will tie admitted M E « C A M I III UNPARALLELED SELECTION OF GIFTS AND ORNAMENTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD • I ■' \J ■ ' » : .-II s i ; 'liuiiK A Jcwrirv . sj: ; AJ . V ! I M.-I -* '* ■ ■ . . -:j■ .j.-n M jm- «»•}' ■■ *•» I ’ j |j!-.Kii!i'. Hand < lofted IW.xrs and IU\krt» • Mu- i • i p i ■ ■ I Woodei Onwnwws • Carving' •<>.• i»-» Sto: . |1 . | | - ' sacks. Stones, Essential < >ii~% 10% OFF ALL BOOKS & TAPES A • Hrj g i *r . Aj*r «*< iV.r !V*iy l.vrrWiOi# '*> Hn*'* • ft* * ' -ijira J- .mcy • joy 4 Soru*l 1 *f'.u*y • > >wfunK >»'■ V . B* § Mm and A thr !*crj> vUv iJ tr*r • • mx* rr MU* jn» '* i 'J * ■ .nurful I)r4>i An;] rnorr Afu] nxnr • Tt* (>rtteiui l ifwi n* rr and n* »cr ' HAPPY SOLSTICE! Sundanc* Morcantll® 2441 Hilyard 344 0450 1 Open Daily 10am-6prn 3 r k.*A S 1 -\f ‘i ** 1*; ! * r i V • . - W,*' 4 tT^ "Dir film tckdv air* the v »«tU1VtVp.HC kapp'-tung* >*( Umilict jukI v hililrnt « itrti^hlfot'A anl tU>vk tr>rit».*nci ihat mu and fall clf«wilct»ly in ihc v - tif-u- .d the i MY I ATHl'R'S Cil.ORVl .<*• > •.- •*} k. - ^ • •• U.4'4 00 *A pl» tuir of vvuuwinh<**i 11».il mivn thr .tlrr.Mis hijjh of k the women s Hlir. I A inerting ol the ■ Mvwrs-tn thr tfUt** r o! ihcx- ordinal \ .m«i r\trti ordinary ) . j'”T^ 'u Strangers Good company \\n.um*UJ n Lvi'n.u iui a **>• **•*» Ir"** c*r •tm ht ' * J 1 MICHAEL J FOX ■T f DOC 1 HDUYjmnnl WE WANT YOUR TEXTBOOKS BOOKLINE • [ ,irn More ( \SI I I < >r 'mm l sod I t '\! I)( M )ks • S.iv(■ More Me>n< \ When Huyinj; 'imir I cxtlxx >ks lU I'll k ( /’ WH DHIVIK K ) I HI DORMS A / Will) HOI ISINC, Mtrl l Is In I hi- ! Ml I ishbou I I )t*i II & 11, Vi,im to (>pm I )<*( I ith 'i,im to {pm ,m|>m CALL NOW 954-4075 AND (JIVE US YOUR ORDER Montreal Memorial To remember the 11 women students killed by a gunman two years ago at the l hiiiersity of Montreal... Friday, December 6, 5:00 pm, EMU Courtyard All are welcome* There will be poetry readings, music, guest speakers and at 5:30 we will move to the Willamette Hall Atrium for a candlelight vigil.