ENTERTAINMENT Mystery game boasts clues, cash By Ming Rodrigues fi'mcfaia Co> " : y Nc.'ii something I” take your iniriii nti-tln .-vim blui's tonight' How about pl.ivmg detntne u: i murder mysterv game Instead of doing vour im; .. round of parties ’ Skullduggery n\ Night' m if g.,i , w h. r,- , follow slues in lig.irr out a murder With .1 1111.n< ,m lii! mil fn■;>, I■ r rd .. f lothie it- nii- oKi \ i.:••••• d Mhll.iinous \ ;111!• ■ written h\ senior burry .Hoffman r : junior Neal Skn: pen, the games w ho daunt! pint promises !i: he (jiiite ,i oh.i.Iirnge to .ill dontt p/. ' v jtv-.ith.lt.' would get students invoked in something other ■ the game . pie e ■ t ; t; i. ri;i , d r i llk : iig aod 'r a; k ;eg w ■■ ought Vs) . . : re . intvttI and slirjiul.iljng Wiry toph.ivi' smog fun •said Hoffman, who started planning g.em s »4 m tet .i. to,i- nature in. High sohuul Vsisen he .Was ■ member o! .. group l ulled Student., \.;.i.:.st ; >:.;gs This is lh'- fourth -.in h 14.1 m«- 1 •1 ; .iii!f:i.'. .uni t!u . vth urn iliiiii by Holfm.e. in-; Si.r. u ; ;!:.'ii games lli.it range from a spi.1d im sutsm rhymes In one bused on the novel Sftcllbiiuh’l This lime around. Hodman and Nkorpen have teamed up to write Skullduggery Bv Might as pall of their fi nal project lor a (lothii literature 1 nurse The game goes like this (.roups of five people start off al 15-minute intervals armed with a set of riddles they have to break in order to find e.u li of I I locations At each lcx:ution. there w ill fie peo ple in costume acting out a scene from the game plot, and participants have to interpret the ait to find the 1 lues that solve the mystery Along the wav. if a group should find them selves stumped they i an use fake money given to them at tile start of the game to buy more 1 lues Km-rrv hu xxili he p.tt.rolling !hi- .tt.-.ts ..! am ; • \ wluui- th-- g.i:u•• v* i!! hr (icM v\ .: i;ur ,nv.o ■It:-’ i ,Mnl i! ,i group is short o| mum \ :!.«•> i .m sing, liitrto* or ad in ri'turn for a t itn* ‘.iW<■ i::vw in.-- !r•:-ti |W n , ■■ ■ rough tho vvhoftT gatrii!. iinii Ibo group Shut f V < 11 ! I Uii.s (.tulips : . i t j UiMi opt :■ US' Jus \ ‘ ' . y ■ 'i t.tkv tvv i, : .• Hu: m ]i: a. sr t : . :. .. i [ u; :■ ■ . ‘ ■ ». V V ‘Instead of the typical dorm party where people just sit around drinking and talking, we thought a murder mystery game would be more of a novel and stimulating way to have some fun.’ , \ > .i.u-... • \ ;• • Thr garni', open tu -ill siutlentv vs ill star! ai > p in ami run through to ! I p in Spar ■ . an- limit i-iI, ami pariu i pants an- ait\ ra-if in .Irrss w arm I v ( ash pri< is will In- avvariii il, a! thr rriii of the night. to thr top groups At S I per person, you gr! morr value out of thr gamr than watching a movie for thr same price." Hoffman said - It's a grr.it vva> to ha\r fun I'or morr information, contact Hoffman at t in ante. Engine Service IOOO S HrrtrWrn Rd II I uqrm? OR i7<0? One Blot I NOfth of W IlfB NoUn Ind . ' 'Sr . :■ ■. ■ 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts I I I Mother Kali’s Books ' - ‘ ■' <’ U . \ / /w s /:; \i '. u | i i XI . ' I t miiktin HI' ■ ■ 'i * '-i* U . r V . . ..I 11 I Vi! I*1 S i i. i(i.; M i is;.$ * HOLIDAY SPrtRKKE & ftfYLH <. _ * %b„- OLD FRieriD^ ‘ " •* « • • <> <,U*t\TfRS BCILlWfirs <1 ruxeoos shcxs DS€SS SHIRTS SILKS & S4TIT1S • vjaUU PdBTY OKSSCS SILK Tl€S & PUriY OM! HN€ Pt€C€S O ,> * - M W1MGG & COflTG^POMRY COUGCriDlC MSHlOfl 1029 WlllAM€TT€ VlflMGC COSTUW* ■ < flTfcU open ii 6 MOn-sm sumviY 19*'i Living in University Housing is more affordable than you think... Off Campus Living • $470/month for rent, food and utilities* • Cooking everyday • Washing dishes everyday • Hassle of commuting/parking • 75C washers/75c dryers • $18,16 monthly phone service O cost furnished by Financier Aid for 199' 92) On Campus Living • $334/month for rent, food and utilities* • Food prepared for you • Dishes washed for you • 5-10 minute walk to class • 35c washers/free dryers • Free local phone service (* Cost oased on remainder o? academic year contrac t Pamper yourself and live where the living is easy! Living on-campus will make you happier, wealthier, more comfortable, and more secure ...for more information, contact University Housing at 346-4277 immediately.