Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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It s wlut s inside that counts.
u c *»m - »n
V shoelaces with every
| pair of shoes
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Sup into BirkfMsitH k .mJ tmJ
a rviiurk.iMi- 1'li iul si! uunliirt a; 1J
>t\ if in inlors Inal r.uvy from
Ii.isk in br.lluni.
We i dll
, evei y <jv.iil.il)lr lin Uenslot k
Vigil to remember slain women
By Kirsten Lucas
t n »v.! r? Mo[>f jT* «j»f
I wii years ago today, a young
man walked into a ( lassroom at
ihr I 'Diversity ot Montreal's en
gineering m.IhxjI. asked the
women to mini' to one side of
ltic room .nut ordered tin- men
to leave
W h e ti J S yi- a r o! d M a r <
i|>in• ■ produ-red ■! semi auto
matic til'll , tin Students (ini as
lliey were told
'i.m n .it! ,i hunt h of [emi
n:s'-. .Hid I hull! feminists
; . pine shouted list hefore he
opened (ite
By the tune Ills JO minute
rampage Was iivit. U'pine had
gunned down a total of Z poo
j>:<■. leav mg H of ihiun dead
Most of the injured and ail of
the dead ext opt for lupine
who sfiot himself in the head
w itv women
Ail of this tool, plat e Het <■.
1 OHO. on the last dav of the
I'odtiy. (diversity of Oregon
students will hold a < .mdlehghl
vigil to nmemliet the women
killed in Montreal and women
wil l are threatened, hurt and
killed hs men even dal
its not an isolated mil
dent sail! Man Hooker.'o'no of
the students who organized the
vigil Women .ire killed every
i iv bet .luse of their gender nnd
simply lor th.it reason."
According to (Ainudian and
American media, the Montreal
tragedy is also seen by femi
nists .is an attack on women
who go into non traditional
fields sin h as engineering
I hi H as/u/igfon I’nsl report
ed that, at the time ol the mas
sai re. lewer than 20 pert end ol
tiu; engineering students at the
University of Montreal were
v\ omen
In recognition ol the struggle
ill women in such fields, the
I urn to VIGIL Page 10
Recycling gains show in trash audit
By Rachel Runyan
[ n «*r.vd C( h’ i!‘ t •'
Results of last month's trash
.unlit .it tin- I 'mviTMtv show .in
im reuse m rt < viling nflorts hut
.lisu point to .1 definite need lor
miproviTiumt rci vi ling eoordl
n.itor haryn kuplun said
\ oliinti'i-rs collet Iml iilmost
.'no pounds of garbage from
Johnson Oregon, l.ayvreru e
II.ills ,iitO IM.t I hu buildings
were i hosen based on a variety
..| nos.ms that Hu luded type of
,n 11\ its ami volume of waste
proiiin tion
\!.u;it inti pounds of tr.isii
wi-iu re. voluble materials that
: i. ,,! i p a pet i urd hour d
glus- pl.i-.tit and food waste
: I,. r.-st wire nm o yt laliii
.'a iteiials siu P as plastii- wrap
They r«* doing .1 tairls good
jot). said Kaplan, 'bill there's
'.till white |kij>«-r in tlii' trash
I’eople throvs ji.i|ht in waste
baskets Wi' could stand to 1 ul
ss aste bv t>0 pen ent or more
The worst problem ss.is the
•imount of is hill- paper thrown
iivs ,is rather than put in re< yi I
mg bins The prevalent 1 of
non rei vdable par kagmg and
plaxlii ss rappers were another
i oik urn
It s challenging ior us to
mmiini/e the amount of w isle
ss r produi e said Isaplan !' s
a tremendously exciting expen
enr e
1 ampus rei vding has been
. ni tea '-mg I- in ex am pie. it;
ln in. Its to ill Ions of paper
•s . ns \i led ra< h month, up
In an in tons in 1'IH't I ,itd
board reeyt Img Went up from
math .'tuns a month m i’tHM to
almost ID Inns in 1'i‘HI k.ipl.m
i“.| u!i ill'-, ih.it .III peri cut dl Ihr
in.11>■ riais that would go into thr
Ir.ish .in' bring rri nvrrrd and
tins mimbrr is ihorrasing
i.vi'n ton ol paper rri vt Ird
savrs II' trrrs. 1180 gallons o!
oil ,md HOIK) g.iilons ol water,
kaplan said
I hr 1 adversity has also hern
expanding its rri yc ling efforts
rhrrr arc now i ollri I ion silt s
lor glass not requiring deposits
and a site lor i alls and twill irs
with drposits (lampvis rrryi I
mg is working on adding gloss\
paper to its (ollrt lions It has
also startrd collecting glass tm
and plastics from thr dorm
r : 11 hr ns and load srr v u r s
Jim ( touch id the I’hs SII a!
! ' TRASH f i t.
I 'on: *'jy<J ‘-on Page '
■ .lUsr .! is si nsilm- til t111" lici iis III studi’tlls i|i
jiuliiu i.ullrj:i s and tiiuvc-rsitics
in 1 ‘>‘40 ’ * ' ,’li J l 111 \ r: ;! \ • . . jf ! i [ s r i’
i i-m-a fln.itiiml ,iicj Brand said Sinum's pro
jitis.il ton hi bring a 10 pert i-nt ;nrr™- in li
nantiul uni '..i I 'ntvc’rsity sluijisnu
is ivii! Is ii( Mibsliintui liiidtu'iui assislant r
tu siuiirnis. Simon said
W th pri si-nt ftiiam nil aid pro;,’,rams all
kind', o! p- .»(».! I,ill through tin it k
said I-'reshnuin iiiul sophomore students. an S
students with families in certain Income i• • v >
often find limits on how min h .mi linn i .u re
i mi'
Simon wild the Inrunn 1 >i• |x-iui>■ tit him ,i
Hon Assist,imv program would allow -.'indents
to untcr public service professions alter grade
atioii, w ithnul tearing a low er :tit nine w il! put
them behind in their loan payments
Our system right now is -a, > i against
jieople serving in a public in teres: way. he
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