SAFERIDE Continued from Page 1 mac limes However, Drayton said no initial evident e United Hepnor or his friemis to the i alls Drayton said Hepner and his triends are accused of behavior that is inappropriate, legal Although lie and his offi errs have never witnessed any of the behavior Clentry de scribed, he said the alleged ac lions are considered "liehavior that is not necessarily breaking the law. but is on the fence You could, make a person feel uncoinfortahle by your presence, hut not necessarily be doing anything (.it that mo ment) that's breaking the law Drayton s.iiii There s a better Win of do mg things rather than making people feel line omfortable. Drayton said, but he,didn't sag alternatives Hepner might havo pursued Hepner said he h.t'. studied and sot ittli/i'd on the benthos near the Women's (.enter sint t the beginning of the st hoo) vear. and didn't have am dif ficulties vs dll the renter until early November Hepner s troubles with the Women s (Voter began earlier this v ear after In- and his friends put.up three fivers Two of these fl V ers vs ere on t he Women s Center's billboard and the other one. whit h mot ked a poster on the Worn en s Center billboard, was on tlie i enter's door. Hopper said the poster being mm ked. vs flit h ssas posted bv the Worn ell's Center last vear. advocated hove otting the I ms rrsdv Book store bet auso it sold /’/ai/’ov and I’riilhuiisr (.entry said Women's ('eider '■members took the flyers tf. ■ vs r 1 tin .HlSi* tl|e\ Ui’fr |)i .It et i Oil U ill i ,'Ihm Til tl'M'tl I'll lor ' enter news uiilv Sin' s.mi the fivers wen■ Inupproprlali’ iiri .nisi' itirv focused on .m incident ihiv vi'.irS i i-iilrr si.i 1 f had nothing !>i do w ilii t iepner salii .1 few ii.1 \ s after putting up liii- livers, he amt two of his friends were invited to .1 Saleride