Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Court was correct:
USSA discriminates
Discrimination, ns defined bv Webster's, mean's to
make distinctions in treatment, or show partiality or
Discrimination, as defined by the ASUO Constitu
tion Court, means a hiring practice which excludes
white heterosexual males from a specific job.
Similar definitions? Yes. And both are accurate
When the court took away funding Tuesday from
the United .States Student Association campus brunch,
the reasoning was a national charter rule, which says
tile group's Affirmative Action Offu er must be a "tradi
tionally under represented person
Note the word must . not prefer, as affirmative ac
tion dictates, but must.
In tins ( .cse, l SNA was discriminatory in its hiring
That USSA is a worthy organization is not an issue
I he lobbying done by the
group on behalf of student
interests has been valu
able I .'SNA represents not
Ofih ttie I mversitv stu
dent body up in Salem,
full ns a national organiza
tion. it also bends ears in
Washington, I) (
Hut the end does not
justify 'tie means, to bor
row a cliche The court
ruled I !.SSA was in direct
violation ot tin* AS I'()
Constitution, which states.
Note the word
must — not
prefer, as
affirmative action
dictates, but
must. In this
case, USSA was
discriminatory in
its hiring
Amiss to activities
shall not he defined fur reasons of sex. runs religion,
age. sexual orientation, marital status, hand it up. poiiti
eat view national origin or any other extraneous mid
xifierutions "
It is hoped this situation will only lie .1 temporary
setback to the organization 1 SNA >\ a positive tone at
the i niversttv and should do everything within its
power to get hai k on campus and begin receiving inci
dental fees again
Unfortunately, the offending statute is in the ria
tionul I SNA Constitution, whu h means it wiil In more
difficult to change Hut it's hoped University represen
tatives will inform the national organization, and pose
t;ve 1 hange will eventually come about
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Coming back
Kegattiing Kusselle Lyre's li !
li'I Hi the llw i Issue ill the
I nii i.il.l Hi- was right in t rill
t l/ing iht University Bookstore
in only having white people in
■ ■...* hoi hi.iv window display on
* :u .till Street Our intent was
' I have the window t elelirute
He- ultural divefMtV tU.it exists
on i .impus wide!) is represent
i ! in tile native dress of the
\ithough it is not our intent
I ■ imp l \ an a 11 wiilie world
through lilt* skin tone of tile
people, the reality is that i did
not communicate effectively to
II o at list win painted tin win
flows I regret not doing so The
.trllsl h.ts I tee ft i ailei) hai k to
it. tite windows ns they should
have been done
I tut U illiants
t .enei .tl Manager
I Diversity Booksttii e
Ain't pretty
; .up. appalled to ■>>■! two large
()!;' ■!. r.t(.t iii 1 ► Spent ft m
his rolii of I-etloral Trapper fur
Lane County tn tin article writ
till ; V ( ,el! it Ki teppthg [DPI
\m Jtli
It is said a picture Is worth a
th asaitii words, so I must take
issue with till til ls these photos
pi. uni >te 1 fie irony is absurd
spencer is deputed Setting a
live trap and . ailing i uyute like
some benevolent Daniel lioonu
Thu reality of his job can be
found in the public records in
the l ane Courtly offit es
In file quarterly report of the
1: S Dept of Agriculture Jan
l't'Ul, Spent er set 17fi steel leg
hold traps. Ifci M 44 t yantde
e;. i tors, T> i snares, and tyyo
bye traps That's r>‘ll lethal tie
y ii es and two live traps Why
does the photo show a live trap
when the preponderance is the
i ruel and lethal method '
The article also says the
s ii ,i r ■■ (inches the .1 III 111 .11
around ihe torso Perhaps in
this speiifie situation, but
snare s lasso llie animal and
strangle it to death .is it strug
gles to gel tree, according to the
olhies lit Delenders ol Wildlife.
This is not a prettv business
The animals are in pain, tern
led, exposed to the elements,
and await the person who will
come along and shoot them or
1 luh them to death
How about a little i orupas
sum in the reporting rather
than the cool aloof stand of the
article’ It is this same detach
ment that allows the public to
k the other w a v
A nice grisly ( lose up of the
saws ol a steel leg hold trap
with an animal's mangled leg
would he a truer representation
ill the reality of predator con
trol than the ones used in llus
himht'i h Kauffman
Too much to ask
I hi students dI tin' Universi
ty tin- altiinni, and the Lugene
community put up with a lot
this scar We hasc smiled and
turned our heads at the cornu:
routine put on bv our athletic
depu rtment
He re a r e a I e w o1 t he
loss lights enrollment r ap aban
doned to uu omnuxiate tuition
svaiveij athletes, statue in front
id the t.ussonnva t.enti'r is pro
claimed “ugly hv Util llyrne.
who seeks removal via blow
torch department asks lor Insli
tution.il funds to remove said
statue, department boldly asks
the state to ball out athletic s
while the mother of all ballot
measures continues to Irs other
Mow, being the understand
ing lolks we are, we know the
l)ut ks cannot always make it to
a bowl in one of the most high
ly competitive conferences in
I hi' nation No, this wo cannot
expect All tvi1 want is this heat
Oregon State \nt a lot to ass
considering all that we’ve hail
to swallow
On Nov d.i ol this sear, the
heathen Heavers arrives with
the longest losing streak in lk
vision I football Thus heat us
sure hand i I \ on our sacred
Dm k nesting grounds I even
saw a duck along the millraee
frown (quite an achievement,'
Never svas there more griel in
the hearts of Due k fans
Hill Hvrne and Kit h Hrotik
now have one honorable path
before them resignation
fin Sow.i
Him lie mist ia
On Dec (», H1H9. a man with
a semi automate rifle killed 1-t
women and wounded I I otter
people in a shooting rampage a!
the I'niversitv of Montreal
U :: nesses said u ne n were de
hberalelv singled out as targets
At one point the gunman
veiled, 'You're all a bunch ut
feminists' before killing so
women at point-blank range
Eventually, the man fatallv shot
himsell In a sun ide note i ar
ried by the assailant he faulted
women for his series of set
backs The note said. Women
in gener.il have ruined m\
(treating A Violence f ree i.n
virunment (( A\ E) is a laimmu
rim coalition concerned with
the changing attitudes and val
m s that create and produce
violence in our six ietv We ,isk
Ilia! you join us today in re
memhering the victims of the
massacre in dropping off flow
ers at our memorial display in
front ol the Federal Building,
Seventh Avenue and i’earl
Street, between tt a m and l>
p m
Lynn Rosentrater
CAVE member
SUPE / 0*0 iO^'_
-biNQ)s T^AT Hay
TWAT 5 /?i6Hr.
"O GET AWAV wr*,
THAT Excuse • Jl